Limit Breaks
This part of the guide contains a list of each character’s Limit Breaks and how to obtain them. There are also two additional pages that provide explanations on how to have your character’s learn new Limit Breaks and specifics on where to find each of the Level 4 Limit Breaks which cannot be learned.
Check out the two sections below or scroll down further to view a list of each character’s Limit Breaks.
Level 4 Limit Breaks

Where to find each of the best Limit Breaks for your characters - their Level 4 Limit Breaks (Omnislash, Catastrophe, Final Heaven, etc.)
Limit Break List
A listing of each character’s Limit Breaks and their respective effect on enemies and/or allies:
Cloud’s Limit Breaks

Braver, Cross-slash, Blade Beam, Climhazzard, Meteorain, Finishing Touch and Omnislash.
Barret’s Limit Breaks

Big Shot, Mindblow, Grenade Bomb, Hammer Blow, Satellite Beam, Angermax and Catastrophe.
Tifa’s Limit Breaks

Beat Rush, Somersault, Waterkick, Meteodrive, Dolphin Blow, Meteor Strike and Final Heaven.
Aeris’s Limit Breaks

Healing Wind, Seal Evil, Breath of the Earth, Fury Brand, Planet Protector, Pulse of Life and Great Gospel.
Red XIII’s Limit Breaks

Sled Fang, Lunatic High, Blood Fang, Stardust Ray, Howling Moon, Earth Rave and Cosmo Memory.
Cid’s Limit Breaks

Boost Jump, Dynamite, Hyper Jump, Dragon, Dragon Dive, Big Brawl and Highwind.
Yuffie’s Limit Breaks

Greased Lightning, Clear Tranquil, Landscaper, Bloodfest, Gauntlet, Doom of the Living and All Creation.