UFOs & PuPu Card

Did you happen to notice that, despite all of the Triple Triad card playing that you may have been doing, there’s a blank spot on page for a missing Level 5 Monster Card? What gives?

The empty spot where the PuPu Triple Triad card fits

The card that you are missing is the PuPu Card which you can pick up by completing a small side quest involving a UFO that you can spot in various areas of the World Map of Final Fantasy VIII.

Battle against PuPu near Balamb Garden

This side quest can only be completed after you have obtained the Ragnarok ship as you will need to fly to an otherwise unreachable cliff.

Before you begin, make sure that you have at least 5 Elixirs in your inventory. You can buy Elixirs from the shop in Esthar (called “Esthar Shop!!!”). Alternatively, if you have Tonberry’s Call Shop ability, you can pull up the “Esthar Shop!!” from anywhere as long as you visited it once before. Just open up your menu, access the “Ability” section, and select Call Shop from the menu.

In order to make this process much smoother and easier you should junction Diablos’ Enc-None ability so that you are not forced to battle any regular monsters throughout your travels. You will still be able to find, locate and engage the UFO even with this ability enabled.

There are four locations where you need to track down the UFO. Just hop out of your ship and walk around in each of these areas until a battle starts up. For each of these “battles”, there is nothing to do but watch while a UFO flies by. Here are the four locations you need to visit:

Winhill Bluffs: The area surrounding the town of Winhill

Wandering around outside of Winhill looking for PuPu

Mandy Beach: Northeast of Timber

Location of Mandy Beach near Timber Walking around Mandy Beach near Timber looking for PuPu

Heath Peninsula: Small island east of Trabia Garden

The location of Heath Peninsula on the World Map The Ragnarok approaching Heath Island to track down PuPu

Kashkabald Desert: The desert area to the west of Cactuar Island

The location of the Kashkabald Desert on the World Map Standing in the Kashkabald Desert looking for PuPu and the UFO


Once you have seen the UFO in each of these locations, you can continue with the rest of the quest. Travel over to the Grandidi Forest, which is the area surrounding the Chocobo Sanctuary.

The location where you can encounter the UFO near the Grandidi Forest Running around the Grandidi Forest looking for the UFO

Land the Ragnarok at the top of the canyon in one of the very few unforested areas to land and wander around until you encounter the UFO. Similar to the last encounters, you can leave Enc-None active so that you can track down the UFO easier. Destroy the UFO in battle once you do find it in order to continue the quest.

Battle against the UFO in the Grandidi Forest Defeating the UFO in Grandidi Forest


Fly over to the crater on Balamb Island where Balamb Garden used to be. Wander around the crater area until you find PuPu the alien again (you can leave Enc-None on again). PuPu will ask for an Elixir a total of 5 times. Use the Item command and use an Elixir on PuPu to complete the quest.

Landing near Balamb Garden to find PuPu

Once the battle concludes you will receive the PuPu Card.

PuPu saying Elixir please

Use the following link to return to the Ragnarok and Side Quests page if you navigated to this side quest page from there: