Please note that the following walkthrough sections are full of spoilers. Do not read ahead if this is your first time playing through the game.
1) Kokiri Forest

Obtaining the Kokiri Sword and the Deku Shield to meet up with the Great Deku Tree.
2) Inside the Great Deku Tree

The first dungeon of the game that Link completes to obtain the Kokiri Emerald.
3) The Journey to Hyrule Castle

Traveling through Hyrule Field to reach the town of Hyrule.
4) Hyrule Castle

Sneaking past the Hyrule Soldiers to reach the Castle Courtyard and meet up with Princess Zelda.
5) The Lost Woods and the Sacred Forest

Traveling through the Lost Woods to the Sacred Forest to meet up with Saria and learn Saria’s Song on the Fairy Ocarina.
6) Kakariko Village

Presenting the hand written note from Princess Zelda to pass through the gate into the Death Mountain Trail.
7) Death Mountain Trail and Goron City

Meeting up with Darunia and obtaining the Goron’s Bracelet so that Link can pick up Bomb Flowers.
8) Dodongo’s Cavern

The second dungeon for young Link to complete to obtain the Goron’s Ruby from Darunia.
11) Lake Hylia

Discovering clues about Princess Ruto’s whereabouts from the note in the Bottle.
12) Zora’s Fountain

Reaching Lord Jabu-Jabu and offering him a fish to gain entry into the next dungeon.
13) Inside Lord Jabu-Jabu’s Belly

The third dungeon of the game as young Link which involves saving Princess Ruto and obtaining the Zora’s Sapphire.
14) Temple of Time

Completing all of the side quests before proceeding to the Temple of Time and the pulling the Master Sword out of the Pedestal of Time.
15) Hyrule Seven Years Later

Rediscovering Hyrule after Link returns as an adult seven years into the future and picking up the Hookshot.
16) Kokiri Forest and Lost Woods

Returning to the Kokiri Forest, Lost Woods and Sacred Forest Meadow to try and find Saria.
17) Forest Temple

The first dungeon to complete as Adult Link—rescue Saria by defeating each of the colored Poes and then defeat Phantom Ganon.
18) Traveling to Death Mountain

Use this opportunity to travel back in time to become Young Link once again and complete a few of the side quests.
19) Bottom of the Well

Return to Kakariko Village as Young Link and enter the well to retrieve the Lens of Truth.
20) Death Mountain Crater

Complete a few side quests before you travel back up Death Mountain to reach Goron City on the way to the crater.
21) Fire Temple

Completing the second Temple as Adult Link to defeat Volvagia and rescue the Gorons picking up the Megaton Hammer in the process.
22) Zora’s Domain Frozen Over

Return to Zora’s Domain to find it frozen over and then head to the Zora’s Fountain where Lord Jabu-Jabu used to be.
23) Ice Cavern

Jump across the ice blocks in the Zora’s Fountain and then complete the Ice Cavern mini-dungeon to obtain the Iron Boots.
24) Empty Lake Hylia

Return to Lake Hylia to find it completely empty and then use the Iron Boots to enter the next temple.
25) Water Temple

Complete the Water Temple, one of the most frustrating and painful dungeons in the game picking up the Longshot along the way.
26) Heading Back to Kakariko Village

Obtaining the Fire Arrows on the way back to Kakariko Village to complete the next temple after another meeting with Sheik.
27) Shadow Temple

Use the Nocturne of Shadow to reach the next temple above the Kakariko Village Graveyard and use the Lens of Truth to complete it and picking up the Hover Boots.
28) Gerudo Fortress

Travel to the Gerudo Valley and then escape the Gerudo Fortress and Thieves’ Hideout to continue on to the Haunted Wasteland.
29) Haunted Wasteland

Use the flag posts and the Poe guide to reach the far side of the wasteland.
31) Spirit Temple

The final dungeon of the game that needs to be completed as both young Link and adult Link and involving the Mirror Shield.
32) Meeting at the Temple of Time

The final meeting at the Temple of Time where Sheik reveals him/herself to be Princess Zelda and explains the Triforce pieces.
33) Ganon’s Castle

Completing each of the trials to destroy the shield protecting Ganon’s Tower.