Jahara - Land of the Garif
Sage Knowledge 69 of 78
“A garif village in Bancour. Here, a chieftain elder watches over the old ways, and so administers the tribe. Though many other villages dot the area, there is little direct communication between them.
The garif have worshiped Magicite since ancient times, and tribal legends tend much wisdom concerning the Stones. When the time is right, the elders teach these lessons to the youth of the village, and, on rare occasion, to visitors from other lands.
Abhorring machinery and iron, much of the garif material culture is based on wood and stone and other unmanufacted things. Their houses made of grass and strips of leather allow a breeze to pass through, and are uniquely suited to the hot, arid climate.
On the hill overlooking the village is a meeting lodge, warmed always by a bonfire. Near the lodge are the elders’ huts, and below the hill is a clearing ringed by a healer’s hut, and the tents of craftsmen, as well as a place to take care of the livestock called “nanna” in the garif tongue.
Dalmasca has for many years honored the ways of the garif, and so kept up the peaceful trade and relations with this isolated people.”
Banks of the Sogoht
You have now reached Jahara, the land of the Garif, a race of creatures that worship Magicite that inhabit the area.

Start off by using the orange Save Crystal to save your game and then speak to the Moogle from the Cartographer’s Guild next to the Chocobo pens.
You can purchase a map of the Ozmone Plain for 1,700 gil and a map of Jahara for 30 gil. The map of Jahara is pretty much unnecessary considering how small the town is, but for the price of 30 gil it really doesn’t matter all that much.

Speak to the Garif blocking the bridge when you are ready to proceed. A Garif War-Chief from out in the Ozmone Plain will emerge from behind you and will convince the two Garif guards to let you into the village.

There is another short cutscene when you reach the end of the bridge where the War-Chief will introduce himself as Supinelu.

Lull of the Land
War-Chief Supinelu explains that you must visit the elders to learn more about the Nethicite. Travel up to the village and around the corner to find three Garif on the right side talking together.
Speak to High-Chief Zayalu and he will explain that you must speak to the Great-Chief to learn more. He will give you a Jaya Stick to give to War-Chief Supinelu the next time you see him.

There is a Garif Trader on the west side of the zone that will sell you all kinds of wares. Just make sure not to accidentally sell the Jaya Stick. You can still continue with the game but will miss out on some rewards that War-Chief Supinelu provides.

Speak to War-Chief Supinelu near the bridge to the west and give him the Jaya Stick. Supinelu will give you the option to either meet the Great-Chief now or come back at a later time.

Choose to go meet the Great-Chief now to initiate a short cutscene where Ashe will speak with the War-Chief. Speak to the Great-Chief inside the hut once you reach the Elderknoll.

The Great-Chief will explain that he, too, does not know how to wield the Nethicite’s power and that only the Dynast-King was able to do so. Larsa will rejoin the group and explain that they should all travel to Mt Bur-Omisace (after a very long cutscene).

As you leave the area, War-Chief Supinelu will give you a Bowgun and a quiver of
Onion Bolts for giving him the Jaya Stick. This reward is a
Recurve Crossbow and a quiver of Onion Bolts in the Zodiac Age version of the game.

He will also give you access to one free Chocobo ride which you can use by speaking to Gurdy, the Chocobo handler, near the Chocobo Stables. Head back to the Elderknoll and speak to Low-Chief Sugumu, the petitioner for Hunt 10: The Defense of Ozmone Plain.

(Click on the map to enlarge)
It is time to travel back out into the Ozmone Plain.