Bevelle is the largest city in Spira though you aren’t given the opportunity to explore very much of it. You will visit the Tower of Light and the Highbridge as well as the Bevelle Temple.

There are a number of portions that take place in the various areas of Bevelle. The first time you visit it is to interrupt the wedding of Maester Seymour to Yuna. Click on the link below for more information:
22) Bevelle
Walkthrough Guide

The Tower of Light and interrupting the ceremonies at the altar, completing the fifth Cloister of Trials before being thrown into the Via Purifico prison.
Later on, after being captured, the team is thrown into the Via Purifico which is a jail of sorts in the lower portions of Bevelle:
23) Via Purifico
Walkthrough Guide

Helping Yuna locate each of her team members firstly and then helping Tidus, Wakka and Rikku escape the underwater sections past Evrae Altana.
Finally, the story takes the team back to the Bevelle Highbridge after they have obtained the Airship:
29) Airship and Highbridge
Walkthrough Guide

Gaining control of the airship and access to the NavMap which allows you to travel all over Spira.
With the exception of the Highbridge, these areas cannot be revisited after you have passed through for the first time.