Sephiroth | The Final Battle
This page of the Final Fantasy VII walkthrough describes the end of the game once you have reached the bottom of the Northern Cave. For more information about traversing through the Northern Cave return to the previous page (or click on the link).
The final battles against Sephiroth are at the end of the story but are not necessarily the end of the game. There are numerous side quests which can be completed before defeating Sephiroth and there are many boss battles which are much harder than the final fights against him.
Check out the side quest section for more information or click on the link below:
44) Final Preparations and Side Quests
Walkthrough Guide

A full list of the side quests and end game content that you can complete before moving on to defeat Sephiroth.
If you completed any of the side quests before traveling through the Northern Cave and before the final battles you will find this fight much easier.
However, this guide will assume that you have traveled directly to Sephiroth without completing any of the side quests (which will make the fights that much harder and the need for a guide that much more important).

The final battles against Sephiroth begin when you reach the area where your team meets up at the bottom of the Northern Cave shown in the screenshot above.
Walk towards the glowing light at the bottom of the screen when you are ready to proceed and choose “Let’s get going” when you get the option. You will have the option of reforming your team - press Start when you are ready to proceed.
Make sure that you equip each party member with the strongest items you have including their Ultimate Weapons (having no Materia Growth no longer matters) and the best armor/accessories which should be Mystile /
Ribbon respectively.
Inside the Planet
The Jenova music kicks up as soon as you enter the next screen. Jump down each of the rock platforms; there is a random chance that you will be thrown into battle at each platform.

Don’t be afraid to use all of the items you have been hoarding (X-Potions,
Megalixirs, etc.). Make sure that you equip one of your characters with
Destruct Materia in preparation for the final battle.

The first boss battle begins when you reach the white tile floor of the platform in the middle of the screen.
Boss Battle

HP: 60,000
Reward: - None
The most difficult aspect of this fight has to deal with the amount of HP that Jenova·Synthesis has. She will begin a countdown once she falls below 15,000. After 5 turns she will cast her most powerful spell, Ultima and then die giving you no EXP or AP points. Focus on taking out the two tentacles which have 10,000 HP and 8,000 HP first and then rip into Jenova with your most powerful attacks.
Note: Using Knights of the Round Materia during this fight (if you have it) will add an additional 60,000 HP to Bizarro·Sephiroth and 80,000 HP to Safer·Sephiroth.

There are a couple of short scenes that occur before the next boss battle. It has a couple of interesting mechanics in that, depending on a number of factors, you will be given the option to proceed with either 1, 2 or 3 different parties or groups of characters.
You will get only one party if one of the following conditions were met:
- If Jenova·Synthesis had 13 or more turns before the countdown began
- If the lowest level character in your party is level 34 or lower (not including Aeris or the optional characters if you did not pick them up)
- If the average level of your characters is 53 or fewer
If none of the conditions above were met, you may get two parties if any one of the following conditions have been met:
- If you did not pick up one of the optional characters (Yuffie and Vincent)
- If the lowest level character in your party is level 44 or lower (not including Aeris)
- If the average level of your characters is 67 or lower
If none of the conditions above were met and all of the following conditions were met you will receive three parties:
- If you picked up both optional characters (Yuffie and Vincent)
- If Jenova·Synthesis had 12 or fewer turns before beginning the countdown
- If the lowest level character you have is level 45 or higher (not including Aeris)
- If the average level of your characters is 68 or higher
All that said, no matter how many individual parties you receive, it is highly advisable to stick with your one main party. The only party that will proceed through to the next boss battle against Safer·Sephiroth will be the one that defeats Bizarro·Sephiroth, which means you can handicap yourself to a heavy extent if you carry the wrong party through.
Do not switch between your different parties when presented with the option and do not split your items, weapons and Materia amongst different characters. Focus your efforts on your main, core party.

Make your party (or parties) and select “Let’s go, everyone…!” when you are ready to begin the battle.
Boss Battle

HP: 40,000 (A) - 2,000 (B) - 10,000 (C) - 6,000 (D) - 4,000 (E)
Reward: - None
There are 5 sections of this boss and 5 individual targets that you can aim for:
- Main Body
- Head
- Core
- Right Magic (Right Arm)
- Left Magic (Left Arm)
You can press the Button to show you each target and press the
Button to show you the names of each of the targets on the screen.
The fight is slightly different depending on how many parties you have. If you have one party you can just attack the Core (C) directly. If you have two parties though you will have to destroy the Right Arm (D) and the Left Arm (E) in order to make the Core (C) vulnerable to attacks. If you have three parties, you will have to use your other two parties to destroy Right Magic and Left Magic and then use your primary party to destroy the Core.

The battle will always end once you defeat the Core (C). The Main Body (A) and the Core are the only two pieces of Bizarro·Sephiroth that will use moves and the Core will automatically heal the Main Body when its turn comes up (the move used is called Bizarro Enegy—some of the many typos throughout the game).
Focus on attacks that hit multiple targets, including Ultima, Comet, Summon Materia and some of your Enemy Skill Materia spells including Aqualung and Pandora’s Box. Make sure to use Big Guard on your party and Regen from your
Restore Materia to carry your party through the fight.

A video demonstration of this battle is included below for reference:
The next fight begins as soon as the boss battle against Bizarro·Sephiroth ends.
Boss Battle

HP: 80,000 to 400,000
Reward: - None
This is the final boss battle of Final Fantasy VII.
Sephiroth will immediately cast Wall at the beginning of the fight (which is similar to Barrier and MBarrier). If you equipped Destruct Materia on one of your characters you can use the DeSpell magic spell to remove it from him.

Many of Safer Sephiroth’s attacks are capable of inflicting status effects including Paralysis, Darkness, Sadness, Frog, Small, Petrify, Confusion, Silence and Slow. Ribbons accessories will prevent these status effects. You can use a
Remedy or Healing Wind from your
Enemy Skill Materia to remove negative status effects as they occur.
Sephiroth’s most famous attack is called Super Nova. It takes a long time for him to cast it (there is a huge cutscene involving all of the planets) and it will reduce each party member to 1/16 (6.25%) of their HP.

He can also use a move called Heartless Angel which will reduce the entire party down to 1 HP. Be ready with healing spells and Megalixir after he casts it. A reminder that there is no reason not to use your most powerful items at this point in the game.
Use your staple setup spells, including Big Guard from your Enemy Skill Materia and Regen from your
Restore Materia. Good luck!

A video demonstration of this battle is included below for reference:

There will be a bit more dialogue following the final battle before you reach the last version of Sephiroth.

Final Boss Battle
A Feat of Meteoric Proportions
You will receive the A Feat of Meteoric Proportions Achievement/Trophy once you defeat Sephiroth in the final battle of the game.

You have now completed Final Fantasy VII! Some screenshots of the ending cinematic are included below:
Thank you for reading this strategy guide / walkthrough. Check out some of the other Final Fantasy guides if you are interested in trying some of the other games in the series!

Thanks for reading!