Ocarina Songs
A full list of the songs that Link can learn on the Fairy Ocarina or the Ocarina of time. These pages include the Ocarina notes, where to learn the song and some of each song’s uses throughout the game.
Zelda’s Lullaby

The first song taught to Link on the Fairy Ocarina by Princess Zelda in the Hyrule Castle Courtyard.
Sun’s Song

Use the Sun’s Song to change the time of day - picked up in the Kakariko Village Graveyard.
Song of Time

Taught by Princess Zelda during a vision once Link enters the Temple of Time and used throughout the game.
Song of Storms

Used in the Kakariko Village Windmill to drain the water out of the Bottom of the Well.
Minuet of Forest

Taught by Sheik in the Sacred Forest Meadow and used to warp to the Forest Temple.
Bolero of Fire

Taught by Sheik in the Death Valley Crater and used to warp to the Fire Temple.
Requiem of Spirit

Taught by Sheik near the entrance to the Spirit Temple and used to warp back to the Desert Colossus.
Nocturne of Shadow

Taught by Sheik after the cinematic in Kakariko Village and used to warp to the Spirit Temple in the Graveyard.
Prelude of Light

Taught by Sheik after Link has completed the Forest Temple and used to warp back to the Temple of Time.
Scarecrow’s Song

Taught by Link to the Scarecrow near Lake Hylia and used to summon Pierre the Scarecrow at various points in the game.