Magick Abilities
A full listing of the Magick abilities in Final Fantasy XII. These spells are listed by sub categories found in the Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age version of the game for the PlayStation 4 (PS4). Click on any of the links below to see the full listing:
Arcane Magick

This category of Magick includes attacks that deal Dark-type damage to foes. Many of the Magick spells that were previously categorized as Arcane were moved into other categories in the newest version of the game.
Black Magick

This category contains offensive attack spells as well as spells that cause negative status effects. Additional spells were added to this category in The Zodiac Age.
Green Magick

This category contains status affecting spells, both positive and negative. Many of the spells that previously fell under this category were moved to other categories in The Zodiac Age.
Time Magick

This category contains spells that deal with either speeding up or slowing down the actions of either enemies or your own party members. It also contains a few status impacting spells.
White Magick

This category contains spells that heal party members and remove negative status effects.
The Spellslinger Achievement/Trophy is obtained by casting 200 Magick spells. They can be any of the different types of Magicks listed below.

The Runeweaver Achievement/Trophy is obtained by finding and adding all of the Magick in the game to your inventory. This involves tracking down each of the Magick spells, some of which are fairly difficult to find, in each of the zones. More information on where to find each of them can be found by clicking on the links at the top of this page.