Achievements and Trophies
The list of trophies and descriptions on how to obtain each of them. Return back to the “Achievement/Trophy List” for an easier to read listing. Note that the full list of trophies with descriptions will contain some game spoilers. Turn back now if you would prefer not to see them!

Heroes of Gaia
Collect all trophies.
This trophy is obtained once you obtain all of the other trophies listed in this trophy section. Read the descriptions below for more information on how to obtain each of them.

Defeat 10000 enemies.
This is arguably the most difficult trophy in the game to obtain, at least from a time commitment perspective. Arguable the jump rope challenges are more difficult but defeating 10,000 enemies is well beyond the number of enemies any player would defeat during a playthrough of the game. So how should you go about tackling this challenge?
The most important thing that you need to do is utilize some of the game’s booster functions. These are functions that were added in to the PlayStation 4 re-release of the game that allow you take shortcuts and speed through the game making it much easier. The four functions that were added include:
- Battle Assistance
- 9999 Damage
- High Speed Mode
- Safe Travel
“Battle Assistance” will instantly charge your party member’s ATB gauges, enter Trance Mode easily, and keeps your HP and MP completely filled. “Safe Travel” can be used to prevent random battles from occurring while your characters are moving. But the two most important features you will need to enable to obtain this trophy are “9999” and “High Speed Mode”.
“9999” will ensure that all of your attacks do 9,999 damage to enemies. Your attacks may already do enough damage to one-shot enemies in earlier zones but this booster will make sure of that fact. “High Speed Mode” is absolutely critical as it speeds up gameplay immensely. This will allow you to blow through battles extremely quickly.
The best place to go defeat enemies is in areas where there are higher chances of encountering large groups of enemies – ideally 3 or 4 enemies in a single battle. According to most players, the best place to find large groups of low-level enemies is in Gizamaluke’s Grotto.
Travel to Gizamaluke’s Grotto and use the “9999” and “High Speed Mode” boosters to start tearing through enemies. You should note though that this trophy takes a very large amount of time to earn, even while using these boosters.
On average you will get around 10 kills per minute with the game sped up. You likely defeated fewer than 1,000 enemies during a standard playthrough, which means that to defeat 9,000 enemies you will need to grind away for approximately 15 to 20 hours minimum. So are there any other tactics that you can use to make this processes a little bit easier?
One basic trick you can use is to use some tape to tape down the left joystick. This will keep your characters running constantly which means that all you will have to do now in order to keep the enemy counter going is press the Button at the end of the battle to move past the “level up screen”. This tactic, while helpful, means that you will still need to actively press buttons on the controller constantly.
There are two options that you can look at to remove some of the tediousness of all the button mashing. You can purchase a Turbo PS4 controller, which is a bit of a more expensive option, but will work for this and future trophy challenges that involve a lot of button mashing.
Alternatively, you can make small adjustments to the script used for the Jump Rope challenge. Just modify the text in the script that appears as follows:
loop 9{
Send {enter down}
sleep 50
Send {enter up}
sleep 593
Send {enter down}
sleep 50
Send {enter up}
sleep 588
But change “loop 9” to read “loop 10000” or some other extremely high value. This will keep the script running indefinitely and will press the Button for you automatically. Either option will make obtaining this trophy a breeze but don’t underestimate the amount of time that it will take.

Driving the Hard Bargain
Purchased all items available from Stiltzkin.
In order to obtain this trophy you need to find Stiltzkin the Moogle in each of the locations that he appears throughout the story. You can find more information on the Stiltzkin side quest page.

Cracking the Code
Uncover the secret of the Eidolon Wall.
You can obtain this trophy after you have reached Disc 4 and completed the events that take place in Terra, Bran Bal and Pandemonium.
Add Dagger to your party and then travel back to Madain Sari. Make your way through the village back to Eiko’s kitchen and you will see Lani flee as you enter the area. Exit Madain Sari, remove Dagger from your party, and also remove Amarant from your party. It was fine to have Amarant in your party earlier but he needs to be removed for the next step.
Return to Madain Sari and back to Eiko’s Kitchen and speak to Lani twice. The last things she says are “You know, I saw some words that might mean something in the small room over there.”

Travel back to the Eidolon Wall and circle the wall by walking right (or clockwise). As you pass the main entrance you will hear a small chime sound. Turn around and walk to the left (or counterclockwise) and continue circling until you hear the chime again, then switch directions, going back and forth until you hear a total of 9 chimes. A message will pop up saying that your HP and MP has been restored and that status effects have been removed.

Now examine the pictures on the wall – look for the one that looks like Ifrit and examine it. The message will include a message from Dagger’s father for his wife, Jane, and for his daughter, which he calls by her true name: Sarah. The trophy will pop up as soon as you begin reading the correct inscription.

One Nag Too Many
Cause Moguo to have a tantrum.
You can obtain this trophy as soon as you reach the world map after completing the events in the Evil Forest. Moguo is the Moogle that appears when you use the Moogle’s Flute. Press the Button to make Moguo to appear.
You can make Moguo have a tantrum by calling him over and dismissing him too many times in a row. Specifically, you need to call him over and send him away a total of 17 times. Moguo will then say “STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT! KU-PHEH!” and the trophy will automatically appear.

Follow Your Nose
Raise your Chocobo’s beak level to 99.
Check out the Chocobo Hot & Cold side quest section for more information on how to level your Chocobo’s beak.
The easiest way to speed level your Chocobo’s beak to level 99 is to use the boosters included in the PlayStation 4 version of the game. Specifically, enable the High Speed Mode booster. This will cause Choco the Chocobo to move faster but the in game timer will go at the same speed allowing you to dig faster and get maximum points each round.
Generally speaking, Chocobo’s Lagoon is the easiest place to go to level up your Chocobo’s beak level as it has items that are worth the most points and they are concentrated in a fairly small map to search.

Beach Bum
Visit every beach in Gaia.
There is quite a bit more to this trophy than simply “visiting every beach” as the description of the trophy might suggest. Instead, this trophy can be obtained by completing the Chocobo Beaches side quest. Click on the link to the side quest for more information.

Diggin’ It
Locate all hidden treasures on the world map.
This trophy is automatically obtained once you have located all 24 Chocograph treasures. There are two side quest sections related to this trophy. The first are to visit is the Chocobo Hot & Cold side quest which will allow you to dig up the Chocograph treasures.
The second side quest section to check out includes a list of all of the Chocograph treasures and where to find them on the world map.

Back Online
Repair the machine at Mognet Central.
This trophy is automatically obtained once you have completed the Mognet Central side quest. Click on the link for more information on how to complete that side quest.

Well Lubricated
Obtain a bottle of Superslick.
The bottle of Superslick is a key item that you need to obtain in order to complete the Mognet Central side quest. Therefore, this trophy will automatically be obtained during the completion of that quest. Click on the link for more information on how to complete that side quest.

Frog Wrangler
Successfully catch 99 frogs.
Frog catching is an optional side quest that you can complete during your playthrough of the game or all at the end of the game if you forgot to visit Qu’s Marshes during your playthrough. Check out the Frog Catching side quest section for more information.

Going for the Gold
Successfully catch a golden frog.
This trophy, just like the Frog Wrangler trophy, is obtained by completing the frog catching side quest / mini-game. All you have to do to obtain the trophy is capture a Golden Frog which can spawn randomly at any of the Qu’s Marsh locations throughout the world map. The challenge though is that the proper strategy for completing the Frog Catching side quest is not to capture the Gold Frogs as it will cause the other frogs to spawn slower.
It is recommended that you capture a Gold Frog and then reset your game after you have obtained the trophy. Check out the Frog Catching side quest section for more information.

Win 10 items at the Treno Auction House.
All you have to do to obtain this trophy is travel to the auction house in Treno and successfully win 10 items. You can do this by outbidding any of the other auction attendees but the best strategy is to visit the Treno Auction House page to find out what the best prices are for each of the items and to only purchase them if they remain cheap.
You can always leave the auction house and return to reset the items that are for sale. Check out the Treno Auction House side quest section for more information.

Sword of Kings
Obtain the sacred blade Excalibur.
Complete the Excalibur side quest and you will automatically obtain this trophy. Note that this is not the same sword as Excalibur II which is much more difficult to obtain. Check out the Excalibur side quest section for more information.

Beating the Ragtime Blues
Correctly answer all the questions in Ragtime Mouse’s pop quiz.
Track down the Ragtime Mouse and answer all of its questions. There are some easy ways to make the Ragtime Mouse appear more frequently while you are traveling on the world map. Check out the Ragtime Mouse side quest section for more information.

Mister Nice Guy
Gain the favor of all friendly enemies.
This trophy is automatically awarded once you have completed the Friendly Monsters side quest. Check out the Friendly Monsters side quest section for more information.

To Ozma and Back
Defeat Ozma.
This trophy involves defeating the most difficult superboss in the game. That being said, there are some tips and tricks that you can follow in the Ozma side quest section which can make this battle much easier. Check out the Ozma side quest section for more information.

My Little Airship
Obtain a miniature copy of the Prima Vista.
The miniature copy of the Prima Vista airship is the reward that you obtain from Morris when you successfully find all of the rare coffees for him. This side quest is called the Rare Coffees side quest; click on the link for more information on how to complete it.

Earning the Queen’s Favor
Receive 10 rewards from Queen Stella.
This trophy is automatically obtained as you work your way through the Stellazzio side quest. Click on the link below for more information on how to complete this side quest.

What’s Your Sign?
Obtain the Hammer.
The Hammer item is the reward that you receive from Queen Stella after you have found all of the Stellazzios around Gaia and completed the Stellazzio side quest. Click on the link below for more information on how to complete the side quest.

Another Man’s Treasure
Receive certification as a Rank S Treasure Hunter.
This side quest involves tracking down treasures in the various areas of the game. Treasure chests, Chocographs and key items all count as points towards your “Treasure Hunter Rank”.
The best way to obtain this trophy is to follow a strategy guide or walkthrough (like this one) to make sure that you maximize the number of treasures you’re able to find and you will most likely already be a Rank S by the time you first travel to Daguerreo.
Check out the Treasure Hunter side quest section for more information.

Dragon Lady
Defeat Behemoth in the Treno weapon shop using Dagger.
In a way, this trophy is obtained by completing the Knight’s House Monster Challenge side quest, the details of which are included in the link below. The caveat though is that you must use Dagger to complete the final battle.
The easiest way to defeat Behemoth with Dagger is to have Dagger summon Odin. This will instantly kill Behemoth and conclude the battle. Alternatively, level Dagger up using the Speed Leveling Trick and equip her with
Auto-Regen and
Boost abilities. Any of her summons or magic abilities should bring down Behemoth quickly.

Hail to the King
Jump rope 1000 time without tripping and obtain King of Jump Rope.
This is arguably the most difficult trophy in the game to obtain. When many of the game’s fans read that one of the trophies involves jumping rope 1000 times, most assumed it would be impossible and many of them wrote off the very idea of getting the Platinum trophy in this game.
There are two strategies that you can use to obtain the trophy. You can either practice, practice and practice some more or you can use scripts and programs to automatically complete the jumps for you. No matter which route you choose (including the scripting route) this will likely take you many attempts to do successfully. This trophy is only for the die-hard completionists out there!
“Practice Makes Perfect” Strategy
The first strategy is simply to practice until you get the timings down. The general concept is that you need to press the Button when you hear the sound, or in other words, when Vivi lands on the ground. The difficulty of this challenge is that the timing changes throughout the 1000 jumps and that the high number of jumps involved leaves a lot of room for potential misfires and failed attempts.
The jump rope timing changes at the following stages:
- 20 jumps: The jump rope moves faster
- 50 jumps: The jump rope moves faster
- 100 jumps: The jump rope moves faster
- 200 jumps: The jump rope pattern changes (double beats)
- 300 jumps: The jump rope moves very fast again
The most difficult aspect of this challenge, if you plan to practice and do this without aides, is understanding the transition points and getting the timing of your button taps down to match the jumps.
Here are some tips to help you with this difficult challenge:
- Turn off the music but not the sound as this will help to isolate the sound effect of Vivi’s jumps
- Try closing your eyes completely as the visual indicators tend not to work as well as sound indicators for most players
- Use videos on YouTube of other players successfully completing this challenge to practice your timing for the transitions
Scripting Strategy
Credit for this strategy goes to Septomor who came up with a script that you can use to automate your way through this challenge. More information about Septomor’s strategy can be found on the PlayStation Trophies forum here:
There are a few steps that you will need to follow in order to use the Scripting Strategy. Firstly, you will need to have access to a Windows machine. Alternatively, Mac users will need to either borrow a laptop from a friend or utilize Boot Camp to initialize Windows as a partition on their own machine.
1) Install “PS4 Remote Play” on your machine. You can find more information about this application here:
2) Install AutoHotKey on your machine. You can find more information about this application here:
3) Install SciTE4AutoHotkey on your machine. You can find more information about this add on for AutoHotKey here:
The Setup:
The idea behind this strategy is that you will be remotely logging in to your PlayStation through Remote Play and then using a script in SciTE4AutoHotkey (which uses AutoHotKey functionality) to automatically press buttons on your PlayStation controller using timed intervals according to the script.
Open up SciTE4AutoHotkey and create a new script. Copy Septomor’s script, which can be found on the forums or by clicking on the following link:
Save the new script somewhere where it will be easy to access, such as in the My Documents folder or on the desktop.
Activate PS4 Remote Play on your machine and log in to your PlayStation Account and log in to your PS4. Once completed successfully you should see your own PlayStation on your screen. Make sure that Vivi (or Zidane, later on in the game) is standing in front of the Jump Rope girls. You can now use the Enter button on your keyboard to move through the dialogue.
Press enter until you see “0 times” appear on the screen. Press the “T” button and the wording “started” will appear on the screen to indicate that the script is running in the background. Finally, press the Escape button to start the script.
Now it is important to note that the script will not always work. In fact, it is likely going to take you many tries to successfully complete the mini-game and you will likely have to adjust the “YOUR LATENCY: sleep 850” number up or down typically between 830 and 870 until you find the right number.
There is no sure first strategy to getting the script to take you all the way to 1000 jumps – you will simply have to test different numbers until you find one that ends up being successful, and this could involve trying the same number a few times. Remember that even the slightest bit of latency between your computer and your PlayStation 4 could cause the script to fail. Just keep trying until you get it!

Skip to My Lou
Jump rope 100 times without tripping.
You will automatically obtain the Skip to My Lou trophy while following the steps for the Hail to the King trophy.

A Round of Applause
Have the nobles demand an encore.
In order to obtain this trophy you will have to obtain a score of 80 or more – in other words, at least 80 out of 100 nobles will have to be ‘impressed’ with Zidane and Blank’s sword fight during the “I Want to Be Your Canary” performance.
You can take as many attempts at this mini-game as you would like until you do it successfully. However, you should note that if you plan on obtaining all trophies, including the Over the Moon trophy, you will need to get a score of 100 out of 100. This is required to required the first of four Moonstones needed to obtain that trophy.

A-Hunting We Will Go
Win with Vivi during the Festival of the Hunt.
You can obtain this trophy when you reach Lindblum and complete the Festival of the Hunt. The way to have Vivi win the festival is to have both Zidane and Freya die in battle. Freya can only be killed when she joins Zidane for the final battle against Zaghnol.
Zaghnol will appear in the shop area of the Business District at the 4:30 mark. Enter the Plaza after the timer has rolled past 4:30 and initiate the fight. Have Zidane and Freya both kill themselves while fighting Zaghnol. Vivi will win the Festival and you will receive the trophy.
Note though that you may not want to continue with the game after letting Vivi win. The reward when Vivi wins is a Theater Ship Card, but if Freya wins you will receive a
Coral Ring, which is a much more useful item.

All’s Well That Ends Well
Defeat Kuja at the end of Disc 4 and complete the game to obtain this trophy.

End of the Road
Attain level 99 with at least one character.
The easiest way to level up your characters is using the speed leveling method in the Popos Heights outside of Gizamaluke’s Grotto. Check out the Speed Leveling Characters page in the tips and tricks section for more information.

The One Ring
Obtain Madain’s Ring via mining.
You can obtain the One Ring Trophy more easily if you use the High Speed Mode Booster. This can greatly increase the amount of mining you can do over a short period of time.
You will have to dig 5 to 7 times in one area before the Madain’s Ring will appear so don’t leave each spot too early. Leave the area and speak to the miner again once you have searched all of the areas on both levels of the wall of rock.

Free Kuppo from a wall in Fossil Roo.
Examine the wall near where the miner is in Fossil Roo to release Kuppo. This is one of the easier trophies to obtain.

Track Star
Obtain Athlete Queen.
This trophy is obtained by having Vivi race Hippaul in Alexandria until Hippaul reaches level 80. There is only one point in the game where you can complete this side quest and if you go past it you can no longer obtain this trophy. Check out the Hippaul Racing side quest section for more information.

Found in the Shuffle
Beat the Nero Brothers’ shuffling game nine times in a row.
The Nero Brother’s shuffle mini game can be completed during the visit to Alexandria on Disc 3. The mini game is fairly early in the beginning stages but it gets more and more difficult as you progress through each round.
Follow the proper brother as it bounces around and then select the correct one 9 times in a row to obtain the trophy. The only other ‘tip’ for this game is that you may want to use recording software to track where the brother moves to on video and then slow the video down until you can follow it easier. This method is somewhat painful to initiate but it’s really the only way to make the mini-game easier.

It’s All in the Cards I
Win a Tetra Master match.
All you have to do is defeat one opponent in Tetra Master. Check out the Tetra Master section for more information.

It’s All in the Cards II
Win 10 Tetra Master matches. (Certain NPCs can be re-challenged to increase your win count after progressing through the game.)
Defeat ten opponents in Tetra Master. Check out the Tetra Master section for more information.

It’s All in the Cards III
Win 10 Tetra Master matches. (Certain NPCs can be re-challenged to increase your win count after progressing through the game.)
This trophy is not difficult to obtain but it is quite time consuming if you waited until the end of the game to obtain it. Just work your way around to each of the towns and challenge each of the available opponents that you can find until you receive the trophy.
Remember that you can find card players in Memoria which will also count towards this trophy.

A Clean Bill of Health
Have a single character affected by all status ailments (both beneficial and detrimental).
This trophy is much easier to obtain than it would seem. You do not have to have all of the status ailments at the same time, you just need to have one of your characters be hit by all of the statuses listed below:
This status is a Blu Mag ability (Auto-Life) that Quina can learn. Alternatively you can have Amarant use his Flair ability (
Aura) to grant Auto-Life status as well.
This status is a Wht Mag spell (Berserk) that Dagger can cast on your party members.
This status is a Wht Mag spell (Confuse) that Dagger can cast on your party members. You can also use Quina’s Blu Mag ability
Bad Breath to inflict this status effect among a number of others.
This status is a Blk Mag spell (Blind) that Vivi can cast on your party members. You can also use Quina’s Blu Mag ability
Bad Breath to inflict this status effect among a number of others.
This status is a Flair ability (Countdown) that Amarant can use on your party members. It has a 50% chance of landing successfully when used.
This status is a Wht Mag spell (Float) that Dagger or Eiko can cast on your party members.
A Chimera enemy (pictured below) in Memoria will case Cold Breath which inflicts the Freeze status. Alternatively, you can use Quina’s Blu Mag ability called Frost on your own part members, or use the
Add Status ability while equipping the
Ice Brand or
Ice Lance and attack one of your own characters.

Gradual Petrify
The Basilisk enemies in Burmecia will cast this spell on your party members.
This status is a Wht Mag spell (Haste) that Eiko can cast on your party members.
One of the easiest ways to inflict this status on one of your characters is to have Quina learn the Blu Mag ability Mustard Bomb which can be learned from a Maliris enemy in the Crystal World. After that, use it on your own party members.

This status is a Wht Mag spell (Mini) that Dagger can cast on your party members.
This status is a Blk Mag spell (Break) that Vivi can cast on your party members.
Have Vivi use his Blk Mag ability (Bio) on one of your own party members to inflict this status effect.
This status is a Wht Mag spell (Protect) that either Dagger or Eiko can cast on your party members. Alternatively you can use Quina’s Blu Mag ability
Mighty Guard to cast this beneficial status effect among a number of others.
This status is a Wht Mag spell (Reflect) that either Dagger or Eiko can cast on your party members.
This status is a Wht Mag spell (Regen) that Dagger or Eiko can cast on your party members. Alternatively you can use Amarant’s Flair ability
Aura or Freya’s Dragon ability
Reis’s Wind to cast Regen as well.
This status is a Wht Mag spell (Shell) that either Dagger or Eiko can cast on your party members. Alternatively you can use Quina’s Blu Mag ability
Mighty Guard to cast this beneficial status effect among a number of others.
This status is a Wht Mag spell (Silence) that Dagger can cast on your party members.
This is a Blk Mag spell (Bio) that Vivi can cast on your own party members. You can also cast
Bad Breath on your own party members which could cause a number of negative statuses including Slow.
This is a Blk Mag spell (Sleep) that Vivi can cast on your own party members. You can also use Quina’s Blu Mag spell
Night to cast Sleep on all of your party members.
This is a Blk Mag spell (Stop) that Vivi can cast on your own party members.
This status is a Skill ability (Annoy) that Zidane can cast on your own party members.
This status is a Blu Mag ability (Vanish) that Quina can learn from a Vice enemy or a Hornet in Gizamaluke’s Grotto.

Zombie Whales will cause the Venom status effect with their Venom Breath ability. They can be found on any of the beaches around Gaia and are pictured in the screenshot below.

This move is also cast by an enemy called a Chimera in Memoria (pictured above under “Freeze”).
Zombie Whales will cause the Zombie status effect with their Zombie Breath ability. They can be found on any of the beaches around Gaia and are pictured above (under “Venom”).

Overly Emotional
Enter trance 50 times.
All you have to do is have any your characters enter Trance mode 50 times or more. It does not have to be the same character. Check out the Trance guide for more information and use the Speed Leveling Characters tips to go through as many battles as quickly as possible.

Movie Critic
View 79 Active Time Events.
This trophy can be extremely difficult to obtain if you are not actively tracking your progress through each town and making sure that you follow any sequences required in order to enable all of the Active Time Events (ATEs).
There is no easy way to track which ATEs you have seen and which you have missed (at least not in the PlayStation 4 version of the game). Unfortunately the only strategy for obtaining this trophy is to follow a guide and make sure that you don’t miss any. Some of the more difficult areas include:
- The first visit to Treno
- The first visit to Conde Petie
- The first visit to Black Mage Village
- The second visit to Treno
- The third visit to Lindblum (the Give Me My Money ATE being the easiest to accidentally miss)

Over the Moon
Obtain 4 moonstones.
This trophy involves obtaining 4 Moonstones jewels during your playthrough of the game. There are four points in the game where you can obtain Moonstones which means that you can miss or skip over any otherwise you will not be able to obtain this trophy. So where do you find them?
Moonstone 1
The first Moonstone is obtained as a reward for obtaining the maximum score during the swordfight performance scene of “I Want To Be Your Canary” at the beginning of the game. This sequence occurs in the Alexandria section of the game. You must impress 100 out of 100 nobles.
Moonstone 2
The second Moonstone is obtained by tracking down and locating the four colored stones in the Conde Petie Mountain Path. Check out the Condie Petie Mountain Path walkthrough page for more information.
Moonstone 3
The third Moonstone is one of the rewards that you will receive while completing the Friendly Monsters side quest. Specifically, you will receive a Moonstone when you give an Emerald to the Jabberwock. Note that the Friendly Monsters side quest requires that you give a Moonstone to the Feather Circle. Giving a Moonstone to the Feather Circle will not impact your ability to obtain this trophy.
Moonstone 4
The last Moonstone is obtained as a reward for completing the Stiltzkin side quest, or in other words, by tracking down and speaking to Stiltzkin and then purchasing items from him each time he makes an appearance. Check out the Driving the Hard Bargain trophy section for more information.

Kain’s Legacy
Obtain Kain’s Lance.
Locate Kain’s Lance which is in a hidden treasure chest in the early sections of Memoria. Check out the Memoria walkthrough page for more information.

Close But No Cigar
Obtain the Tower.
Locate The Tower which is in a hidden treasure chest in the early sections of Memoria. Check out the Memoria walkthrough page for more information.

The Ultimate Claws
Obtain the Rune Claws.
Locate the Rune Claws which is in a hidden treasure chest found half way through Memoria. Check out the Memoria walkthrough page for more information.

The Ultimate Flute
Obtain the Angel Flute.
Locate the Angel Flute which is in a hidden treasure chest found half way through Memoria. Check out the Memoria walkthrough page for more information.

The Ultimate Mace
Obtain the Mace of Zeus.
Locate the Mace of Zeus which is in a hidden treasure chest found near the end of Memoria. Check out the Memoria walkthrough page for more information.

The Ultimate Fork
Obtain the Gastro Fork.
Quina’s ultimate weapon is obtained once you defeat Quale in battle. Quale will challenge Quina and his party to a battle as soon as Quina catches 99 frogs. Check out the Frog Catching side quest page for more information.

The Ultimate Sword
Obtain Excalibur II.
Obtaining Excalibur II, the most powerful weapon in the game, is actually much easier now in the PlayStation 4 version of the game with the boosters that have been made available. There are still a few tactics that you will want to employ, and the side quest does take approximately 5 hours to complete, but it is not nearly as difficult as it used to be. Check out the Excalibur II side quest page by clicking on the link.

The Ultimate Rod
Obtain the Whale Whisker.
The Whale Whisker rod is obtained as a reward for locating Chocograph #18: Ocean. Check out the Chocograph side quest page for more information.

The Ultimate Racket
Obtain the Tiger Racket.
The Tiger Racket is obtained as a reward for locating Chocobo Dive Spot #4. Check out the Chocobo Dive Spots side quest page for more information.

The Ultimate Dual Blade
Obtain the Ultimate Weapon.
The Ultimate Weapon is obtained as a reward for locating the last Chocobo Dive Spot #5. Check out the Chocobo Dive Spots side quest page for more information.

Path of the Samurai
Obtain the complete set of Genji armor.
You will most likely obtain all of the Genji Armor pieces automatically as you complete the other side quest. You will need the following pieces:
Genji Gloves
You can find the Genji Gloves by locating Chocobo Dive Spot #3. Check out the Chocobo Dive Spot side quest page for more information.
Genji Helmet
You can find the Genji Helmet by locating Chocobo Mountain Crack #2. Check out the Chocobo Mountain Crack side quest page for more information.
Genji Armor
You can find the Genji Armor by locating Chocograph #21: Outer Island. Check out the Chocograph side quest page for more information.

Your Lucky Day
Receive a Very Good Omen from a color fortune.
There is a ‘game’ that you can play inside the bedroom of the Inn in the Village of Dali. The fortune telling machine game is located on the left side of the screen. All you have to do is pay 10 gil to receive your fortune until you randomly receive the “Very Good Omen” fortune. Just keep trying until you get it.

Out of Harm’s Way
Guide all the residents of Cleyra to safety.
In order to obtain this trophy you have to make the proper selections during the scenes at the top of Cleyra. The Burmecian kids and Dan’s Wife will ask you for help and you must select:
- Let’s head right!
- Let’s go left!
- Cross the bridge to the right!
- Not Yet
In the exact order listed. Once you do you will automatically receive the trophy at the end of the scene in Cleyra.