Mi’ihen Fang

Opening of the battle against a Mi’ihen Fang in the Monster Arena Calm Lands

HP: 160

Mi’ihen Fang is a Wolf/Lupine-type enemy that can be found along the Mi’ihen Highroad. You need to capture five of each Wolf/Lupine-type enemy in order to unlock Fenrir in the Species Conquest section of the Monster Arena.

Mi’ihen Fang fiends are very easy to defeat. Have Tidus attack them with his Longsword to dispatch of them quickly. You can also have Lulu use fire or water-based magic. It’s attacks can cause Sleep or Silence though, so defeat them as quickly as you can.

Descriptions (In-Game)

Ability Description
Sensor “Very nimble. Resistant to magic.”
Scan “Very nimble and hard to hit. Magic defense is also high. It’s vulnerable to fire and water-based attacks, so use weapons with these elements to inflict greater damage.”

Potion (common)
Sleeping Powder (rare)

Power Sphere


Can be found anywhere along the Mi’ihen Highroad.