Best Weapons

Each character has a number of weapons that you can remodel their current weapon into at the junk shops, but each character of course has one weapon that is considered to be their most powerful. In most of the other Final Fantasy games in the series, this is referred to as their Ultimate Weapon.

Four of the characters have their Ultimate Weapon listed in “Weapons Monthly, 1st Edition”, while two of the characters (Zell and Quistis) have their Ultimate Weapon listed in the second last issue you pick up. Here’s where to find those two Magazines in case you are missing either of them:

That being said, as noted in the Upgrading Weapons tips and tricks section, you don’t need to have the Weapons Monthly magazine (i.e. the recipe) in order to craft your new weapons. All you need to have is the raw materials in your inventory. The sections below provide you with the list of raw materials and the instructions for how to find each of those raw materials.

Squall - Lionheart

Squall’s Ultimate Weapon is the Lionheart sword. Not only is it a very cool looking weapon, but Squall gains access to different Limit Break finishers for Renzokuken depending on which weapons he has equipped. So not only does Lionheart improve the damage Squall does from his regular attacks, it also gives him access to the most powerful Limit Break in the game. You should try to get this sword constructed relatively early during your playthrough.

Item Location
Adamantine x1 These items can be obtained by defeating Adamantoise turtles in the beach areas around Dollet. Just make sure not to Mug them during the battle as this will prevent them from dropping an Adamantoise. The drop rate is fairly low.

Alternatively, you can refine the Minotaur Card into 10 Adamantine.
Dragon Fang x4 These can be stolen from Grendel enemies in Yaulny Canyon which is the forest that the team passes through on the way to Galbadia Garden (after the second Laguna Dream Sequence).
Pulse Ammo x12 You can use the Ammo-RF ability to refine Energy Crystal into Pulse Ammo at a rate of 1:10 which means you need at least 2 Energy Crystals to make Lionheart. This can be done by refining 20 Elnoyle Cards into Energy Crystals (which takes a lot of time) or by defeating Elnoyle enemies using the Fixed Encounter against Elnoyles trick.
Weapons Monthly magazine page for Lionheart

Rinoa - Shooting Star

Rinoa’s Ultimate Weapon is not quite as powerful as Squall’s but because of Rinoa’s high strength (check out the Best Party section for more information) this weapon will do quite a bit of damage. Unfortunately the raw materials for making it are quite expensive and difficult to obtain.

Item Location
Windmill x2 These items can be obtained by defeating Thrustaevis enemies in and around Galbadia Garden. You can also obtain them by defeating Abyss Worms or Death Claw enemies which are fairly common later on in the game, so by the time you amass some of the raw materials noted below, you should have the required number of Windmills.
Regen Ring x1 This ring drops off of Chimeras, Toramas, Turtapods and Vysage. You can also Mug it from a Torama and these enemies can be found in abundance in the areas outside of Esthar when you reach that section of the game.

Alternatively, can also refine 10 Chimera Cards, which are easy to obtain, into 1 Regen Ring.
Force Armlet x1 You might get lucky and obtain one from X-ATM092 after you defeat it at the Galbadia Missile Base. You’ll also receive one though when you defeat Edea at the end of Disc 2. The last place to obtain one is to purchase it from the Esthar Pet Shop.
Energy Crystal x2 This is the most difficult of the items to obtain. You can use the Fixed Encounters against Elnoyle trick to stock up on Energy Crystals late in the game or, alternatively, use Card Mod to refine 10x Elnoyle Cards into an Energy Crystal, but only if you feel like playing a ton of Triple Triad.
Weapons Monthly magazine page for Shooting Star

Quistis - Save the Queen

There’s nothing particularly special about Quistis’ Ultimate Weapon, Save the Queen, and it’s relatively easy to acquire.

Item Location
Malboro Tentacles x2 You can obtain Malboro Tentacles by defeating or using Mug on a Malboro, or by refining Malboro Cards into Malboro Tentacles. The Malboro Card route can be very time consuming depending on how much Triple Triad you plan on playing. The Doomtrain GF side quest section provides details on how to track down a Marlboro.
Sharp Spike x1 These items drop off of Armadodos, Death Claws and Grand Mantis, which means you should naturally stockpile a few of these during a regular play through. If you need to though you can find some Grand Mantis enemies in the areas around the Centra Ruins.
Energy Crystal x2 This is the most difficult of the items to obtain. You can use the Fixed Encounters against Elnoyle trick to stock up on Energy Crystals late in the game or, alternatively, use Card Mod to refine 10x Elnoyle Cards into an Energy Crystal, but only if you feel like playing a ton of Triple Triad.
Weapons Monthly magazine page for Save the Queen

Zell - Ehrgeiz

Again, there’s nothing particularly special about Zell’s Ultimate Weapon other than it being more powerful than Zell’s other gloves.

Item Location
Adamantine x1 These items can be obtained by defeating Adamantoise turtles in the beach areas around Dollet. Just make sure not to Mug them during the battle as this will prevent them from dropping an Adamantoise. The drop rate is fairly low.

Alternatively, you can refine the Minotaur Card into 10 Adamantine.
Dragon Skins x4 These items drop from Anacondaurs and Grendels. You can find Grendels in the Yaulny Canyon area near Galbadia Garden.
Fury Fragment x1 These items can be obtained by defeating Blue Dragons, Grendels and Ruby Dragons. Alternatively, you can use Card Mod on 4x Blue Dragon Card cards to convert them into a single Fury Fragment.
Weapons Monthly magazine page for Ehrgeiz

Selphie - Strange Vision

For the most part, Selphie’s Ultimate Weapon is like any other, although it comes with one additional benefit. Like Squall’s gunblade, Strange Vision has a 255% hit stat automatically which means that it can never miss. This can prove especially useful when battling against Cactuars when attempting to earn quick Ability Points near Cactuar Island.

Item Location
Adamantine x1 These items can be obtained by defeating Adamantoise turtles in the beach areas around Dollet. Just make sure not to Mug them during the battle as this will prevent them from dropping an Adamantoise. The drop rate is fairly low.

Alternatively, you can refine the Minotaur Card into 10 Adamantine.
Star Fragment x3 These items drop from Anacondaurs, Chimeras, Hexadragons, Iron Giants, Ruby Dragons, T-Rexaurs and Tri-Faces which means you may already have a stack of them accumulated through your travels. Alternatively, you can convert 3x Iron Giant Card into a Star Fragment.
Curse Spike x2 Similar to Star Fragments, Curse Spikes also drop from a number of enemies including Forbiddens, Grand Mantis, Imps, Malboro and Tri-Faces. If you need to, you can travel to Centra to find Grand Mantis enemies and defeat them. You can also steal them from Tri-Faces (which can be done using the Fixed Encounters with Tri-Faces trick).
Weapons Monthly magazine page for Strange Vision

Irvine - Exeter

Exeter is also a fairly standard Ultimate Weapon that just has higher Strength and Hit than comparable options.

Item Location
Dino Bone x2 You can use Card Mod on a T-Rexaur Card or obtain them by defeating T-Rexaurs in the Balamb Garden Training Center.
Moon Stone x1 These items drop off Elnoyles (which can be fought in Esthar using the Fixed Encounters with Elnoyles trick) or from Imps and Toramas which can be found in the areas around Centra.
Star Fragment x2 These items drop from Anacondaurs, Chimeras, Hexadragons, Iron Giants, Ruby Dragons, T-Rexaurs and Tri-Faces which means you may already have a stack of them accumulated through your travels. Alternatively, you can convert 3x Iron Giant Card into a Star Fragment.
Screw x18 You can use Card Mod on a Geezard Card which are very easy to come by. You can also use Mug on Geezard enemies which are in the areas in and around Balamb Garden and Galbadia.
Weapons Monthly magazine page for Exeter