Treno (The City of Nobles)
The story continues with Dagger and Marcus both ditching Steiner at the entrance to the city.

You can obtain a Power Belt item and view all of the ATEs in Treno if you follow the steps below:
Movie Critic
In order to obtain the Movie Critic Achievement/Trophy you need to view all of the ATEs while inside Treno. Ensuring that you are able to watch them all though is not easy.
Make sure that you keep track of which ones you watch and compare it to the list below. Also, it is recommended that you save your game outside of Treno in case you miss any of these and need to restart!

Step 1) Watch the “Treno Tradition” Active Time Event before leaving the entrance area and press the Action button as soon as the prompt shows on the screen (the exclamation point).
This will reduce the amount of gil stolen from Dagger during this event from 1,000 gil to 500 gil. You do not need to reduce the amount of gil stolen from Dagger in order to proceed with obtaining the Power Belt.

Step 2) Travel west to follow Dagger and then initiate the next Active Time Event called “Pursuit”.

Step 3) Go down the stairs and activate another ATE called “Confusion”.

Step 4) Go south, away from where the “Four-Armed Man” went, and activate another ATE called “Ambition” (not “Unexpected Visitor” yet).

Step 5) Now make your way back along the trail you took and back to the entrance to Treno. Take the pathway up the stairway to the right into the next area and then activate the “Meeting Place” ATE.

Step 6) Go north one more screen and activate the final optional ATE called “Unexpected Visitor”. Doing it all in this order ensures that you can view each of the ATEs without missing any by accidentally moving the story forward.

Step 7) It is time to make your way back to where the “Four-Armed Man” was located. Have Steiner go down the stairs past the drunk man and then come towards the screen.
Step 8) Run right past the Card Stadium and left in to the next area.
Be prepared to act fast during the next step. Read ahead so that you are ready!
Step 9) Head north afterwards and go through the door on the left side of the screen. You should see the “Four-Armed Man” walking through the hallway. Speak to him and he will give you a Power Belt after explaining that he spent Dagger’s gil on it.

If the “Four-Armed Man” gets past Steiner and gets out the door you will have to start over. This is your only opportunity to stop him and to obtain the Power Belt.

Go back to the entrance of Treno and watch the remaining Active Time Events on your way. Face the fountain and choose the option to “Throw in 10 gil”.
Do this a total of 13 times and another coin will appear when you throw the last 10 gil in. You will receive the Gemini Stellazzio as a reward. Take the right pathway this time up the stairway—the direction that Marcus went.

Descend down the ladder to the lower docks and open the two treasure chests near the Item Shop. One contains a Yeti Card and the other contains 1 gil.
You can also pick up any items that you are low on including Potions,
Phoenix Downs,
Echo Screens,
Eye Drops and
Tents by speaking to the Shopkeeper down on this level. Search behind the Item Shop stall to find the hidden Taurus Stellazzio. Continue north into the next area.

Knight’s House
A Moogle will appear as you descend down the staircase through the tower. Save your game and select the Mognet option to read a letter from Stiltzkin.
The Weapon Shop is located through the doors on the right behind the Moogle. Ignore the “What’s that monster down there?” option when you speak to the Old Woman behind the counter. You can purchase a multitude of weapons including:
Make sure that you purchase one Mythril Sword as this is the only weapon in the game capable of teaching the
Armor Break ability.

King’s House
You can find a hidden cache of 2,225 gil on the left side of the King’s House (Auction House) near the window. Go back to where you met up with Mogrich the Moogle being chased by the dog and proceed south following the circular pathway around.
Card Stadium
You can play cards here at the card stadium but it should be noted that the card side quest is a fairly pointless and terrible mini-game. Click on the link for more information about Tetra Master. Continue to the left until you reach the next area.
Queen’s House
You are now back outside the area where you found the “Four-armed Man”. Travel to the north from here to reach the Queen’s House and cash in your Stellazzios. Check out the Stellazzio side quest for more information.

You should currently have five Stellazzio coins. Speak to Queen Stella and the coins will net you the following rewards:
- 1,000 gil
Phoenix Pinion
- 2,000 gil
Blood Sword
- 5,000 gil
The Blood Sword is an extremely powerful weapon for Steiner; overpowered in a lot of ways. It automatically heals him for the exact same amount as the amount of damage done by his attack.
It makes him nearly impossible for him to be KO’d and it will come in very useful for some of the upcoming side quests, including the Knight’s House Monster Challenge side quest listed below.

Exit the Queen’s House, head south and go through the doorway into the hallway where Steiner encountered the “Four-Armed Man”. Follow the hallway along as it leads to the Synthesis Shop.
You can complete the Cotton Robe Synthesis Trick at this point if you picked up Wrist in Dali and
Steepled Hats. Convert them in to Cotton Robes and sell them back to another vendor. Unfortunately this means you have to travel back to the item shopkeeper on the docks or the Old Woman in the Knight’s House.
Other items that you can Synthesize include:
Butterfly Sword (requiring a
Dagger and a
Mage Masher)
The Ogre (requiring two
Mage Mashers)
Desert Boots (requiring a
Leather Hat and a
Leather Shirt)
Yellow Scarf (requiring a
Feather Hat and a
Steepled Hat)
Glass Buckle (requiring a
Glass Armlet and a
Leather Wrist)
Germinas Boots (requiring a
Desert Boots and a
Cachusha (requiring a
Magus Hat and a
Rubber Helm)
Coral Ring (requiring a
Lightning Staff and a
Gold Choker (requiring a
Linen Cuirass and a

Knight’s House Monster Challenge
Stock up on each of the items and then head back to the Weapon Shop with Steiner. You can currently face the monster locked up in the cage below, but before you do, make sure to equip Steiner with the following items:
Blood Sword (drains HP with every attack)
Gold Choker (halves wind damage)
Bird Killer ability (extra damage against the Griffen)
Walk up to the Old Woman at the counter and ask her “What’s that monster down there?” to initiate the fight. The items listed above make it a fairly easy fight; two or three hits max, even at lower levels. The reward for successful completion is a Tonberry Card.
You can fight various monsters in the Knight’s House as part of the Monster Challenge side quest. Click on the link for more information.

Travel back to the Auction House (King’s House) and go inside to find Dagger. Head back towards the Slums and enter the Pub on the left side of the screen to find Marcus on the bottom floor.

Ignore Steiner and go all the way down to the docks to meet up with Baku. There are a few short scenes involving Kuja and the team down on the waterfront and then at the back of the Synthesis Shop with Doctor Tot.

You are pretty much done with the Treno area for now but you can head back to the Treno Auction House to pick up some half decent items. Check out the Treno Auction House side quest section for more information. You can return to Treno with Steiner and Marcus in your party if there is anything listed above that you missed.

Head back to the entrance of Treno and head left. This time, instead of traveling down the stairs, continue following the pathway to the left. Open the treasure chest on the far left side to pick up a free Mythril Dagger and then go through the doorway and up the stairs.
There is quite a bit more dialogue when you reach the top of the tower with Doctor Tot. Climb up the ladder and go down. Once Doctor Tot has stopped talking though, you should climb back up the ladder and leave Doctor Tot’s Tower. This will cause the last and final ATE in Treno to appear called “Crime and Punishment”.

Movie Critic
In order to obtain the Movie Critic Achievement/Trophy you need to view all of the ATEs while inside Treno. Climbing up the ladder out of Gargan Roo should ensure that you have watched them all, but confirm that by making sure that you saw all of the ATEs on this list:
- Treno Tradition
- Pursuit
- Confusion
- Ambition
- Meeting Place
- Unexpected Visitor
- Crime and Punishment

Go back down the ladder and in to Gargan Roo to continue…