The Chocograph side quest runs hand in hand with the Chocobo Hot & Cold side quest. You can find individual Chocographs by digging them up in the Chocobo’s Forest, the Chocobo’s Lagoon and the Chocobo’s Air Garden. More and more Chocographs become available as your Chocobo levels up and obtains more abilities (which they can also do by hunting and finding more Chocographs).
A full list of the Chocographs and their locations is included below. Note that you need to find an ability in order to be able to dig up some of the Chocographs, which means that you have to return to the Chocobo’s Forest and the Chocobo’s Lagoon later on in the game after you have obtained the required abilities.
Note that you muse select the Chocograph from the Chocograph menu in order to dig it up once you reach the right location.
Diggin’ It
Locating all 24 Chocographs will net you the Diggin’ It Achievement/Trophy. You will automatically obtain the trophy after all 24 treasures have been found on the world map.

Chocograph #1: Streamside
Located on Mist Continent near the river where it empties out into the ocean. Rewards include 2 Elixirs, 3
Hi-Potions, 4
Ethers and 2 pairs of
Germinas Boots.
Abilities required to dig it up: None.

Chocograph #2: Between Mountains
Located on Mist Continent on the south side of the continent between the two mountains. Rewards include 5 Potions, 5
Hi-Potions, 2
Tents and 2
Cotton Robes.
Abilities required to dig it up: None.

Chocograph #3: Uncultivated Land
Located on Mist Continent on the east side of the continent near the river. You cannot obtain this Chocograph until after you have obtained the Blue Narciss. You will have to wait until you have an airship or until your Chocobo has obtained the Mountain Ability. Rewards include 10 Antidotes, 1
Jade Armlet, 3
Wing Edges and 1
Cargo Ship Card.
Abilities required to dig it up: None.

Chocograph #4: Healing Shore
Located on Mist Continent on the northwest section of the continent along the shore. The reward is that your Chocobo will learn the Reef Ability allowing it to travel through shallow waters.
Abilities required to dig it up: None.

Chocograph #5: Abandoned Beach
Located on Outer Continent to the east near the beach. The rewards include 9 Phoenix Pinions, 5
Phoenix Downs, 12
Peridots and a pair of
Diamond Gloves.
Abilities required to dig it up: None.

Chocograph #6: Cold Field
Located on Lost Continent on the eastern side near the shore. The rewards include 5 Echo Screens, 7
Hi-Potions, 3
Tents and a
Theater Ship Card.
Abilities required to dig it up: None.

Chocograph #7: Forgotten Lagoon
Located on in the waters of the north section of the Forgotten Continent. The rewards include 8 Gysahl Greens, 5
Ethers, 7
Hi-Potions and a set of
Dragon’s Claws.
Abilities required to dig it up: Reef Ability.

Chocograph #8: Faraway Lagoon
Located on in the waters on the eastern side of the Forgotten Continent. The rewards include 37 Potions, 6
Magic Tags, a
Shield Armor and a
Gaia Gear.
Abilities required to dig it up: Reef Ability.

Chocograph #9: Abandoned Lagoon
Located on in the waters on the southern side of the Outer Continent. The rewards include 6 Softs, 4
Ethers, 1 pair of
Feather Boots and one
N-Kai Armlet.
Abilities required to dig it up: Reef Ability.

Chocograph #10: Bird’s-eye Lagoon
Located on in the waters on the western side of Mist Continent. The rewards include 8 Potions, 4
Phoenix Downs, 3
Ethers and a
Magician Robe.
Abilities required to dig it up: Reef Ability.

Chocograph #11: Small Beach
Located on the beach of an island on the southern side of Mist Continent. The rewards include 4 Remedies, 2
Elixirs, 8
Rising Suns and an
Oak Staff.
Abilities required to dig it up: Reef Ability.

Chocograph #12: Dawn Lagoon
Located in the waters on the southeastern side of Mist Continent. The rewards for finding this Chocograph is obtaining the Mountain Ability allowing your Chocobo to cross mountains terrain.
Abilities required to dig it up: Reef Ability.

Chocograph #13: Forbidden Forest
Located in the center of Mist Continent in the middle of a mountainous region in a forest. The reward includes 7 Ethers, 2
Elixirs, 10
Wing Edges and a
High Mage Staff.
Abilities required to dig it up: Mountain Ability.

Chocograph #14: Green Plains
Located on the north side of Mist Continent in the mountains. The reward for finding this Chocograph is obtaining the Ocean Ability.
Abilities required to dig it up: Mountain Ability.

Chocograph #15: Dusk Plains
Located in the southern section of the Forgotten Continent in the mountains. The rewards include 12 Phoenix Downs, 14
Kaiser Knuckles and an
Iron Man Card.
Abilities required to dig it up: Mountain Ability.

Chocograph #16: Forgotten Plains
Located on the north western section of the Forgotten Continent in the mountains. The rewards include 17 Ore, 5
Ethers, 14
Opal and a
Demon’s Mail.
Abilities required to dig it up: Mountain Ability.

Chocograph #17: Sea at Dusk
Located on the eastern waters of the Forgotten Continent. The rewards include 15 Phoenix Pinions,
White Robe, a
Diamond and a
Masamune Card.
Abilities required to dig it up: Ocean Ability.

Chocograph #18: Ocean
Located on the western side of the Forgotten Continent in the ocean (just off the coast of one of the island). The rewards include 27 Ore,
Light Robe, a
Whale Whisker and an
Alexander Card.
Abilities required to dig it up: Ocean Ability.
The Ultimate Rod
Obtaining the Whale Whisker will automatically reward you with the The Ultimate Rod Achievement/Trophy.

Chocograph #19: Cold Lagoon
Located on the northern side of the Lost Continent (the frozen one) out in the waters near the shore. The rewards include 11 Peridots, 9
Opals, 15
Sapphires and 19
Abilities required to dig it up: Ocean Ability.

Chocograph #20: Mist Ocean
Located on the northern side of Mist Continent in the waters near a couple of small islands. The reward for finding this Chocograph is obtaining the Sky Ability.
Abilities required to dig it up: Ocean Ability.

Chocograph #21: Outer Island
Located on an island on the eastern side of the Outer Continent (top right). With the Sky Ability you can fly to this island. The rewards include 21 Amethyst, 16
Genji Armor and a
Ragnarok Sword.
Abilities required to dig it up: Sky Ability.
Path of the Samurai
Obtaining the Genji Armor is one of the requirements for obtaining the Path of the Samurai Achievement/Trophy.

Chocograph #22: Outer Island 2
Located on the northern side of Outer Continent on an island - you can fly to this island as well. The rewards include 11 Sapphires, a
Circlet, a
Pumice Piece and a
Hilda Garde 3 Card.
Abilities required to dig it up: Sky Ability.

Chocograph #23: Fairy Island
Located on the western side of the Outer Continent that needs to be flown to using the Sky Ability. The rewards include 33 Potions, 15
Annoyntments, a
Holy Miter and a
Dark Matter Card.
Abilities required to dig it up: Sky Ability.

Chocograph #24: Forgotten Island
Located on the northern side of Forgotten Continent on top of one of the cliffs. The rewards include a Ribbon, a
Rebirth Ring, 13
Amethyst and an
Ark Card.
Abilities required to dig it up: Sky Ability.