Achievements and Trophies
The list of trophies and descriptions on how to obtain each of them. Return back to the “Trophy List” for an easier to read listing. Note that the full list of trophies with descriptions will contain some game spoilers. Turn back now if you would prefer not to see them!

Obtain all available trophies.
This trophy is obtained automatically once you obtain all of the other trophies listed on this page. Read the descriptions below for more information on how to obtain each of them.

Speaking in Tongues
Find 1 Al Bhed Primer.
Al Bhed Primers are small books scattered throughout Spira that allow you to learn the Al Bhed Language. Each book that you locate deciphers 1 letter of the Al Bhed alphabet which is a direct letter-for-letter conversion of normal English words.

You can easily obtain this trophy by picking up any one of the 26 Al Bhed Primers in the game. The more challenging trophy related to this one is the Master Linguist Achievement/Trophy which requires you to obtain all 26. Refer to the Al Bhed Primer Locations page in the Side Quest section for more information on where to find each.

Win a Blitzball match.
All you have to do to win this trophy is win a single Blitzball match. You can earn this trophy as early your first visit to Luca when the Besaid Auroch’s face off against the Luca Goers, however this can be a fairly difficult match to win. It is much easier to earn this trophy later on in the game when you can assemble a more skilled Blitzball team made up of players from around Spira.

The Right Thing
Clear the Besaid Cloister of Trials.
This trophy is earned automatically once you have made it all the way through the Besaid Cloister of Trials. This occurs early on in the game when Tidus is touring Besaid Island and first meets Yuna in the temple. Check out the Besaid Village section of the strategy guide for more information or head over to the Besaid Cloister of Trials page.

A Talent for Acquisition
Steal successfully with Rikku 200 times.
Although you run into her earlier on in the game, Rikku joins your party after they cross the Moonflow in the Shoopuf. She has already learned the Steal ability when she joins your party, so earning this Trophy is just a matter of using the command a total of 200 times in battle. This shouldn’t be hard to do as you should be stealing from enemies quite regularly!

All Together
All party members come together.
This trophy is earned automatically once Rikku joins your party after you have crossed the Moonflow in the Shoopuf. At this point in the game you have access to all six party members and can pick and choose which characters to utilize.

View the “Underwater Date” scene.
This trophy is earned automatically after you watch the FMV cutscene video of Tidus and Yuna when your team revisits Macalania Woods. Click on the link to view that section of the guide (spoilers ahead!).

Show Off!
Win a Blitzball tournament.
You will obtain this trophy if your team has the most points at the end of a Blitzball tournament. This does not mean that you have to win every game in the tournament though. Instead, you only have to have the most points. Refer to the Blitzball section for more information on Blitzball and Blitzball tournaments.

Learn the Jecht Shot.
There are two ways to obtain this trophy. You can either successfully obtain the trophy during the S.S. Winno scene by completing the “Jecht Shot Mini-Game” during the scenes that take place on the ferry or you can head back to the S.S. Winno later on and complete it if you missed it.
There are a number of tricks and tips provided in the S.S. Winno section of the strategy guide. If you missed it though you can still obtain it later on in the game. Use the Airship (when you have it) to travel back to Kilika and use the ferry to travel to Luca. The Blitzball can still be found in the same spot that it was before.

Chocobo License
Pass all chocobo training.
This is considered one of the more difficult trophies to obtain as many gamers struggle with the Chocobo side quests. These side quests are definitely difficult. Check out the Chocobo Training page under the Side Quest section for more information on how to beat each of the training modes.

Overcoming the Past
Defeat Yunalesca.
Yunalesca is one of the bosses that you fight towards the end of the game. She is fought in the Zanarkand Ruins. Use the link to go to that section of the strategy guide.

The Destination of Hatred
Defeat Seymour Omnis.
Seymour Omnis is the last version of Seymour that you face on your way to do battle with Sin. You fight him at the end of the Sea of Sorrow sequence before you make it inside Sin. Click on the link to go to that section of the game.

Lightning Dancer
Dodge 200 lightning strikes and obtain the reward.
This is probably the second most difficult trophy to obtain. While traveling through the Thunder Plains you must dodge 200 lightning bolts by pressing the Button as the lightning hits; a fairly difficult feat in and of itself, however doing this 200 times is extremely challenging. Check out the Lightning Dodger page in the Side Quest section for some great tips on how to complete this challenge.

Feel the Pain
Obtain Anima.
Obtaining this trophy requires you to seek out and obtain Anima, one of the optional Aeons, and the one that you saw Seymour summon during the sequence at Luca. Check out the Baaj Temple page or the Anima page in the Side Quest section for more information on how to complete these tasks. This can only be done once you have reached the later stages of the game.

It’s All About the Money
Obtain Yojimbo.
This trophy is obtained once you have completed the side quest events in the Caverns of the Stolen Fayth to obtain Yojimbo, an optional Aeon. This can be done during your first trip through the Calm Lands but is better left until you reach the end of the game. Click on the links from more information on how to complete these side quests.

Delta Attack!
Obtain Magus Sisters.
The Magus Sisters are the most powerful Aeon(s) in the game. They are the last Aeon(s) that you can obtain and are the most difficult. They are obtained when you complete the side quest events at Remiem Temple. Check out the Remiem Temple page or the Magus Sisters page in the side quest section for more information.

Theater Enthusiast
Buy every sphere at the Luca Theater.
This trophy is pretty straightforward. All you have to do is return to Luca, travel to the Luca Theater, and buy all of the Music and Movie spheres that are available for purchase. Or rather, this is pretty straightforward if you have the gil to spare. Check out the Luca Sphere Theater section for more information or refer to the Earning Gil section if you need to earn some extra gil.

Chocobo Rider
Win a race with a catcher chocobo with a total time of 0:0:0.
One of the most difficult trophies to obtain. In order earn this trophy, you must complete the Chocobo Trainer missions and complete the catcher chocobo mission with a time of 0:0:0. In other words, you need to hit enough red balloons to reduce your time all the way down to 0. You will already need to do this in order to obtain the Sun Sigil, but a lot of players give up on this achievement. Refer to the Chocobo Training page in the side quest section for more information.

Power Strike
Do 9999 damage or more in a single attack.
You will likely earn this trophy automatically and accidentally as you proceed through the game, though not always if you go straight to the end of the game without completing any of the side quests. Check out the Quick Leveling page, Triple AP Weapons page and the Stat Maxing page for more information if your characters just aren’t able to hit that maximum value quite yet!

Under the Table
Spend 100,000 gil or more in bribes.
You must use the Bribe ability and spend 100,000 gil in order to earn this item. You may hit this achievement automatically by ‘stat maxing’ your characters. Refer to the Bribe List page in the Tips and Tricks section if you would like to know more about how to use the Bribe ability effectively, but note that as long as you have the gil, you can throw away all 100,000 gil in one go in order to obtain this trophy.

Messenger from the Past
Obtain all Jecht Spheres.
Jecht Spheres are short movies that you can pick up and view during your travels throughout Spira. Some of them you will find relatively easily but a few of them can be missed if you are not paying attention, though this guide points out each of them in the walkthrough section. The full list of spheres can be found on the Jecht Spheres page in the side quest section.

Mega Strike
Deal 99999 damage with one attack.
There are a number of attacks that you can use that are capable of dealing 99999 damage with a single hit. Here are a few of them:
- Use a weapon with the
Break Damage Limit ability
- Use a Celestial Weapon with high character stats
- Use Stat Maxing to increase your character’s attack power
- Summon Anima or Magus Sisters

Chocobo Master
Get 5 treasure chests during the Chocobo Race at Remiem Temple and win the race.
This can be a particularly challenging trophy to obtain. In order to obtain it, you will need to follow a very specific pathway. Use the video below to help you navigate the raceway:

Sphere Master
Complete a Sphere Grid for one character.
At first, obtaining this trophy can seem like a daunting challenge, however, in order to complete the more difficult side quests in Final Fantasy X and earn some of the more challenging trophies, you will naturally complete your character’s Sphere Grids. Use the Quick Leveling page, Triple AP Weapons page and the Stat Maxing page in the Tips and Tricks section for more information on how to complete this task.

Blitzball Master
Unlock all slot reels.
Slot Reels are Wakka’s Overdrives which include Attack Reels, Status Reels and Auroch Reels. In order to obtain each of these prizes you will need to complete Blitzball tournaments and league matches.
Attack Reels is obtained by winning your first tournament, Status Reels is obtained by coming in first in a Blitzball league season, and Auroch Reels can be obtained after you have completed 450 battles and also obtained Attack Reels and Status Reels. Check out the Blitzball section for more information.

Learn to use all enemy abilities.
You can earn the Learning! Trophy by having Kimahri learn all of his Overdrive / Ronso Rage abilities by using Lancet on various enemies around Spira. He will have to learn the following abilities:
Ability | Learned From |
Jump | (automatically learned) |
Seed Cannon | Ragora |
Self-Destruct | Bomb, Biran Ronso, Grenade, Puroboros |
Fire Breath | Dual Horn, Valaha, Yenke Ronso, Grendel |
Stone Breath | Basilisk, Anacondaur, Yenke Ronso |
Aqua Breath | Chimera, Chimera Brain, Yenke Ronso |
Thrust Kick | YKT-63, Biran Ronso, YKT-11 |
Bad Breath | Malboro, Great Malboro |
Doom | Ghost, Biran Ronso, Wraith |
White Wind | Yenke Ronso, Dark Flan |
Mighty Guard | Biran Ronso, Behemoth, Behemoth King |
Nova | Omega Weapon, Nemesis |
Refer to the Overdrive section on Ronso Rage for more information.

Summon Master
Obtain all Aeons.
You will already have earned this trophy if you obtained the three optional Aeons as the other Aeons are all mandatory and you receive them naturally as you progress through the game. Check out the Optional Aeons portal in the Side Quest section for more information on how to obtain Anima, Yojimbo and the Magus Sisters.

Weapon Master
Obtain all Celestial Weapons.
This trophy is obtained once you have obtained each character’s Celestial Weapon. Check out the Celestial Weapons section for more information.

Master Linguist
Find all 26 Al Bhed Primers.
This trophy is obtained if you are able to track down and pick up all 26 of the Al Bhed Primers scattered throughout Spira. It is very easy to miss them if you aren’t playing using a strategy guide. This strategy guide lists out where to find each of them, however some of them cannot be obtained if you went past them. For example, the Al Bhed Primers located in the Al Bhed base, Home, cannot be obtained if you missed them during your play through.
Check out the Al Bhed Primer Locations page in the Side Quest section for more information.

Perfect Sphere Master
Complete the Sphere Grids for all main characters.
This trophy can be a bit of a challenge and takes a fair bit of time to earn. Similar to the Sphere Master trophy above, use the Quick Leveling page, Triple AP Weapons page and the Stat Maxing page in the Tips and Tricks section for more information on how to complete this task.

Defeat Penance.
This trophy is obtained after you have defeated an optional boss named Penance. Penance can only be unlocked after you have obtained all of the Aeons in the game and defeated the optional Dark Aeons scattered throughout each town. You may have accidentally run in to a few if you tried to travel back to any of the towns later on in the game!
Check out the Penance page in the Side Quest section for more information on how to engage Penance in battle as well as some tips and tricks for how to defeat him.

Overcoming the Nemesis
Defeat Nemesis.
Nemesis is an optional boss that you can fight after you have unlocked every boss in the Monster Arena and defeated all of them. This boss fight is considered the most difficult in the game, but with some proper planning, it shouldn’t be too much of a challenge.
Check out the Monster Arena section for more information on how to trap fiends and unlock bosses. Then, check out the Nemesis page in the Monster Arena section for tips and tricks on how to defeat this difficult boss.

The Eternal Calm
Defeat Yu Yevon.
Yu Yevon is the final boss that you face after you defeat Sin and is the last boss that you face while completing the normal story of the game. It isn’t the most challenging fight in the game (not by a long shot!) but check out the walkthrough section for Inside Sin if you would like tips and tricks for defeating this boss.

A Journey’s Catalyst
View “Eternal Calm”.
“Eternal Calm” is a cinematic cutscene that you can watch that comes with the newer releases of Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 HD. All you have to do to obtain this trophy is watch the movie.