Mission 35: The Road Less Traveled
Gurangatch (Class C)
This Mission is the first challenge you will have to face when you start the Titan’s Trials / Faultwarrens and, because it sits at the entrance to the web of portals throughout the area, you will be stuck repeating this Mission many times.

- Complete Mission 34 - Zenobia, the Butcher
Cie’th Stone Location
This Cie’th Stone is at the entrance to the Titan’s Trials / Faultwarrens which can be found by taking the trail leading away from the Haerii Archaeopolis.

(Click on the map to enlarge)
Mark Location
This mark for this Mission is located in area A1 (“Primeval Crossroads”) of the Faultwarrens. Refer to the Faultwarrens Side Quest page for a map of the location.
Battle Tactics
Mark Battle
Class: C
HP: 242,550

Assuming you’ve already travelled through Taejin’s Tower, you will have already fought a Gurangatch for Mission 23 - Natural Defenses.
The Gurangatch will be alerted to your presence very easily, making it difficult to get a preemptive strike, but otherwise, this creature is exactly like all the other Armadillons that you have faced up to this point. Work on building the Chain Gauge to Stagger it at which point its carapace will disappear and your attacks will deal significantly more damage.
- First Attempt:
Witch’s Bracelet
- Repeat Attempts:
Bomb Shell (x5)
Next Steps Following Completion
The next Missions available to you from this location are Mission 36 and Mission 37. You can return to the side quest page for the Titan’s Trials / Faultwarrens using the link below or head straight to the next Mission you choose: