Galbadia Garden

Squall and Rinoa will be met by the other four team members when they first enter the Galbadia Garden. Choose two party members to take with you, equip them with the appropriate Guardian Forces and junctioned magic, and then use the Save Point to save your game.

Entrance to Galbadia Garden with all of the team members present

The hallways of Galbadia Garden can be difficult to navigate because they all look fairly similar. Your best bet is to start from the beginning and follow all of the steps exactly as listed in order to ensure that you don’t get lost. So let’s get started!

Head down the corridor on the right side of the room, to the right of the Save Point. There is an opening on the right side of this hallway with some stairs leading up to the second floor. Take the stairs upwards and you will see Fujin and Raijin standing at the top of the staircase. Speak to them to continue the story.

Approaching Fujin and Raijin on the second floor after the stairs

They will ask you to meet up with Seifer as they are tired of dealing with everything that has been going on. Take the hallway to the left after you have spoken to them.

Wandering the hallways of Galbadia Garden

Take the doorway on the right side of the room to find a student. Speak to the ‘Male Student’ and he will give you “Card Key [1]”.

Picking up Card Key 1 from the student in Galbadia Garden

Exit the room and go all the way back to the Save Point at the entrance to Galbadia Garden. This time, take the corridor on the left side of the hallway and then take the door on the left side of this next corridor as well.

Traveling past the Save Point at the start of Galbadia Garden

This doorway previously required “Card Key [1]” but you will see a message that says “Unlocked” when you approach the door with the key card already in your inventory.

Using Card Key 1 to unlock the door near the entrance on the main floor

This next area contains a large hockey rink. Examine the inside of the hockey goal crease on the far side of the rink to find a Protect Draw Point.

You likely already have the maximum number of Protect magic on each of your characters but you can use this Draw Point to restock if necessary. Go through the doorway at the back of the rink behind the Draw Point.

Running across the hockey rink on the main floor of Galbadia Garden

You will enter this next hallway from the left side - go through the doorway on the right side of the hallway (opposite of the side you just came in) and you will find another ‘Male Student’ at the front of a large auditorium. This one will give you “Card Key [2]”. Exit the auditorium and go back into the hallway.

Picking up Card Key 2 in Galbadia Garden

It’s time to go all the way back to where you first met up with Fujin and Raijin. Go back through the doorway on the left, across the hockey rink, and back south to the Save Point at the entrance area to Galbadia Garden. Then go down the right hallway, into the crevice on the right side of the hall, up the stairs, and back to where Fujin and Raijin were standing.

This time continue up the stairs one more level, going past Fujin and Raijin, and unlock the door at the top of the set of stairs using Card Key [2].

Using Card Key 2 to unlock the door at the top of the stairs

Follow the pathway leading outside of the garden and down the stairs.

Exiting the top of Galbadia Garden

Once they reach the bottom of the ledge, your team will jump down below into the outdoor recreational area with the basketball courts.

Dropping down from the second floor of Galbadia Garden into the basketball court

The door on the right side of the courts can be unlocked in order to provide easier access to this area going forward. There is also a hidden Draw Point that contains Shell magic on the far side of the courts. Continue to the left, across the courts, and into the building.

Picking up the Shell Draw Point in the basketball court of Galbadia Garden

Follow the hallway, going past the stairs, straight towards the camera until you find yourself back in the main hall of Galbadia Garden.

Traveling through the hallways of Galbadia Garden

You’ll immediately notice a large creature standing in the light in the middle of the room - this is Cerberus, your next Guardian Force, but be careful not to touch it just yet. Instead, circle around to the front of the room and save your game at the Save Point.

Cerberus in the Galbadia Main Hall

In preparing for the upcoming battle with Cerberus, make sure that none of your characters have Thunder or Wind-based magic equipped to their attacks through Elem-Atk-J. Check out the Junctioning Magic page in the Tips and Tricks section for more information.

Guardian Force Battle: Cerberus


As noted above, there are two types of magic that you should avoid using against Cerberus during this fight: Wind magic, which it is immune to, and Lighting magic, which it will absorb. You should also avoid using Quezacotl or Pandemona for the same reasons.

The fight against Cerberus is pretty straightforward. It will cast Triple on itself (and you can tell when it has cast this on itself because it will move backward into an attack stance) and then begin casting magic three times each time it attacks in battle. You can use Dispel if the damage output gets to be too heavy, but this shouldn’t be a problem.

You can take this opportunity to Draw both Double and Triple magic from Cerberus if any of your three characters aren’t fully stocked up on this magic already.

Guardian Force battle against Cerberus in the center of Galbadia Garden

Draw List
Level 1 to 29:

Level 30 to 100:
Mug List
1x Spd-J Scroll
Drop List
8x G-Returner


You will receive the Cerberus Achievement/Trophy as soon as you defeat it and it joins your team as a Guardian Force.

Cerberus Trophy

At the end of the battle you will automatically be rewarded with the Cerberus Card and Cerberus will join you as your newest Guardian Force.

Cerberus joins your party having already learned Str-J, Hit-J and Abilityx3. Use Cerberus to add a third ability to one of your characters and, with it bringing the Hit-J ability, you now have two Guardian Forces with the Hit-J junction and Squall, who can’t miss anyways. Here is a recommended Guardian Force setup now that you have Cerberus to take advantage of that fact:

Character 1:
Equip the following Guardian Forces:

Character 2:
Equip the following Guardian Forces:

Character 3:
Equip the following Guardian Forces:

Travel southwest away from where you fought Cerberus, in the bottom-left corner of the screen, and go through the doorway on the left side of the screen. The student in this room will give you Card Key [3] and will wish you luck for your upcoming showdown against the sorceress.

Picking up Card Key 3 in Galbadia Garden

Make your way back to the central room and take the door in the upper-left corner of the map (northwest). Go up the stairs on the right side of the hallway and then travel left to arrive at an elevator that will take the team up to the third level.

Walking through the halls of Galbadia Garden

Use the Save Point on the right side of the room to save your game before you continue. Ensure that at one of your characters has the Mug ability equipped and then walk towards Seifer and Sorceress Edea near the stairs at the back wall.

Taking the elevator up to the top floor of Galbadia Garden
Squall, Quistis and Selphie approaching Edea and Seifer in Galbadia Garden
Boss Battle: Seifer
Boss battle against Seifer in Galbadia Garden

This first battle against Seifer is extremely easy. In addition to him doing very little damage to your team members, Seifer is all susceptible to Sleep, Blind and Silence magic.

Consider hitting him with your Mug attack though as you can steal up to 8 Mega Phoenix items from him which are a nice prize. You can also Draw Haste magic from him as well.

Seifer being defeated in Galbadia Garden

Draw List
Level 1 to 19:

Level 20 to 29:

Level 30 to 100:
Mug List
8x Mega Phoenix
Drop List
8x Mega-Potion

With Seifer cast aside, Sorceress Edea will teleport through the floor into the lower level of Galbadia Garden. A message will pop up indicating that the “Auditorium” is right below this floor.

Sorceress Edea sinking into the floor of Galbadia Garden down to the auditorium

Turn around and take the elevator back down to the second level of the Garden. Follow the pathway along the outer edge of the main hall and into the auditorium on the opposite side.

Traveling around the second floor balcony of Galbadia Garden to get to the auditorium

Edea will not be there when they first arrive, but she eventually shatters her way through the room and lands at the podium. Seifer appears at her side, one more time, and wants to do battle with you, one more time.

Entering the Auditorium of Galbadia Garden
Boss Battle: Seifer (second fight)
Seifer defending Sorceress Edea again

Seifer is already crouching over when the battle begins, so its fairly apparent that he is weak and injured from the previous fight. As expected, a few quick attacks will remove him from the fray, and even though it looks like Sorceress Edea is already in the fight, you actually have to take out Seifer first before you can attack her.

Seifer saying that you will never get past him

Draw List
Level 1 to 19:

Level 20 to 29:

Level 30 to 100:
Mug List
1x Hero (common)
1x Holy War (uncommon)
Drop List
1x Hero (common)
1x Holy War (uncommon)

Boss Battle: Sorceress Edea
Battle against Sorceress Edea at the end of Disc 2

First things first, make sure that you Draw your next Guardian Force, Alexander, from Edea, as soon as you have the opportunity to do so. Reset your game if you accidentally completed the fight without Drawing Alexander or if you forgot to equip the Draw command to one of your characters.

Also, use your Mug command throughout the fight to try and obtain a Royal Crown from Edea.

Her attacks are all magic-based. Her most powerful attack is called Maelstrom and it hits all of your party members for approximately half of their current hit points. Much when Diablos’ cast Demi, this attack isn’t actually capable of killing your party members on its own. Unlike Diablos, though, Edea has a number of additional attacks that are capable of finishing the job. This includes Blizzaga and Firaga.

Edea is also capable of casting a new spell called Death. Unfortunately, if this spell hits one of your party members, its game over for that character. You can use a Phoenix Down, Life or Full-Life to bring them back into the battle.

Edea is vulnerable to Sleep and she will also cast Reflect on herself, making regular attacks the preferred method for bringing her down. She doesn’t have much in the way of HP though so this should be a relatively straightforward fight.

Drawing Alexander Guardian Force from Sorceress Edea

Draw List
Level 1 to 29:

Level 30 to 100:
Mug List
1x Royal Crown
Drop List
1x Force Armlet


You will receive the Alexander Achievement/Trophy if you Draw Alexander from Edea before the battle concludes.

Alexander Trophy

Congratulations, you have reached the end of the Disc 2! Assuming that you’re playing the old school version of the game, that is. Otherwise I guess you could consider this the end of Act 2 and the beginning of Act 3.