Achievements and Trophies
The full list of achievements and trophies is included below including full descriptions of how to obtain each of them.

Champion of Ivalice
Collected all other trophies.
This trophy is obtained once you obtain all of the other trophies. Read the descriptions below for more information on how to obtain each of the different trophies.

Assault Striker
Used Attack 300 times.
This trophy is obtained after you use ‘Attack’ command 300 times. This does not mean that you have to select ‘Attack’ 300 times, just that your character needs to attack (and hit) 300 times.

Cast Magicks 200 times.
This trophy is obtained by casting 200 Magick spells. They can be any of the different types of Magicks – Arcane, Black, Green, Time or White.

Premier Prestidigitator
Used Technicks 100 times.
This trophy is obtained by using Technicks 100 times – this can be any of the various Technicks including using Steal which you start the game off with.

Master Thief
Successfully stole 50 times.
This trophy is obtained when you use the Steal Technick 50 times and successfully obtain items from your target. This means that you will need to use the Steal command a lot more than 50 times.

Blood Dancer
Defeated 500 foes.
This trophy is obtained after you have defeated 500 enemies during your journey through Ivalice.

The Unrelenting
Completed a 50-chain in battle.
This trophy is obtained after you defeat 50 enemies of the same type in a row and achieve a 50-chain. You can see how many enemies you have chained together as there will be an indicator on the screen.
You can chain enemies in any location but there are three areas of the game where you should chain enemies in order to obtain and sell loot. Check out the grinding and power leveling page of the tips and tricks section for more information.

Took 50,000 steps.
This trophy is obtained after you take 50,000 steps in the game during your travels. You can open up the menu and check the bottom right corner to see how many steps you have taken so far.

Acquired 100,000 gil.
This trophy is obtained once you have acquired 100,000 gil. You do not have to have all 100,000 gil on you at the same time – you can obtain it and spend it as you proceed through the game. Any gil that you obtain from stealing from enemies, opening treasure chests or selling loot qualifies towards the 100,000 gil.

Record Breaker
Obtained 500,000 Clan Points.
This trophy is obtained once you have earned 500,000 Clan Points. You can check out how many Clan Points you have obtained by opening up the Clan Primer in the menu.
Every Hunt that you complete and every foe that you defeat will add points towards the 500,000 required for this trophy. You will most likely obtain this trophy by completing the Hunts and the regular story mode of the game.

Spent 1,000,000 gil.
This trophy is obtained once you have spent 1,000,000 gil. This gil can be spent on any thing and at any time – weapons, armor, Technicks, Magick and Gambits. It will take a lot of gil so make sure that you steal from all of the foes that you encounter and sell as much loot as you can.
Another easy way to earn gil to obtain this trophy is to make use of the Cat-ear Hood accessory.

Sold 1,000 pieces of loot.
This trophy is obtained once you have sold 1,000 pieces of loot to any of the various vendors throughout Ivalice. Enemies will naturally drop loot but you can increase the amount of loot that you obtain significantly if you use the Steal Technick on any (or ideally, all) foes that you encounter.

Raised your party’s average level above 50.
This trophy is obtained once your average party’s level is 50 or more – in other words, this is a basic mathematical formula as follows:
( [Vaan’s Level] + [Balthier’s Level] + [Fran’s Level] + [Basch’s Level] + [Ashe’s Level] + [Penelo’s Level] ) / 6 ≥ 50

Earned 48,000 License Points.
This trophy is obtained once you have earned 48,000 License Points across the 6 characters. You will obtain License Points, or LP, for each of the enemies that you defeat.
Characters tend to earn a ton of LP during a regular playthrough of the game so going out of your way to obtain this trophy. That being said, you can use the Golden Amulet accessory to increase the amount of LP that you obtain.

Completed the Bestiary.
This trophy is one of the most difficult to obtain. Not only must you defeat all of the enemies in the Bestiary, you must defeat a set number of each foe in order to fully complete the Bestiary to the completion level required for this trophy. This includes defeating some of the most difficult enemies such as:
Use the Bestiary section of the strategy guide to make sure that you have defeated all of the enemies for each of the different zones.
Note: Defeating enemies in Trial Mode counts towards completing the Bestiary.

Learned every Magick.
This trophy is obtained by finding and adding all of the Magick in the game to your inventory. This involves tracking down each of the Magick spells, some of which are fairly difficult to find, in each of the zones.
Check out the Magick Spells section to see a full list of the spells in the game as well as information on where to find each of them.

Learned every Technick.
This trophy is obtained by finding and adding all of the Technicks in the game to your inventory. This involves tracking down each of the Technicks in the game in the various zones throughout Ivalice.
Check out the Technicks section to see a full list of the moves in the game as well as information on where to find each of them.

Obtained a Morbid Urn.
This trophy is obtained by buying the Morbid Urn from the Bazaar which turns out to be the Canopic Jar when you purchase it. First you would need to sell the right ingredients to make the Morbid Urn appear in the Bazaar which include:
- Phobos Glaze (obtained from defeating Gil Snapper)
- Horakhty’s Flame (obtained from defeating Orthros)
- Deimos Clay (obtained from defeating Trickster)
The Canopic Jar will cause Arcana loot to drop from enemies.

Fully explored every map.
This trophy is obtained by exploring every area of every map. Note that you do not have to explore the map fully, rather you just need to enter each of the different zones in each of the different maps. You do not need to fill in all of the areas covered by fog of war and you do not need to purchase the maps from each of the Cartographer’s Guild.
If you are trying to obtain the trophy and are having difficulties, here are some common areas that go missed:
- The Grand Arcade and Highgarden Terrace areas of the Imperial City of Archades (check out the Archades page for more information on how to reach that area)
- Hall of the Wroth God in the Sochen Cave Palace (where you go to defeat Hell Wyrm)
- The various levels of the Pharos – Subterra
Use the “Speed Up” function in the Zodiac Age version of the game to make it easier to travel to each of the various areas if you missed any.

Mist Walker
Performed every Concurrence.
This trophy is obtained by using Quickenings to perform all of the different Concurrences in the game. Check out the Quickenings section for more information about how to perform the various Concurrences and obtain the trophy.

Eagle Eye
Defeated Deathgaze.
This trophy is obtained by defeating Deathgaze as part of Hunt 26: Visitor on Deck (Deathgaze – Rank VII). Check out the Hunt page by clicking on the link for more information.

Defeated Fafnir.
This trophy is obtained by defeating Fafnir as part of Hunt 31: Wyrm Wrath’s Renewal (Fafnir – Rank VII). Check out the Hunt page by clicking on the link for more information.

Defeated the Trickster.
This trophy is obtained by defeating Trickster as part of Hunt 37: Paramina Run (Trickster – Rank V). Check out the Hunt page by clicking on the link for more information.

Defeated Carrot.
This trophy is obtained by defeating Carrot as part of Hunt 39: Carrot Stalk (Carrot - Rank VII). Check out the Hunt page by clicking on the link for more information.

Master Swordsman
Defeated Gilgamesh.
This trophy is obtained by defeating Gilgamesh as part of Hunt 40: Battle on the Big Bridge (Gilgamesh - Rank VII). Check out the Hunt page by clicking on the link for more information.

Lord of the Kings
Defeated the Behemoth King.
This trophy is obtained by defeating Behemoth King as part of Hunt 42: Truth Shrouded in Mist (Behemoth King - Rank VII). Check out the Hunt page by clicking on the link for more information.

Hunter Extraordinaire
Defeated Yiazmat.
This trophy is obtained by defeating Yiazmat as part of Hunt 45: Farewell to a Legend (Yiazmat - Rank VIII). Check out the Hunt page by clicking on the link for more information.

Radiant Savior
Defeated the Hell Wyrm.
This trophy is obtained by defeating Hell Wyrm as part of an optional side quest. Check out the side quest page by clicking on the link for information and tips on how to defeat Hell Wyrm.

Fell Angel
Defeated Ultima.
This trophy is obtained by defeating Ultima, one of the optional Espers, located at the top of the Great Crystal. Check out the Ultima side quest page for more information.

Zodiac Knight
Defeated Zodiark.
This trophy is obtained by defeating Zodiark, one of the optional Espers and the most difficult, located in the Henne Mines. Check out the Zodiark side quest page for more information.

High Summoner
Obtained every Esper.
This trophy is obtained by defeating and obtaining all thirteen Espers. Check out the Esper section for more information on each of the Espers, or click on any of the links below if you are missing a specific Esper:
- Adrammelech
- Belias
- Chaos
- Cúchulainn
- Exodus
- Famfrit
- Hashmal
- Mateus
- Shemhazai
- Ultima
- Zalera
- Zeromus
- Zodiark
Once all of the Espers are obtained you will automatically receive the trophy.

For the Homeland
Faced the Archadian Empire as an initiate in the Order of the Knights of Dalmasca.
This trophy is obtained after you have completed the introduction to the game in the Nalbina Fortress. It is obtained as you playthrough the regular story of the game. Click on the link to navigate to that section of the strategy guide.

Galbana Bloom
Defeated your first mark.
This trophy is obtained by defeating Rogue Tomato as part of Hunt 01: Red and Rotten in the Desert (Rogue Tomato - Rank I). Check out the Hunt page by clicking on the link for more information.

A Traitor Redeemed
Escaped from the Nalbina Dungeons.
This trophy is obtained after you have completed the Nalbina Dungeons portion of the game when Basch joins your party at the start of the Barheim Passage. It is obtained naturally as you playthrough the regular story of the game. Click on the link to navigate to that section of the strategy guide.

Fated Meeting
Rescued the Princess of Dalmasca.
This trophy is obtained after you have found Princess Ashe in room C-202 in the Brig No. 1 within the Dreadnought Leviathan. It is obtained naturally as you play through the regular story of the game. Click on the link to navigate to that section of the strategy guide.

The Mist Seethes
Obtained the Dawn Shard.
This trophy is obtained after you have found the Dawn Shard while aboard the Shiva Airship after having completed the Tomb of King Raithwall. It is obtained naturally as you play through the regular story of the game. Click on the link to navigate to that section of the strategy guide.

Visions of the Dreamer
Set out from Mt Bur-Omisace.
This trophy is obtained after you have completed the Stilshrine of Miriam, returned to Mt Bur-Omisace and defeated Judge Bergan. It is obtained naturally as you play through the regular story of the game. Click on the link to navigate to that section of the strategy guide.

Reins of History
Faced Doctor Cid.
This trophy is obtained after you have defeated Doctor Cid for the first time at the top of the Draklor Laboratory. It is obtained naturally as you play through the regular story of the game. Click on the link to navigate to that section of the strategy guide.

Wings of My Own
Restored peace to Ivalice.
This trophy is obtained after you have defeated Lord Vayne aboard the Sky Fortress Bahamut at the end of the game. It is obtained naturally as you play through the regular story of the game. Click on the link to navigate to that section of the strategy guide.

Judge Magister
Completed the 50th trial.
This trophy is obtained after you have completed Stage 50 of Trial Mode. Check out the Trial Mode section of the strategy guide and walkthrough for help on completing the different Stages of the Trial.

Completed the 100th trial.
This trophy is obtained after you have completed Stage 100 of Trial Mode. Check out the Trial Mode section of the strategy guide and walkthrough for help on completing the different Stages of the Trial.
This is arguably the most difficult trophy to obtain. There are separate sections of the strategy guide for the most difficult Stages of the trial, specifically:
Note though that leveling up is not required to complete these stages. It is all about proper strategy. Check out the different Stage sections and you should have no trouble obtaining this trophy.