Bestiary entry from the Clan Primer:
Bestiary Observations
“Being beasts born from the bones of an ancient creature that has long lain dead within the Pharos. Of these, the most violent are called bulls, and greatly feared by even their own kin.
Thick purple veins stripe its body, constantly oozing a viscous fluid, by which action impurities are removed from the creature’s blood. The foul discharge serves also as a slippery second skin, deflecting the blades and claws of those who would do it harm.”
Common - (40-55%) | Dark Crystal |
Uncommon - (25-40%) | Serum |
Rare - (3-12%) | Solid Horn |
Very Rare - (1-5%) | Aries Gem |
With Monograph: | Pebble |
With Canopic Jar: | Arcana |
Percentages listed above are based on the chain level of the enemy killed. Check out the Grinding and Power Leveling page for more information.
Common - (55%) | Solid Horn |
Uncommon - (10%) | Teleport Stone |
Rare - (3%) | Aries Gem |
Common - (95%) | Solid Horn |
Uncommon - (5%) | Rubber Suit |