Limit Breaks: Aeris
A full list of Aeris’s Limit Breaks are included below. Aeris has a total of seven Limit Breaks that she can learn.
Level 1
Healing Wind
- How to obtain it:
- This is the Limit Break that Aeris starts the game with.
- Effect:
- Heals each party member for half of their total HP.

Seal Evil
- How to obtain it:
- Use Healing Wind a total of 8 times in battle.
- Effect:
- Inflicts the “Paralyze” and “Silence” status effects on all targets. This Limit Break will not impact the enemies if they are immune to either of those two status effects (as bosses quite often are).

Level 2
Breath of the Earth
- How to obtain it:
- Defeat 80 enemies in battle.
- Effect:
- Heals your party members of any negative status effects they may have, including: Confusion, Frog, Fury, Petrify, Poison, Sadness, Sleep, Slow, Slow-numb and Small.

Fury Brand
- How to obtain it:
- Use Breath of the Earth a total of 6 times in battle.
- Effect:
- This Limit Break will fill the Limit Break bars of the two party members accompanying Aeris to maximum, allowing both party members to use their Limit Breaks on their next turn.

Level 3
Planet Protector
- How to obtain it:
- Defeat 80 enemies in battle after you have obtained Breath of the Earth.
- Effect:
- Makes each party member, including Aeris, temporarily invincible to all attacks.

Pulse of Life
- How to obtain it:
- Use Planet Protector a total of 5 times in battle.
- Effect:
- This Limit Break will refill the HP and MP of all party members and will remove any negative status effects from them.

Level 4
Great Gospel
- How to obtain it:
- Use the
Great Gospel item on Aeris after she has learned all of her other Limit Breaks. Obtaining the Great Gospel item involves following a fairly complicated set of steps before you reach the Temple of the Ancients. Check out the
See the Light Achievement/Trophy section for the full walkthrough.
- Effect:
- This Limit Break will refill the HP and MP of all party members and will make each of the party members invincible to all attacks briefly.

See the Light
You will also receive the See the Light Achievement/Trophy once you teach Aeris her Level 4 Limit Break, Great Gospel, using the Great Gospel item that you can obtain in by speaking to the old man and the weapon seller.
Check out the Learning New Limit Breaks section for more information on how to teach your characters their strongest Limit Breaks.