Battle Square

The Battle Square arena is a mini-game that you can play within Gold Saucer at several points during the game. The prizes change depending on how far along in the game you are and are detailed in the table below. The points in the game where the prizes change are as follows:

  • After Obtaining the Buggy:
    After you have left Corel Prison.
  • After Obtaining the Tiny Bronco:
    After you have stolen the Tiny Bronco during the first visit to Rocket Town.
  • After Obtaining the Highwind:
    After the team rescues Tifa from Junon and for the remainder of the game.

80 points
160 points
320 points
640 points
1,280 points
2,560 points
5,120 points
10,240 points
20,480 points
40,960 points

100 points
200 points
400 points
800 points
1,600 points
3,200 points
6,400 points
12,800 points
25,600 points
51,600 points

100 points
250 points
500 points
1,000 points
2,000 points
4,000 points
8,000 points
16,000 points
32,000 points
64,000 points

Winning the battles becomes much easier later on in the game after you’ve received the Highwind and you will need to obtain Omnislash and W-Summon Materia in order to complete some of the more difficult side quests.

Registering for the Battle Square fight

You will need GP in order to register for battle. Wander over to Chocobo Square and either bet on races or race your own Chocobos (check out the Chocobo Racing and Breeding section for more information) in order to stockpile some GP.

Cloud entering the Battle Arena


Equipment: Equip Cloud’s Ultimate Weapon called Ultima Weapon (which can be obtained by defeating Ultimate Weapon (boss) - click on the link for more information) and your strongest armor. This will be either the Ziedrich or Mystile. Finally, equip a Ribbon in the accessory slot.

Materia: Make sure that Cloud has 9,999 HP and supplement him with HP Plus Materia if you need to in order to cap his HP. You do not want to have to rely on too much of your Materia (in case it ends up being disabled).

You will want the following Materia:

Use Regen early on in the fight and keep it active for the duration of the battle. You can use items during the battle but you lose them permanently so try to avoid it if you can.

Battle Square Reels

Press the SquareButton when the reels are spinning to slow them down and have a better chance at picking a more beneficial handicap. The points you receive are based on the handicaps that you get. The handicaps that produce the highest BP rewards include:

Toad, Minimum, Break Magic, Seal Items and Break All Materia is the highest (10,000 points if you receive it on the last round)

Boss final battle in Battle Square

Use your points to purchase items from the vending machine before you leave. As mentioned above, you will want to purchase both Omnislash and W-Summon Materia for upcoming quests.

Special Battles

Once you have obtained Omnislash and taught it to him you can participate in the “Special Battles” at Battle Square. The prizes that you can spend your points on do not change, however, you automatically receive a Final Attack Materia for successfully surviving all 8 rounds of battles.

Final Attack Materia is critical for some of the more difficult fights in the game (including Emerald Weapon and Ruby Weapon). You can pair Final Attack Materia with Revive Materia or Phoenix Materia to automatically revive your party members if they are knocked out during a battle.