Tips and Tricks Index
The pages below are broken up in to two different sections: the basics section and the advanced section. The basic pages are intended to cover the earlier aspects of the game for those that have not played Final Fantasy X before whereas the advanced pages are intended to cover aspects of the game that may only be needed if you intend to complete all of the end game content.
Note that some of the links below redirect you to other sections of the guide that are also listed under the navigation tab.
CTB Window

The window in the top-right corner of the screen which dictates the turn order for both your characters and the enemies you’re facing.
Trigger Commands

Special commands that become available during certain battles as you progress through the game.
Status Ailments

Status effects, both positive and negative, that will be applied as you progress through the game (and how to deal with them).

The impacts of “Overkilling” an enemy or a fiend and how to do it more effectively.
Earning Gil

Tips and tricks for earning gil as quickly as possible—unfortunately, Final Fantasy X does not provide many options.
Weapons and Armor Customization

How to customize your weapons and your armor with new auto-abilities.
Tips and tricks that you may only need if you plan to tackle some of the end game content and superbosses.
First Strike

Using the First Strike auto-ability to get the upper hand enemies that you will encounter. Very important for battles against Malboros.
No Encounters

How to obtain the No Encounters auto-ability which will stop you from being ambushed by fiends as you travel through Spira.
Best Armor

A list of the strongest auto-abilities that can be attached to your armor and how to obtain the required materials.
Quick Leveling

Tips and tricks for leveling your characters through the Sphere Grid as quickly as possible.
Triple AP Weapons

Obtaining weapons that have the Triple AP auto-ability which will allow you to level your characters expediently.
Stat Maxing

Tips for leveling your characters through the Sphere Grid and ensuring their stats are as high as possible.