Shemhazai, the Whisperer
Bestiary Description
“Scion that is both horse and woman, wielding utter control over the souls that wander the underworld, in opposition to the Martyr Igeyorhm, scion of light.
Though she once served the gods as a guardian, when Ultima announced her rebellion, Shemhazai went to her, whispering of the gods’ hidden weaknesses. She then descended upon the land without leave of the gods, and taught men of destruction and evil. For this was she stricken down and bound.”
Shemhazai is fought during a regular playthrough of the game and needs to be defeated in the Ancient City of Giruvegan after leaving the Great Crystal.
Shemhazai is located in the last room of the Ancient City of Giruvegan referred to as the Gate of Wind.

Esper Battle

Level: 25
HP: 91,136
Steal: Sagittarius Gem (55%),
Hi-Ether (10%),
High Arcana (3%)
Shemhazai’s attacks are entirely focused on Magick. She will hit you with an abundance of elemental attacks, so keep Shell active for the duration of the fight. You should also equip a
Rose Corsage on your healer to prevent them from being Silenced and set up an
Esuna Gambit to remove it from your other party members. Shemhazai will use
Silencega several times throughout the fight.

Set up a Dispel Gambit to remove the beneficial status effects from her at the beginning of the fight (she starts off pre-buffed with the spell).
Shemhazai’s regular attack has a chance of inflicting the Disease status effect. Set up a Gambit to use Serums on any party members that are affected by the status as the
Esuna spell will not be able to remove it. Her other attacks do Magick-based damage, for a fair amount of HP, but they are not too difficult to deal with.

A video of the battle in the Zodiac Age version is included below:
Congratulations – you now have Shemhazai as an Esper which you can use in battle!

Shemhazai has two attacks that do not have an elemental affiliation. The first attack is called Devour Soul which works very similar to a Knot of Rust.
The second attack is also non-elemental and deals damage to all foes within range which is equal to the sum of all Knot of Rust damage done plus all of the Devour Soul damage ever done divided by 3.
Esper Locked Licenses
Unlocking Shemhazai on the License Boards of certain jobs will unlock additional License Boards:
- Archer:
Heavy Armor 10 (Dragon Helm,
Dragon Mail), Heavy Armor 11 (
Magepower Shishak,
Maximillian), Heavy Armor 12 (
Grand Helm,
Grand Armor)
- Black Mage:
Heavy Armor 7 (Steel Mask,
Mirror Mail)
- Bushi:
Shield Block - Knight:
Potion Lore 2 - Machinist:
Hand-bombs 3 (Caldera,
- Monk:
Potion Lore 3 - Red Battlemage:
White Magick 7 (Cleanse,
- Shikari:
Guns 5 (Spica,
Antares), Guns 6 (
- White Mage:
230 HP
The optimal choice is quite often to give Shemhazai to your Archer so that they can wear some of the stronger Heavy Armor in the game. Alternatively, you can give your Red Battlemage the White Magick spells if they do not have them already.