Achievements and Trophies
The list of trophies and descriptions on how to obtain each of them. Return back to the “Trophy List” for an easier to read listing. Note that the full list of trophies with descriptions will contain some game spoilers. Turn back now if you would prefer not to see them!

Gaia’s Guardian
Obtain all trophies.
This trophy is obtained once you obtain all of the other trophies listed on this page. Read the descriptions below for more information on how to obtain each of them.

First Blood
Emerge victorious from your first battle.
You automatically receive this trophy after you emerge successfully from the first battle of the game. This is the battle that Cloud (who is listed as Ex-SOLDIER on the battle screen) engages in after he jumps off the train and reaches Sector 1.

Breaking New Ground
Use a Limit Break.
This trophy is received after you use a Limit Break for the first time. This will usually occur pretty early on in the game. Check out the Limit Break section for more information on how Limit Breaks work.

Consummate Cross-dresser
Get Don Corneo to choose Cloud over the two females.
You can obtain this trophy when you reach Wall Market. In order to get in to Don Corneo’s mansion with Aeris to rescue Tifa, Cloud and Aeris will take part in a small scavenger hunt. This hunt involves locating pieces of an outfit in Wall Market to help Cloud dress up as a girl.

Gaining entry in to Don Corneo’s mansion is fairly straightforward as it only requires you to obtain two outfit pieces. However, in order to obtain the Consummate Cross-dresser Trophy, you not only need to gain entry in to Don Corneo’s mansion… you also have to have Don Corneo select Cloud to be his date.
Don Corneo’s chances of selecting Cloud improve to 100% if you not only obtain all four outfit pieces, but you must also make sure to obtain the best outfit pieces. For example, the Silk Dress should be crafted by the dressmaker over the Shiny Dress.
Lastly, you need to make sure to have the girls at the Honeybee Inn apply their makeup to Cloud’s face. Follow the Wall Market walkthrough section for additional details on how to obtain each piece.

Fledgling Summoner
Use a summon Materia in battle.
You will obtain this trophy as soon as you use one of your Summon Materia. The first summon that you can obtain during a regular playthrough is the Choco/Mog Materia which can be obtained at the Chocobo Farm on Disc 1.

Materia Mastermind
Raise a Materia to Lv. 5.
Obtaining this trophy involves leveling a Materia to Level 5 which is the maximum level possible. This will most likely occur naturally to one of your Materia as you progress through the game but you can also use the Leveling Materia section as well if you need tips on how to level your Materia faster.

Best Bromance
Go on a date with Barret in the Gold Saucer.
Final Fantasy VII features a date scene that occurs during the team’s second visit to Gold Saucer. Depending on the choices you make throughout the game, it is possible to go out with any of the following characters:
- Aeris
- Tifa
- Yuffie
- Barret
The team member that Cloud goes on a date with is selected base on some of the decisions that you make during your playthrough, the answers you give to certain dialogue and which party members you include for certain scenes. All of these choices raise or lower a character’s “affection score” which is a hidden value that is used to determine Cloud’s date when the team arrives at Gold Saucer.
You have to have Cloud go out on a date with Barret in order to obtain the Best Bromance Trophy. You can check out the Gold Saucer Date section for full details or you can use the Walkthrough section which points out any areas in the game where the decisions you make will impact the date scene.

Win the Chocobo Racing mini-game.
This trophy is obtained as soon as you win a Chocobo race at Chocobo Square in Gold Saucer. The first opportunity to obtain this trophy is during the first race that occurs when the team is attempting to escape from the Corel Prison. After that, you can enter your own Chocobo in the Chocobo races.
Check out the Chocobo Racing and Breeding section for more information about how to level up and race your Chocobos.

Corel’s Angel
Score 10,050 points or more in G-Bike at the Gold Saucer.
In order to obtain this trophy you have to score 10,050 or more points on the G-Bike mini-game. You can find the mini-game in the arcade section of Gold Saucer which is in Wonder Square (where you first meet Cait Sith).
Getting more than 10,050 points just takes practice. Here are a few tips that you can use though:
- Position your bike as close to the screen as possible when there are no bikes around so that you can intercept them before they get close to the truck
- Use Cloud’s bike to ram the enemies

Shuriken Join Us
Have Yuffie join your party.
You will obtain this trophy as soon as you locate Yuffie Kisaragi, a secret character and defeat her in battle. Yuffie will join your party after you proceed through a few sections of dialogue and you will receive the Shuriken Join Us trophy automatically once she does. Check out the Secret Characters section for more information.

Won’t You be My Valentine?
Have Vincent join your party.
This trophy is obtained once you’ve followed the steps required to have Vincent Valentine join your party. Vincent is a secret character that you can obtain once you have reached Nibelheim with your party but not during the flashback sequence that involves Nibelheim while the team is at Kalm.
Obtaining Vincent is actually fairly difficult early on in the game so make sure that you use the tips and tricks identified in the Secret Characters section to open the safe and to defeat Lost Number.

Making Waves
Obtain the Leviathan Materia.
This trophy is received when you obtain the Leviathan Summon Materia. Leviathan is a reward that you receive for reaching the top of the Wutai Pagoda with Yuffie. Check out the Wutai Pagoda side quest section for more details.

Waiting in the Wings
Obtain the Bahamut Materia.
This trophy is received when you obtain the Bahamut Materia. Bahamut is a summon that you should receive during a normal playthrough of the game.
Bahamut Summon Materia can be obtained while you are navigating through the Temple of the Ancients. There is a sequence after you defeat the Red Dragon and before you defeat the Demon’s Gate boss at the end of the Temple of the Ancients. Bahamut is a Red Materia that drops directly in front of Cloud in between the two sequences.

Coming Up All Nines
Obtain 99,999,999 gil.
This trophy is obtained when you possess 99,999,999 gil at the same time. Note that this is not the same thing as earning 99,999,999 gil throughout the course of the game. If you spent 10,000,000 gil you would need to earn that back. So, what’s the easiest and quickest way to earn gil?
The easiest method for farming gil is to level up your All Materia to level 5 and sell them for a massive 1,400,000 gil per piece. This still means that you will need to level up quite a few All Materia, but you can use the Materia leveling tips to make this go much quicker. Check out the Earning Gil Quickly page in the Tips and Tricks section for more information.
Interesting to note that 99,999,999 gil is actually not the maximum amount of gil that you can carry at one time – you can keep going beyond this. That being said, this is already much more gil than would ever be needed during a playthrough as there are very few items worth purchasing late in the game.

Liege of Leveling
Reach Lv. 99 with one character.
This trophy is obtained once you level one of your characters to level 99, the maximum level value.
Reaching level 99 is not required for any of the side quests, including the most difficult bosses in the game (Emerald Weapon and Ruby Weapon), but you will likely get one of your characters to level 99 during the course of obtaining some of the other trophies. Specifically, you will gain a ton of EXP while leveling up your Materia for the Coming Up All Nines trophy.
Alternatively, check out the Leveling Characters section for more information.

Obtain the Bahamut ZERO Materia.
This trophy is received when you obtain the Bahamut ZERO Materia. You can only obtain this Materia though if you managed to save all four pieces of Huge Materia and obtain the other two Bahamut Materia. The two Bahamut Materia required include:
Bahamut Materia: Located in the Temple of the Ancients
Neo Bahamut Materia: Located in the Whirlwind Maze near the screen.
Both of these two Materia are missable, meaning that if you did not pick them up when you were in each respective area (the Temple of the Ancients and the Whirlwind Maze), there is no way to go back and get them.
Details on how to recover and save each of the four pieces of Huge Materia are included throughout the Walkthrough section. Specifically, you will need to:
1) Have Cid and his team save North Corel from the train
2) Have Cid and his team save Fort Condor from the Shinra attack
3) Defeat the Red Submarine during the underwater Submarine Fight sequence and then retrieve the Huge Materia from the sunken sub
4) Retrieve the Huge Materia from Shinra Rocket No. 26 after being launched in to space during the return to Rocket Town
Return to Cosmo Canyon once you have both Materia and have saved all four Huge Materia. During the sequence with Bugenhagen in his observatory, examine the blue Huge Materia and select the “Get closer…” option. Cloud will find the Bahamut ZERO Materia inside.

Roundtable Destruction
Obtain the Knights of the Round Materia.
This trophy is obtained when you pick up the Knights of the Round Materia. Knights of the Round is the most powerful summon available in the game by a significant margin. It can be found in one of the Materia Caves which can only be reached with a Gold Chocobo.
As such, in order to obtain it, you will need to raise a Gold Chocobo and explore each of the Materia Caves. Check out the Chocobo Racing and Breeding side quest section and the Materia Caves side quests sections for more information.

The Slash to End All Slashes
Learn Omnislash - Cloud’s last Limit Break.
This trophy is received once Cloud learns his Level 4 Limit Break: Omnislash. You must first locate the Omnislash item which can then be used to teach Cloud his final Limit Break.
Omnislash is one of the rewards that you can obtain in the Battle Arena of Gold Saucer. Check out the Battle Arena side quest section for more information.
Once you have obtained the Omnislash item you will need to teach it to Cloud which involves having him learn all of his Limit Breaks. Check out the Learning New Limit Breaks page in the Tips and Tricks section for more information on how to do this.

Loose Cannon
Learn Catastrophe - Barret’s last Limit Break.
This trophy is received once Barret learns his Level 4 Limit Break: Catastrophe. You must first locate the Catastrophe item which can then be used to teach Barret his final Limit Break.
Catastrophe can be found in North Corel after you have completed the Huge Materia portion of the story. Note that you do not need to have successfully stopped the train in order to obtain the item.
Once you have obtained the Catastrophe item you will need to teach it to Barret which involves having him learn all of his Limit Breaks. Check out the Learning New Limit Breaks page in the Tips and Tricks section for more information on how to do this.

Packing a Punch
Learn Final Heaven - Tifa’s last Limit Break.
This trophy is received once Tifa learns her Level 4 Limit Break: Final Heaven. You must first locate the Final Heaven item which can then be used to teach Tifa her final Limit Break.
Final Heaven can be found in Nibelheim once you reach Disc 2. In order to obtain it you must play the Final Fantasy VII theme on Tifa’s piano. It’s much easier to do than it sounds. Check out the Nibelheim side quest page below for more information.
Once you have obtained the Final Heaven item you will need to teach it to Tifa which involves having her learn all of her Limit Breaks. Check out the Learning New Limit Breaks page in the Tips and Tricks section for more information on how to do this.

See the Light
Learn Great Gospel - Aeris’s last Limit Break.
This trophy is received once Aeris learns her Level 4 Limit Break: Great Gospel. You must first locate the Great Gospel item which can then be used to teach Aeris her final Limit Break.
The challenge is that Aeris is only able to learn her Level 4 Limit Break before Disc 2. So how do you teach Aeris Great Gospel?
You need to have Aeris learn her last Limit Break before you enter the Temple of the Ancients. If you have entered or completed the Temple of the Ancients you can no longer have her learn her last Limit Break and you will need to restart the game in order to obtain this trophy.
Before you head to the Temple of the Ancients, travel back to the town of Nibelheim where you left the Buggy that you obtained when you escaped Corel Prison. Ride the Buggy back to Costa del Sol and drive it directly in to the town. Head down to where the ship is docked and pay the sailor 100 gil to return back to Junon.
Leave Junon and you will find the Buggy waiting just outside of Junon. Take the Buggy to the east and use it to cross a river. Search for a small cave on the side of the mountains shown in the screenshot below.

Speak to the sleeping man in the cave and he will tell you some random statistic about your gameplay. He will tell you a different random statistic each time you enter and speak to him. You need to have him tell you how many battles you have participated in and you need to speak to him when the last two digits of the number of battle are odd numbers and are the same numbers.
For example, this would be numbers like 199, 233, 355, 177, 99, etc. but it would not include numbers like 200, 222, 188 (because these numbers are even).
Exit the cave and engage in battles until you reach the right number and then speak to the sleeping man again. He will wake up and give you a “Mythril” key item. If he gives you a Bolt Ring it is because the last two digits were even and not odd – keep engaging in battles if this is the case.

Now take the Mythril key item, hop back in to the Buggy and go all the way back to the Gold Saucer Area. To the southeast of Gold Saucer is the small house out on the peninsula with the man who normally talks about the Keystone and where to find it. Offer to give him the Mythril and he will offer you the option of opening one of two chests – a small one and a large one. Great Gospel is contained in the small chest (located on the left side of the second floor).

Once you have obtained the Great Gospel item from the weapon sellers house you will need to teach it to Aeris which involves having her learn all of her Limit Breaks. Check out the Learning New Limit Breaks page in the Tips and Tricks section for more information on how to do this.

A Universe of Pain
Learn Cosmo Canyon - Red XIII’s last Limit Break.
This trophy is received once Red XIII learns his Level 4 Limit Break: Cosmo Memory. You must first locate the Cosmo Memory item which can then be used to teach Red XIII his final Limit Break.

Cosmo Memory is obtained when you open the safe on the second floor of the Shinra Mansion in Nibelheim. You will automatically receive it while you are completing the side quest to obtain Vincent Valentine as a secret character. Check out the Secret Character section for more information.
Once you have obtained the Cosmo Memory item you will need to teach it to Red XIII which involves having him learn all of his Limit Breaks. Check out the Learning New Limit Breaks page in the Tips and Tricks section for more information on how to do this.

Meet Your Maker
Learn All Creation - Yuffie’s last Limit Break.
This trophy is received once Yuffie learns her Level 4 Limit Break: All Creation. You must first locate the All Creation item which can then be used to teach Yuffie her final Limit Break.
All Creation can be found in Wutai either in Disc 1 or Disc 2. You will need to complete the Wutai Pagoda side quest in order to obtain. Check out the Wutai Pagoda side quest section for more information.
Once you have obtained the All Creation item you will need to teach it to Yuffie which involves having her learn all of her Limit Breaks. Check out the Learning New Limit Breaks page in the Tips and Tricks section for more information on how to do this.

Wheel of Fortune
Learn Slots - Cait Sith’s last Limit Break.
This trophy is received once Cait Sith learns his final Limit Break: Slots. This is not a Level 4 Limit Break like the others listed on this page and is significantly easier to obtain. All you have to do is have Cait Sith defeat 40 enemies and he will automatically learn this Limit Break which, besides Dice, is the only Limit Break he is capable of learning.

Inner Demons
Learn Chaos - Vincent’s last Limit Break.
This trophy is received once Vincent learns his Level 4 Limit Break: Chaos. You must first locate the Chaos item which can then be used to teach Vincent his final Limit Break.
Chaos can be found in Lucrecia’s Crystal Cave which is a secret area that you can reach when you have access to the Shinra Sub. Check out the Lucrecia’s Crystal Cave side quest section for more information.
Once you have obtained the Chaos item you will need to teach it to Vincent which involves having him learn all of his Limit Breaks. Check out the Learning New Limit Breaks page in the Tips and Tricks section for more information on how to do this.

Gale Warning
Learn Highwind - Cid’s last Limit Break.
This trophy is received once Cid learns his Level 4 Limit Break: Highwind. You must first locate the Highwind item which can then be used to teach Cid his final Limit Break.
Highwind can be found inside the Sunken Gelnika which is an optional area that you can reach underwater once you have access to the Shinra Sub. Check out the Sunken Gelnika section for more information.
Once you have obtained the Highwind item you will need to teach it to Cid which involves having him learn all of his Limit Breaks. Check out the Learning New Limit Breaks page in the Tips and Tricks section for more information on how to do this.

A Feat of Meteoric Proportions
You will receive this trophy automatically after you have completed the game and defeated Sephiroth in the final battle. Check out the last page of the Walkthrough section for additional details.

Transcendant Convoker
Obtain the Master Summon Materia.
You will receive this trophy automatically once you pick up the Master Summon Materia. You receive this Materia, along with the
Master Magic Materia and the
Master Command Materia, when you trade the Earth Harp key item to the Kalm Traveler.
In order to obtain the Earth Harp you will need to defeat the Emerald Weapon, one of the hardest battles in the game. Check out the Kalm Traveler side quest and the Emerald Weapon side quest pages for additional information.

Diamond Disintegrator
Defeat the Diamond Weapon.
You will obtain this trophy automatically once you have defeated Diamond Weapon in battle. That being said, you don’t actually defeat Diamond Weapon and it runs away from Cloud and his team before the battle is concluded.
Diamond Weapon is part of the regular story of the game and you will automatically encounter it near the end of Disc 2. Check out the Forgotten City walkthrough page for additional details.

Ruby Render
Defeat the Ruby Weapon.
You will automatically obtain this trophy as soon as you defeat Ruby Weapon in battle. That being said, Ruby Weapon is one of, if not the most, difficult battle in the game.
Check out the Kalm Traveler side quest section and the Ruby Weapon side quest side quest section for more information on how to defeat Ruby Weapon.

Emerald Eviscerator
Defeat the Emerald Weapon.
You will automatically obtain this trophy as soon as you defeat Emerald Weapon in battle. Emerald Weapon is one of the most difficult battles in the game – probably the second hardest.
Check out the Kalm Traveler side quest section and the Emerald Weapon side quest section for more information on how to defeat Emerald Weapon.

Failure IS an Option
Have your whole party fall in battle.
This trophy is very easy to obtain and you will probably obtain it accidentally if your party all dies. You do not need to use Phoenix Materia with a
Final Attack Materia to revive your party after they die or do anything crazy like that – you just need to have all three party members die in battle and see the “Game Over” screen.