List of Jobs

A full list of the jobs in Final Fantasy XII - The Zodiac Age is included below. The Esper Locked Licenses and Quickening Locked Licenses gives you an idea of which Espers should be assigned to which character/classes and which Quickenings should be activated in order to gain access to additional Licenses—some of which are critical.


The Archer uses bows and arrows to deal damage to enemies from afar. They get access to Addle Technick and Shear Technick, as well as some limited White Magick spells, but they tend not to be the strongest job from an overall perspective. They do get access to the three Swiftness Licenses though which can be extremely helpful.

Esper License Unlocks Quickening Unlocks
Chaos: Magick Lores (x5)
Famfrit: 390 HP, 435 HP
Shemhazai: Heavy Armor 10, Heavy Armor 11, Heavy Armor 12
Ultima: Infuse, 1000 Needles
Zodiark: Infuse, 1000 Needles
Quickening (50 LP): White Magick 4

Black Mage

The Black Mage can be an incredible source of damage in the Zodiac Age version of the game. They gain access to incredibly powerful spells and MP conservation tends to be less of a problem in this version of the game. They get access to a few Green Magick (such as Decoy, Bubble and Syphon) and a ton of Magick Lore augments that increase the overall damage done by spells. Definitely a useful job to have in any party.

Esper License Unlocks Quickening Unlocks
Adrammelech: Hand-bombs 2
Exodus: Heavy Armor 8
Famfrit: 190 HP, 230 HP, 310 HP
Hashmal: Makara
Mateus: Hand Bombs 3
Shemhazai: Heavy Armor 7
Ultima: Telekinesis
Zalera: Steal, Poach
Zeromus: Heavy Armor 9
Quickening (50 LP): 70 HP
Quickening (125 LP): 390 HP


The Bushi, a.k.a. the Samurai, uses a Katana as their primary source of damage. A Katana’s attack power is based on both the strength stat and Magick power stat. They do not get access to many spells or Technicks, so they are best when paired with other jobs such as a Shikari, a Knight or a Monk.

Esper License Unlocks Quickening Unlocks
Adrammelech: Souleater
Belias: Libra
Chaos: Brawler
Cúchulainn: Stamp
Exodus: 500 HP
Shemhazai: Shield Block
Ultima: Stamp
Zalera: Blood Sword, Karkata
Zeromus: Magick Lore (x2)
Zodiark: Heavy Armor 9, Heavy Armor 10, Heavy Armor 11
Quickening (75 LP): 350 HP, Battle Lore
Quickening (100 LP): 390 HP, Battle Lore
Quickening (125 LP): 435 HP


One of the strongest classes in the game due to its ability to access all four “break” Technicks, Addle, Shear, Wither and Expose. Its primary weapons are Axes and Hammers, so again, it is best to pair this job with another job such as the Bushi or Shikari in order to increase the amount of damage done.

Esper License Unlocks Quickening Unlocks
Adrammelech: Battle Lore
Belias: Horology
Cúchulainn: Shades of Black
Exodus: Magick Lores (x4)
Famfrit: Magick Lore
Hashmal: Swiftness
Ultima: Swiftness
Zalera: Traveler
Zeromus: Magick Lore (x4)
Quickening (100 LP): 390 HP
Quickening (125 LP): Battle Lore


The Knight can utilize swords and greatswords as weapons and equip shields. It makes them great for tanking and it gives the characters access to some White Magick spells. The Knight does get access to the Telekinesis ability to attack flying enemies, but aside from that, the Knight must be paired with other jobs such as the Bushi or the Battlemages.

Esper License Unlocks Quickening Unlocks
Belias: Potion Lore 1
Chaos: 390 HP, Revive, Excalipur
Cúchulainn: Battle Lore
Exodus: 350 HP
Hashmal: White Magick 8, White Magick 9
Mateus: White Magick 6, White Magick 7
Shemhazai: Potion Lore 2
Ultima: Telekinesis, Battle Lore
Zodiark: 390 HP, Revive, Excalipur
Quickening (125 LP): 390 HP, Revive, Excalipur


The Machinist relies on guns, measures and hand-bombs to deal damage. Guns tend to be a weaker source of damage and are not as powerful overall because they do not rely on stats, such as strength or magick, and deal a set amount of damage no matter what. The Machinist job can be somewhat helpful for some of the mage classes, such as the Time Battlemage, Red Battlemage or White Mage in order to allow them to do some additional damage when they are not casting spells, buffs or debuffs. They also get some access to Green Magick spells.

Esper License Unlocks Quickening Unlocks
Chaos: 350 HP
Cúchulainn: Magick Lore
Exodus: Green Magick 1
Famfrit: Time Magick 8, Time Magick 9, Time Magick 10
Shemhazai: Hand Bombs 3
Ultima: Magick Lore (x3)
Zeromus: Makara
Zodiark: 390 HP
Quickening (125 LP): Magick Lore (x3)


Monks deal damage using poles and they have access to a few White Magick spells. Poles can be used to hit flying-type enemies. Monks also do fairly heavy damage and get access to a full compliment of HP increasing Licenses. The Monk gets access to all three Swiftness Licenses and to the Wither and Expose Technicks. All of this makes it a great job to pair with a Black Mage, a Bushi or a Time Battlemage as the increases in MP and Magick Power will allow the Monk to cast more healing spells.

Esper License Unlocks Quickening Unlocks
Chaos: White Magick 11, White Magick 12
Exodus: Souleater
Famfrit: White Magick 10
Hashmal: White Magick 4
Shemhazai: Potion Lore 3
Ultima: Swiftness (x2)
Zalera: Traveler
Zeromus: Sight Unseeing
Zodiark: White Magick 13
Quickening (75 LP): White Magick 9
Quickening (125 LP): Phoenix Lore

Red Battlemage

The Red Battlemage has a huge arsenal of Magick spells to choose from – Black Magick, Arcane Magick, White Magick, Time Magick and Green Magick. They operate well as a backup healer and have a ton of abilities that are helpful in specific situations or boss fights. It matches well with the Archer job as the Red Battlemage only gets access to one Swiftness License, but the Archer job will give the character access to the other two Licenses. It can also pair well with the Shikari job.

Esper License Unlocks Quickening Unlocks
Chaos: Greatswords 3
Cúchulainn: Black Magick 9, Black Magick 10
Exodus: Heavy Armor 8, Heavy Armor 9, Heavy Armor 10
Famfrit: Battle Lores (x2)
Hashmal: Steal
Shemhazai: White Magick 7
Ultima: Greatsword 1, Greatsword 2
Zeromus: Channeling
Zodiark: Greatswords 4
Quickening (50 LP): White Magick 2
Quickening (75 LP): 230 HP
Quickening (125 LP): 435 HP


The Shikari, a.k.a. the Hunter, uses daggers and has access to the ninja swords to attack enemies. They get access to a few shields as well and can use the Telekinesis Technick to attack flying enemies. This job should be paired with the Foebreaker or the Bushi as it gets access to the Genji Gloves and all three Swiftness Licenses.

Esper License Unlocks Quickening Unlocks
Adrammelech: Shades of Black
Cúchulainn: White Magick 12
Exodus: Stamp
Hashmal: Bonecrusher
Mateus: Gil Toss
Shemhazai: Guns 5, Guns 6
Ultima: Phoenix Lore (x2)
Zalera: 435 HP
Quickening (50 LP): Ninja Swords 1
Quickening (75 LP): Ninja Swords 2
Quickening (100 LP): Ninja Swords 3
Quickening (125 LP): Yagyu Darkblade & Mesa

Time Battlemage

The Time Battlemage gets access to all levels of Time Magick which includes Hastega and Reflectga. They rely on Crossbows in order to deal regular damage unless you pair this job with another of the available jobs. It gets access to Decoy (and some other Green Magicks) as well. It is quite often best paired with the Knight, the Monk or the White Mage (to create the ultimate support character).

Esper License Unlocks Quickening Unlocks
Adrammelech: White Magick 4
Chaos: 270 HP
Exodus: Battle Lore
Famfrit: Battle Lore
Hashmal: Channeling
Mateus: 230 HP
Ultima: Swords 7, Swords 8
Zalera: Ether Lore 3
Zeromus: Addle, Shear
Zodiark: Swords 9
Quickening (50 LP): Ninja Swords 1
Quickening (75 LP): Ninja Swords 2
Quickening (100 LP): Ninja Swords 3
Quickening (125 LP): Yagyu Darkblade & Mesa


The Uhlan, a.k.a the Spearman or the Dragoon, is useful as a physical attacker or as a tank. The unfortunate downfall of the Uhlan though is that it relies on spears in order to do damage. Unlike in the original PlayStation 2 version of the game, where the Zodiac Spear reigned supreme, spears tend to be a terrible choice as a weapon in the Zodiac Age due to their slow speed and attack animations. It can be combined with the Bushi or the Archer in order to help it out as those classes gain access to additional Licenses that can help address some of the Uhlan’s weaknesses.

Esper License Unlocks Quickening Unlocks
Adrammelech: Battle Lore
Chaos: Black Magick 7, Black Magick 8
Cúchulainn: Wither
Famfrit: Potion Lore 3
Hashmal: Bonecrusher
Mateus: Magick Lore (x2)
Ultima: Expose
Quickening (100 LP): Black Magick 5, Black Magick 6

White Mage

The White Mage is the primary healing class in Final Fantasy XII. It has access to Rods, Greatswords and Daggers as weapons, and gets full access to all White Magicks and Green Magicks. It can be paired with many other jobs in order to increase their usefulness such as the Shikari, the Foebreaker, the Machinist or any of the other mages.

Esper License Unlocks Quickening Unlocks
Adrammelech: Souleater, Battle Lore
Chaos: 310 HP, Greatswords 2
Cúchulainn: Libra
Exodus: Battle Lore
Famfrit: Numerology, Daggers 5
Shemhazai: 230 HP
Zeromus: 270 HP
Zodiark: Greatswords 1
Quickening (50 LP): 150 HP
Quickening (75 LP): 190 HP
Quickening (100 LP): Battle Lore