Balfonheim Port
Sage Knowledge 62 of 78
“Prosperous port on the Naldoan Sea renowned for its rich fishing grounds. In addition to fishing, the port is known for its ship-wrights and their numerous contributions to the advancement of seacraft. Though demand has dropped with the spread of airships, the wrights are still able to turn a profit on their craft.
The power in Balfonheim rests with the sea captains and pirates of wealth. Though belonging in name to the Archadian Empire, well-placed regular bribes have ensured the city autonomous governance.
The city itself is small, being a classic port town, with many stone-cobbled alleyways winding between buildings which hug curve of the hills. Fresh seafood can be found in the market stalls daily, along with many other items brought by traders and pirates.
Several waterways run through the city, some carrying drinking water, others used as canals for the transport of goods. The manse of Pirate King Reddas stands in the western quarter of Balfonheim.”
The last chapter of the game begins with a cutscene involving the team in the Port of Balfonheim in Southeastern Archades in the Reddas Manse.

Reddas will explain how the Marquis is training a resistance army in preparation for war. They will decide that they should head to Giruvegan in order to learn more about the Nethicite and its power.

The crew will arrive at the Balfonheim Port just outside of Reddas’ residence. Vaan will speak to three pirates on the port named Rikken, Elza and Raz before venturing off into the city.

There are a number of shops that you visit in town that have new weapons, armor, Technicks, Magicks and Gambits. All of the items are listed below:
Make sure to buy all of the new Magicks that are available and buy at least one Power Armlet from the Leapin’ Bangaa. You should also buy a few
X-Potions from the Leapin’ Bangaa while you’re there.
Head to the Whitecap and look for the Notice Board. There are a ton of new Hunts that you can obtain in the Whitecap:
- Bill No. 19 for Darksteel
- Bill No. 20 for Vyraal
- Bill No. 21 for Lindwyrm
- Bill No. 22 for Overlord
- Bill No. 23 for Goliath
- Bill No. 24 for Deathscythe

The last stop is in Sea Breeze Lane. Speak to the Moogle from the Cartographer’s Guild and buy the map of the Cerobi Steppe for 4,100 gil and the map of the Balfonheim Port for 80 gil. Save your game at the Save Crystal.

You should take some time to venture out in to the Cerobi Steppes. An incredibly important Technick called Telekinesis can be found in the Old Elanise Road area and
Cleanse Magick can be found in the Terraced Bank area near the center of the zone.

(Click on the map to enlarge)
Hunts and Side Quests
At this point in the game, there are a number of Hunts and side quests that can be completed. Travel back to Rabanastre and speak to Montblanc in the Clan Hall to pick up a few rewards along with a couple of other hunts that become available.
You should receive a reward for reaching another Clan level, a reward for defeating King Bomb (1,300 gil and a Mallet), defeating Ahriman (1,600 gil), the Mandragoras in the Sochen Cave Palace (1,600 gil) and for commanding 4 Espers (
High Arcana and 2
Teleport Stones). There are two additional Elite Hunts available:
- Priority Petition No. 8 for Ancient Man of Mystery
- Priority Petition No. 9 for Belito
Before jumping into the Hunts though, you should initiate the Hunt Club side quest in case you encounter any rare enemies during the remainder of your travels. Check out the Hunt Club section for more information:
Hunt Club
Side Quests

Signing up for the Hunt Club back at the Phon Coast. The quest is completed after you have obtained the Shelled Trophy and starting this quest will allow you to pick up other rare trophies from around Ivalice.
You should already have the hunt for Carrot. Let’s get started on some of the other Hunts now, but before attempting some of the newer ones that have become available, make sure that you are caught up and have completed all of the following Hunts by checking your Clan Primer:
- Hunt 02: Wolf in the Waste (Thextera – Rank I)
- Hunt 03: Dalmasca’s Desert Bloom (Flowering Cactoid – Rank I)
- Hunt 04: Waterway Hunting (Wraith – Rank I)
- Hunt 05: Marauder in the Mines (Nidhogg – Rank I)
- Hunt 06: Lost in the Pudding (White Mousse – Rank V)
- Hunt 07: For Whom the Wyrm Tolls (Ring Wyrm – Rank III)
- Hunt 08: A Scream from the Sky (Wyvern Lord – Rank II)
- Hunt 09: A Tingling Toast (Marilith – Rank V)
- Hunt 10: The Defense of Ozmone Plain (Enkelados – Rank II)
- Hunt 11: A Ring in the Rain (Croakadile – Rank II)
- Hunt 12: The Dead Ought Sleep Forever (Ixtab – Rank II)
- Hunt 13: Befoulment of the Beast (Feral Retriever – Rank III)
- Hunt 14: A Chase Through the Woods (Vorpal Bunny – Rank III)
- Hunt 15: The Mine Flayer (Mindflayer – Rank IV)
- Hunt 16: The Deserter’s Revenge (Bloodwing – Rank V)
- Hunt 17: Trouble in the Hills (Atomos – Rank III)
- Hunt 19: Rodeo to the Death (Braegh – Rank IV)
- Hunt 33: Little Love on the Big Plains (Cluckatrice – Rank I)
- Hunt 34: The Cry of Its Power (Rocktoise – Rank I)
- Hunt 35: Crime and Punishment (Orthros – Rank V)
- Hunt 36: Paradise Risen (Gil Snapper – Rank III)
- Hunt 37: Paramina Run (Trickster – Rank V)
- Hunt 38: Antlion Infestation (Antlion – Rank V)
Now to move on to the newly available Hunts and the Hunts that were likely too difficult to complete earlier in the game:
Hunt 18: Adding Insult to Injury
Clan Primer

Tracking down Roblon, the augmented automaton, in the Nabreus Deadlands.
Hunt 20: Shelled Obstruction
Clan Primer

Returning to the Sochen Cave Palace to clear out the pathway for the Homesick Man in Archades to take out the titantoise creature known as Darksteel.
Hunt 21: Get My Stuff Back!
Clan Primer

Exiting the Balfonheim Port north to the Cerobi Steppe to track down the dragon aevis known as Vyraal.
Hunt 22: Old Legends, Decaying Bonds
Clan Primer

Heading back to the Tchita Uplands when it’s raining or cloudy to defeat Lindwyrm the dragon.
Hunt 23: The Things We Do…
Clan Primer

Seeking out the headless creature known as the Overlord near the entrance to the Sochen Cave Palace.
You can complete both of the following hunts in the same trip. Speak to both petitioners before you travel to the Necrohol of Nabudis.
Hunt 24: The Creature Collector
Clan Primer

Either your first or second trip to the Necrohol of Nabudis, depending on whether you obtained the Zodiac Spear. This return trip has you tracking down and defeating the augmented automaton, Goliath.
Hunt 25: Dead City Watch
Clan Primer

Venture a bit further into the Necrohol of Nabudis to lure out the greater undead creature, Deathscythe.
The last Hunt to complete is:
Hunt 39: Carrot Stalk
Clan Primer

Tracking down Zammadria’s lost pet in the Salikawood – the largest Malboro in the game.
Completing the Hunt to find Carrot will likely complete the Jovy side quest. This assumes that you’ve completed the following Hunts as well:
- Hunt 17: Trouble in the Hills (Atomos)
- Hunt 18: Adding Insult to Injury (Roblon)
- Hunt 24: The Creature Collector (Goliath)
- Hunt 25: Dead City Watch (Deathscythe) and now
- Hunt 39: Carrot Stalk (Carrot)
Check out the Jovy side quest page for more information:
Side Quests

Completing all 5 of the Hunts based out of the Nalbina Fortress and watching a few scenes involving a Seeq named Jovy.
This next Hunt can only be partially completed at this point; however, the rewards for completing the first half of the Hunt are definitely worth it.
Hunt 40: Battle on the Big Bridge
Clan Primer

The first half of a battle against the ancient man of mystery, Gilgamesh, deep within the the Lhusu Mines.
There is one last Hunt to take care of:
Hunt 41: Dark Rumor
Clan Primer

Heading all the way back to the Nam-Yensa Sandsea by way of the Zertinan Caverns to do battle with an old nemesis.
Now it is time to move on to some side quests that can be completed. For starters, now that you have access to all of the Aerodromes, you can complete the “Ann’s Letter” side quest and you can also return to the Giza Plains to complete the Cockatrice Round-Up side quest now that you can reach the Balfonheim Port:
Ann’s Letter
Side Quests

Traveling between the various Aerodrome locations speaking to each of Ann’s sisters. The reward for completing the side quest is a Ring of Renewal – a fantastic accessory.
Side Quests

Returning to the South Bank Village with a fishing rod to play a (boring) fishing mini-game.
You can also complete the Three Medallions side quest which will lead you to the optional Esper, Chaos, Walker of the Wheel. Check out the Three Medallions side quest page for more information:
Three Medallions
Side Quests

Completing the Nabreus Medallions side quest to defeat Fury and Humbaba Mistant to gain access to the optional Esper, Chaos, Walker of the Wheel.
And lastly, there is one final optional Esper that you can defeat:
Zeromus, the Condemner

Returning to the Stilshrine of Miriam to obtain an optional Esper, Zeromus, the Condemner.
This concludes many of the side quests, Hunts and the optional Espers that you can complete at this stage of the game. There are a few additional side quests and Hunts that technically can be completed now but they become much easier to complete later on in the game.
The next destination, as mentioned by Reddas, is the Jagd Difohr, deep within the jungle of Golmore, in a corner of the Feywood. This is the way that leads to the true next destination which is Giruvegan.