
Opening of the battle against a Dinonix in the Monster Arena Calm Lands

HP: 140

Dinonix is a Reptile-type enemy that can be found in the Kilika Woods. You need to capture five of each Reptile-type enemy in order to unlock Ornitholestes in the Species Conquest section of the Monster Arena.

Defeating Dinonix is very easy to do. One swing from Tidus’ Longsword should do the trick.

Descriptions (In-Game)

Ability Description
Sensor “Very nimble. Resistant to magic.”
Scan “Very nimble and hard to hit. Magic defense is also high. Defeat it quickly to avoid damage. Vulnerable to ice.”

Soft (common)
Petrify Grenade (rare)

Speed Spheres (common)
Power Sphere (rare)


They can be found anywhere in the Kilika Woods.