Walkthrough Index
Note that the walkthrough pages contain spoilers so be careful about navigating too far ahead. Click on the link below to view the guide for that section:
1) Introduction

An overview of the Jegged.com walkthrough and strategy guide and an overview of Final Fantasy X.
2) Zanarkand

The opening scenes in the city of Zanarkand, Tidus’ hometown, including the invasion of Sin.
4) Besaid Island

The first meeting with Wakka on the beaches of Besaid Island and the journey to Wakka’s village.
5) Besaid Village

Exploring the village and the temple and completing the first Cloister of Trials.
7) Kilika

Arriving at the village after the destruction of Sin takes place, traveling through Kilika woods and finishing the second Cloister of Trials.
8) S.S. Winno

The second ferry trip leading from Kilika to Luca and completing the Jecht Shot mini-game.
9) Luca

Arriving at the docks, exploring the city of Luca, rescuing Yuna and participating in the first Blitzball match at Luca Stadium.
10) Mi’ihen Highroad - South/Central

The first half of the Mi’ihen Highroad where you first run in to Belgemine.
11) Mi’ihen Highroad - Agency/Newroad

Arriving at Rin’s Travel Agency, defeating the Chocobo Eater and continuing along the Newroad and Oldroad to the Mushroom Rock gate.
12) Mushroom Rock Road

Traveling through the valley and participating in the first battle against Sin with the Al Bhed and their Machina.
13) Djose Highroad and Temple

Continuing along the Djose Highroad on the way to Djose Temple and completing the third Cloister of Trials.
14) The Moonflow

Arriving at the south bank of the Moonflow river and traveling by Shoopuf to the North Warf.
16) Thunder Plains

Traveling through the south and north portions of the Thunder Plains, past another Travel Agency, on the way to Macalania.
17) Macalania Woods

Hiking through the Macalania Woods southern and northern areas, attempting the Butterfly Catcher mini-game and the battle against Spherimorph at the spring.
18) Lake Macalania

The frozen areas of Macalania, including another Travel Agency, and the Macalania Temple where you will complete the fourth Cloister of Trials.
19) Sanubia Desert

The Sanubia Desert is part of Bikanel Island where you must track down each of your team members on the way to Rikku’s hometown.
21) Airship

Escaping from Home in Fahrenheit, the Al Bhed Airship, and battling against Evrae, the defender of Bevelle.
22) Bevelle

The Tower of Light and interrupting the ceremonies at the altar, completing the fifth Cloister of Trials before being thrown into the Via Purifico prison.
23) Via Purifico

Helping Yuna locate each of her team members firstly and then helping Tidus, Wakka and Rikku escape the underwater sections past Evrae Altana.
24) Macalania Woods (Revisited)

The most famous scenes of the game where Tidus and Yuna fall in love.
25) Calm Lands

Arriving at the Calm Lands, exploring Remiem Temple for the first time, visiting the Monster Arena and completing the Chocobo Trainer side quests.
27) Mt. Gagazet Cave

The second portion of the mountain which involves traveling through a network of caves.
28) Zanarkand Ruins

Arriving back at the Zanarkand Ruins, traveling through the Dome, completing the sixth and final Cloister of Trials and meeting Yunalesca.
29) Airship and Highbridge

Gaining control of the airship and access to the NavMap which allows you to travel all over Spira.
30) Final Preparations and End Game Side Quests

A list of side quests and hidden items that you can find in Final Fantasy X if you wish to explore some of the end game content.
32) Inside Sin

The City of Dying Dreams, the Tower of the Dead and the final showdown against Sin in the Nucleus.