Anima is the second of three option Aeons that you can obtain within Final Fantasy X. Anima can be obtained by traveling to Baaj Temple, one of the optional areas that you can explore once you reach the end of the game.
Obtaining Anima
You need to travel to Baaj Temple and unlock the Chamber of the Fayth at the back of the temple in order to obtain Anima.
Baaj Temple is a hidden location that can be found by using the search command while looking at the world map on the Airship. Check out the Airship Passwords and Hidden Coordinates section for more information on where to find Baaj Temple as well as several other hidden areas.
Check out the Baaj Temple side quest section for more information:
Using Anima in Battle
For additional details on how to use Anima in battle or Anima’s specific attacks, check out the Aeon section by clicking the link in the navigation bar or by using the link below:
Feel the Pain
You will receive the Feel the Pain Achievement/Trophy if you successfully obtain Anima as an Aeon.