Combine (Angelo / Angel Wings) | Limit Break for Rinoa Heartilly
Rinoa has two separate Limit Breaks: Combine, the Limit Break she starts with and which makes use of her dog Angelo and Angel Wing, which is obtained on Disc 3 and is explained below.
Angelo can learn several different Limit Breaks and a new one is obtained each time you find and read any of the Pet Pals magazines found throughout the game. The game gives you an explanation of how to learn the new moves when Rinoa first joins your team, but just in case you forgot, select the “Status" option from the main game menus and select Rinoa. From within this screen you can choose which move Angelo will learn next.
Angelo starts off already knowing Angelo Rush and Angelo Cannon. The other moves you can learn are listed below. Some of the moves are used when you select the Combine Limit Break command while some of them may occur at any point randomly during a battle.
Learned Limit Break Moves
Angelo Rush
- Description:
- When Rinoa is attacked in battle there is a small chance that Angelo will counterattack with Angelo Rush.
- Learned From:
- (Already Learned)
Angelo Cannon
- Description:
- Combine Limit Break command that does regular damage to one enemy.
- Learned From:
- (Already Learned)
Angelo Strike
- Description:
- Combine Limit Break command that does regular damage to one enemy (stronger than Angelo Cannon).
- Learned From:
- Pet Pals Vol.1
Angelo Recover
- Description:
- Angelo will randomly restore one party member’s HP.
- Learned From:
- Pet Pals Vol.2
Invincible Moon
- Description:
- Combine Limit Break command that makes each party member invincible for a short period of time.
- Learned From:
- Pet Pals Vol.3
Angelo Reverse
- Description:
- Angelo will randomly revive a KO’d party member.
- Learned From:
- Pet Pals Vol.4
Wishing Star
- Description:
- Combine Limit Break command that attacks multiple enemies multiple times. A very powerful Limit Break.
- Learned From:
- Pet Pals Vol.6
Angel Wing
Rinoa gains the ability to use Angel Wing after you have saved her from the Sorceress’s Memorial. When you activate Angel Wing you will lose the ability to control Rinoa (similar to when Berserk is cast). While under the effects of Angel Wing Rinoa will cast random spells that will be much more powerful (up to 5 times more) than regular Magic attacks. Rinoa will also be immune to most status effects.
Losing control of one of your characters can be extremely detrimental. It would seem using Angel Wing is just generally a bad decision.