Achievements and Trophies (Full List)
The list of trophies and descriptions on how to obtain each of them. Return back to the “Achievements and Trophy List” for an easier to read listing. Note that the full list of trophies with descriptions will contain some game spoilers. Turn back now if you would prefer not to see them!

Ultimate Hero
Acquired all trophies.
This trophy is obtained automatically once you obtain all of the other trophies listed on this page. Read the descriptions below for more information on how to obtain each of them.

Instrument of Fate
Took the first steps toward challenging an unjust fate.
This trophy is automatically obtained once you complete the first chapter of the game (The Hanging Edge). Check out the Chapter 1 section of the walkthrough for more information on how to complete this portion of the story.

Instrument of Dissent
Survived the Purge to confront a greater peril.
This trophy is automatically obtained once you complete the second chapter of the game (The Pulse Vestige). Check out the Chapter 2 section of the walkthrough for more information on how to complete this portion of the story.

Instrument of Tragedy
Strode into danger’s den and paid the consequences.
This trophy is automatically obtained once you complete the third chapter of the game (Lake Bresha). Check out the Chapter 3 section of the walkthrough for more information on how to complete this portion of the story.

Instrument of Flight
Slipped through the net and lived to fight another day.
This trophy is automatically obtained once you complete the fourth chapter of the game (The Vile Peaks). Check out the Chapter 4 section of the walkthrough for more information on how to complete this portion of the story.

Instrument of Vengeance
Resolved to be more than a victim of circumstance.
This trophy is automatically obtained once you complete the fifth chapter of the game (The Gapra Whitewood). Check out the Chapter 5 section of the walkthrough for more information on how to complete this portion of the story.

Instrument of Survival
Evaded pursuers, though memories of the past still give chase.
This trophy is automatically obtained once you complete the sixth chapter of the game (The Sunleth Waterscape). Check out the Chapter 6 section of the walkthrough for more information on how to complete this portion of the story.

Instrument of Rebellion
Made plans to infiltrate enemy-occupied territory.
This trophy is automatically obtained once you complete the seventh chapter of the game (Palumpolum). Check out the Chapter 7 section of the walkthrough for more information on how to complete this portion of the story.

Instrument of Shame
Carried the burden of guilt to the end of the line.
This trophy is automatically obtained once you complete the eighth chapter of the game (Nautilus). Check out the Chapter 8 section of the walkthrough for more information on how to complete this portion of the story.

Instrument of Wrath
Took the fight to the enemy’s door.
This trophy is automatically obtained once you complete the ninth chapter of the game (The Palamecia). Check out the Chapter 9 section of the walkthrough for more information on how to complete this portion of the story.

Instrument of Truth
Recognized the true threat to the world’s future.
This trophy is automatically obtained once you complete the tenth chapter of the game (The Fifth Ark). Check out the Chapter 10 section of the walkthrough for more information on how to complete this portion of the story.

Instrument of Hope
Traveled to the world below, seeking a way to alter fate.
This trophy is automatically obtained once you complete the eleventh chapter of the game (Archylte Steppe, Mah’habara Subterra, Taejin’s Tower and Oerba). Check out the Chapter 11 section of the walkthrough for more information on how to complete this portion of the story.

Instrument of Faith
Defied destiny’s charge and embarked on a different path.
This trophy is automatically obtained once you complete the twelfth chapter of the game (Eden). Check out the Chapter 12 section of the walkthrough for more information on how to complete this portion of the story.

Instrument of Change
Witnessed the dawn of a new crystal legend.
This trophy is automatically obtained once you complete the thirteenth chapter of the game (Orphan’s Cradle). Check out the Chapter 13 section of the walkthrough for more information on how to complete this portion of the story.

Pulsian Pioneer
Took over 10,000 steps on the lowerworld surface.
This trophy can be obtained by simply walking around in Gran Pulse until your characters have taken a total of 10,000 steps. The counter begins once your team reaches the Archylte Steppe and you receive rewards from Bhakti for reaching 10,000 steps.
If you complete some of the side quests before reaching Oerba in Chapter 11, once you reach Bhakti, you will receive three Platinum Ingot, which sell for 150,000 Gil.

Gysahl Wreath
Discovered buried treasure with a little help from a chocobo.
You will receive this trophy after you have successfully dug up a total of 20 buried treasures in the Archylte Steppe while riding a chocobo. This means that you will need to have completed Mission 14 - Defenders of the Flock in order to begin working towards this trophy.
Check out the Chocobo side quest section for more information as well as for tips on how to find treasure more effectively and a list of the rewards you can dig up.

Kelger’s Cup
Completed all low-level Cie’th Stone missions.
This trophy is obtained once you have completed all of the rank “D” missions which includes the following:
- Mission 01 - Pond Scum (Ectopudding)
- Mission 02 - Goodwill Hunting (Uridimmu)
- Mission 03 - Massif Contamination (Ugallu)
- Mission 04 - A Hero’s Charge (Adroa)
- Mission 05 - Joyless Reunion (Edimmu)

Xezat’s Chalice
Completed all mid-level Cie’th Stone missions.
This trophy is obtained once you have completed all of the rank “C” missions which includes the following:
- Mission 06 - No Place Like Home (Munchkin Maestro)
- Mission 07 - Bituitus, the Pillager (Bituitus)
- Mission 08 - The Eleventh Hour (Rakshasa)
- Mission 09 - Heave-ho (Kaiser Behemoth)
- Mission 10 - Hollow Hope (Ambling Bellows)
- Mission 11 - Pride Before a Fall (Adroa)
- Mission 12 - Geiseric, the Profane (Geiseric)
- Mission 13 - Eternity Unpromised (Goblin Chieftain)
- Mission 14 - Defender of the Flock (Sahagin)
- Mission 15 - Tribal Warfare (Goblin Chieftain)
- Mission 18 - So Close Yet So Far (Ambling Bellows)
- Mission 19 - Triangle of Tragedy (Uridimmu)
- Mission 20 - Words Unspoken (Goblin Chieftain)
- Mission 21 - A Tremulous Terror (Gelatitan)
- Mission 22 - Infernal Machine (Ambling Bellows)
- Mission 28 - Faded Glory (Ceratosaur)
- Mission 35 - The Road Less Traveled (Gurangatch)
- Mission 36 - Dark Deliverances (Amam)
- Mission 37 - Dying of the Light (Rafflesia)
- Mission 39 - Seeing Stars (Ochu)
- Mission 56 - A Toothy Grin (Ugallu)
- Mission 57 - What’s Yours is Brine (Sahagin)
You will automatically receive the trophy after the last mission in the list is completed.

Triumphed over undying lowerworld souls in seven fierce battles.
Similar to the Kegler’s Cup and Xezat’s Chalice achievements/trophies, this one is obtained when you complete a specific set of missions. Specifically, this includes all of the missions with an undead mark which are listed below:
- Mission 07 - Bituitus, the Pillager (Bituitus)
- Mission 12 - Geiseric, the Profane (Geiseric)
- Mission 27 - Mithridates, the Lone (Mithridates)
- Mission 30 - Syphax, the Insidious (Syphax)
- Mission 34 - Zenobia, the Butcher (Tonberry)
- Mission 51 - Attacus, the Soulless (Attacus)
- Mission 64 - The Doomherald (Vercingetorix)
Because Mission 64 is the hardest mission in the game, it is likely that you will need to complete this mission last, so this Achievement/Trophy is typically awarded after this last mission.

Toppled a green terror and cut an oversized succulent down to size.
This trophy is awarded after you complete Mission 54 - The Bigger They Are… which involves defeating the mark Gigantuar. Check out the mission page for tips and tricks describing how to defeat this challenging mark.

Natural Selector
Passed Titan’s trials.
The Titan’s Trials / Faultwarrens are a subset of Missions that can be completed in the northeast section of the Archylte Steppe. They include Mission 35 through Mission 51 but you can check out the Titan’s Trials / Faultwarrens side quest page for more information on how to complete the missions and obtain this Achievement/Trophy.

Dorgann’s Trophy
Completed all high-level Cie’th Stone missions.
Similar to the Kegler’s Cup, Xezat’s Chalice and the Exorcist achievements/trophies, this one is obtained when you complete a specific set of missions. Specifically, this includes all of the rank “B” Missions listed below:
- Mission 16 - Surrogate Slayer (Sahagin)
- Mission 17 - A Widow’s Wrath (Pulsework Champion)
- Mission 23 - Natural Defenses (Gurangatch)
- Mission 24 - A Potent Sting (Mushussu)
- Mission 25 - Spectral Haunt (Vetala)
- Mission 26 - So Shrill, the Cry (Penanggalan)
- Mission 27 - Mithridates, the Lone (Mithridates)
- Mission 29 - Faltering Faith (Juggernaut)
- Mission 30 - Syphax, the Insidious (Syphax)
- Mission 31 - Newfound Purpose (Pulsework Champion)
- Mission 32 - And Then There Was One (Amam)
- Mission 33 - A Parent’s Pledge (Adamanchelid)
- Mission 34 - Zenobia, the Butcher (Tonberry)
- Mission 38 - Moonlit Madness (Verdelet)
- Mission 40 - Solar Power (Verdelet)
- Mission 42 - Antihero (Borgbear Hero)
- Mission 43 - The Hero Never Dies (Borgbear Hero)
- Mission 47 - Unfocused Rage (Raktavija)
- Mission 50 - Road to Predation (Humbaba)
- Mission 54 - The Bigger They Are… (Gigantuar)
- Mission 58 - The Culler of Many (Humbaba)

Galuf’s Grail
Completed all Cie’th Stone missions.
This Achievement/Trophy is automatically obtained when you complete all of the available missions. Check out the Missions section for a full listing of the missions and marks that you need to hunt down and use the Walkthrough section for a complete step-by-step of when and where to complete each one.

L’Cie Paragon
Earned a 5-star rating for all Cie’th Stone missions.
Obtaining this Achievement/Trophy sounds a lot more difficult than it actually is. It actually becomes much easier to complete after you have defeated Vercingetorix for Mission 64 - The Doomherald, which is the very last mission.
The reward you receive from completing the last Mission is called the Gold Watch. This powerful accessory increases the amount of time you have to defeat a set of enemies while achieving a 5-star ranking. It makes achieving a 5-star ranking much easier for almost all of the Missions while some of the more challenging ones may require a few attempts.
Start by completing Mission 64, then equip the Gold Watch to one of your characters, and slowly work your way through each of the missions again. Don’t be afraid to restart the battle if things aren’t going smoothly.

Commando’s Seal
Mastered the Commando role.
This Achievement/Trophy is obtained as soon as one of your characters has completely filled out their Crystarium for their Commando role. Just keep earning Crystogen Points (CP) (using the farming methods if required) until you have enough to activate all of the available nodes.

Ravager’s Seal
Mastered the Ravager role.
This Achievement/Trophy is obtained as soon as one of your characters has completely filled out their Crystarium for their Ravager role. Just keep earning Crystogen Points (CP) (using the farming methods if required) until you have enough to activate all of the available nodes.

Sentinel’s Seal
Mastered the Sentinel role.
This Achievement/Trophy is obtained as soon as one of your characters has completely filled out their Crystarium for their Sentinel role. Just keep earning Crystogen Points (CP) (using the farming methods if required) until you have enough to activate all of the available nodes.

Saboteur’s Seal
Mastered the Saboteur role.
This Achievement/Trophy is obtained as soon as one of your characters has completely filled out their Crystarium for their Saboteur role. Just keep earning Crystogen Points (CP) (using the farming methods if required) until you have enough to activate all of the available nodes.

Synergist’s Seal
Mastered the Synergist role.
This Achievement/Trophy is obtained as soon as one of your characters has completely filled out their Crystarium for their Synergist role. Just keep earning Crystogen Points (CP) (using the farming methods if required) until you have enough to activate all of the available nodes.

Medic’s Seal
Mastered the Medic role.
This Achievement/Trophy is obtained as soon as one of your characters has completely filled out their Crystarium for their Medic role. Just keep earning Crystogen Points (CP) (using the farming methods if required) until you have enough to activate all of the available nodes.

Limit Breaker
Dealt 100,000+ damage with a single attack.
This Achievement/Trophy is obtained as soon as one of your characters lands an attack that deals 100,000 or more in a single hit. This is actually impossible to do until you have obtained a Genji Glove accessory which is a reward from the following missions:
- Mission 51 - Attacus, the Soulless (Attacus)
- Mission 62 - Indomitable Will (Raktavija)
- Mission 63 - Crushed by Doubt (Adamantortoise)
Without the Genji Glove, your characters are limited to doing a maximum of 99,999 damage. Additionally, this means that you will need to build up a large Chain Bonus and Stagger on an enemy and you’ll typically hit this amount of damage with a highly leveled Commando.
The easiest way to obtain this Achievement/Trophy is while you are defeating or farming Adamantortoise enemies. Check out the Adamantortoise farming page in the tips and tricks section of the guide for more information on how to do this.

Adamant Will
Felled a heavyweight of the lowerworlds wilds.
This Achievement/Trophy is earned when you defeat a Long Gui enemy. Check out the Long Gui section for more information on how to do this.

Master’s Seal
Fully developed all characters.
This Achievement/Trophy is earned once you have unlocked all of the nodes of all of your character’s Crystariums. This will require a very large amount of Crystogen Points (CP).
The easiest way to do this is to complete some farming while having a Growth Egg equipped. Check out the Early Growth Egg page for tips on how to obtain one as quickly as possible and then refer to the farming section for tips on stacking up CP.

Treasure Hunter
Held every weapon and accessory.
This Achievement/Trophy is the most difficult to obtain in the game. As a result, there is an entire section of the guide devoted to explaining how to obtain it. Check out the Treasure Hunter Achievement/Trophy side quest page for the full guide.
Note that it is possible to miss important items during a regular play through of the story, so following a guide like this one can be helpful for making sure that you are able to successfully unlock this Achievement/Trophy when you reach the end game content.

Discerned the full attributes of 100 enemies.
This Achievement/Trophy is unlocked after you have used Libra on a total of 100 enemies. Note that the description mentions “full attributes” which is typically shown after using Libra twice or after defeating enough of each of the enemies to unlock all of the attribute components.

Earned a 5-star rating in the battle to determine the world’s fate.
Obtaining this Achievement/Trophy, similar to L’Cie Paragon, is much easier to complete after you have defeated Vercingetorix for Mission 64 - The Doomherald, which is the very last mission.
The reward you receive from completing the last Mission is called the Gold Watch. This powerful accessory increases the amount of time you have to defeat a set of enemies while achieving a 5-star ranking. It makes achieving a 5-star ranking much easier for almost all of the Missions while some of the more challenging ones may require a few attempts.
Start by completing Mission 64, then equip the Gold Watch to one of your characters, and then head back to Orphan’s Cradle to challenge Orphan to another battle. You can actually fight the final bosses in this game that appear at the end of Chapter 13 as many times as you would like, so if you’re unsuccessful, just give it another go!