Auto-Abilities for Armor
A full list of the Auto-Abilities that you can add to your character’s armor is included below. The Auto-Abilities that you can add to your weapons are different and can be found in the Auto-Abilities for Weapons section.
These Auto-Abilities are also different than the Abilities that characters can learn by progressing through the Sphere Grid. Head to the Abilities section to find those listings.
The Auto-Abilities are listed in the same order as they are within the game. Click on the “Alphabetical” tab to view them in alphabetical order instead.
Fire Ward
- Description:
- “Reduces fire damage by half.”
- Effect:
- Reduces damage from Fire-based elemental magic attacks.
- Customization:
Bomb Fragment (x4)

- Description:
- “Grants immunity to fire attacks.”
- Effect:
- Completely reduces any damage done by Fire-based elemental magic attacks.
- Customization:
Bomb Core (x8)

Fire Eater
- Description:
- “Converts fire damage to HP.”
- Effect:
- Causes any damage done by Fire-based elemental magic attacks to heal your character’s HP.
- Customization:
Fire Gem (x20)

Lightning Ward
- Description:
- “Reduces lightning damage by half.”
- Effect:
- Reduces damage from Lightning-based elemental magic attacks.
- Customization:
Electro Marble (x4)

- Description:
- “Grants immunity to lightning attacks.”
- Effect:
- Completely reduces any damage done by Lightning-based elemental magic attacks.
- Customization:
Lightning Marble (x8)

Lightning Eater
- Description:
- “Converts lightning damage to HP.”
- Effect:
- Causes any damage done by Lightning-based elemental magic attacks to heal your character’s HP.
- Customization:
Lightning Gem (x20)

Water Ward
- Description:
- “Reduces water damage by half.”
- Effect:
- Reduces damage from Water-based elemental magic attacks.
- Customization:
Fish Scale (x4)

- Description:
- “Grants immunity to water attacks.”
- Effect:
- Completely reduces any damage done by Water-based elemental magic attacks.
- Customization:
Dragon Scale (x8)

Water Eater
- Description:
- “Converts water damage to HP.”
- Effect:
- Causes any damage done by Water-based elemental magic attacks to heal your character’s HP.
- Customization:
Water Gem (x20)

Ice Ward
- Description:
- “Reduces ice damage by half.”
- Effect:
- Reduces damage from Ice-based elemental magic attacks.
- Customization:
Antarctic Wind (x4)

- Description:
- “Grants immunity to ice attacks.”
- Effect:
- Completely reduces any damage done by Ice-based elemental magic attacks.
- Customization:
Arctic Wind (x8)

Ice Eater
- Description:
- “Converts ice damage to HP.”
- Effect:
- Causes any damage done by Ice-based elemental magic attacks to heal your character’s HP.
- Customization:
Ice Gem (x20)

Dark Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against darkness.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Darkness (Blind) status effect.
- Customization:
Eye Drops (x40)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against darkness.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Darkness (Blind) status effect.
- Customization:
Smoke Bomb (x10)

Silence Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against silence.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Silence status effect.
- Customization:
Echo Screen (x30)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against silence.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Silence status effect.
- Customization:
Silence Grenade (x10)

Sleep Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against sleep.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Sleep status effect.
- Customization:
Sleeping Powder (x6)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against sleep.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Sleep status effect.
- Customization:
Dream Powder (x8)

Poison Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against poison.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Poison status effect.
- Customization:
Antidote (x40)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against poison.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Poison status effect.
- Customization:
Poison Fang (x12)

Stone Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against petrification.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Petrification status effect.
- Customization:
Soft (x30)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against petrification.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Petrification status effect.
- Customization:
Petrify Grenade (x20)

Death Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against death.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Instant Death status effect.
- Customization:
Farplane Shadow (x15)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against death.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Instant Death status effect.
- Customization:
Farplane Wind (x60)

Zombie Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against zombie.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Zombie status effect.
- Customization:
Holy Water (x30)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against zombie.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Zombie status effect.
- Customization:
Candle of Life (x10)

Slow Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against slow.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Slow status effect.
- Customization:
Silver Hourglass (x10)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against slow.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Slow status effect.
- Customization:
Gold Hourglass (x20)

Confuse Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against confusion.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Confuse status effect.
- Customization:
Musk (x16)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against confusion.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Confusion status effect.
- Customization:
Musk (x48)

Berserk Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against berserk.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Berserk status effect.
- Customization:
Hypello Potion (x8)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against berserk.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Berserk status effect.
- Customization:
Hypello Potion (x32)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against curse.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Curse status effect.
- Customization:
Tetra Elemental (x12)

SOS NulBlaze
- Description:
- “Casts NulBlaze when HP is low.”
- Effect:
- Automatically casts NulBlaze on your character when their HP reaches as a critical level.
- Customization:
Bomb Core (x1)

SOS NulShock
- Description:
- “Casts NulShock when HP is low.”
- Effect:
- Automatically casts NulShock on your character when their HP reaches as a critical level.
- Customization:
Lightning Marble (x1)

SOS NulTide
- Description:
- “Casts NulTide when HP is low.”
- Effect:
- Automatically casts NulTide on your character when their HP reaches as a critical level.
- Customization:
Dragon Scale (x1)

SOS NulFrost
- Description:
- “Casts NulFrost when HP is low.”
- Effect:
- Automatically casts NulFrost on your character when their HP reaches as a critical level.
- Customization:
Arctic Wind (x1)

SOS Shell
- Description:
- “Casts Shell when HP is low.”
- Effect:
- Automatically casts Shell (protection against magic attacks) on your character when their HP reaches as a critical level.
- Customization:
Lunar Curtain (x8)

SOS Protect
- Description:
- “Casts Protect when HP is low.”
- Effect:
- Automatically casts Protect (protection against physical attacks) on your character when their HP reaches as a critical level.
- Customization:
Light Curtain (x8)

SOS Reflect
- Description:
- “Casts Reflect when HP is low.”
- Effect:
- Automatically casts Reflect (bounces magic-based attacks back at the caster) on your character when their HP reaches as a critical level.
- Customization:
Star Curtain (x8)

SOS Haste
- Description:
- “Casts Haste when HP is low.”
- Effect:
- Automatically casts Haste (increased attack speed) on your character when their HP reaches as a critical level.
- Customization:
Chocobo Feather (x20)

SOS Regen
- Description:
- “Casts Regen when HP is low.”
- Effect:
- Automatically casts Regen (slowly regenerate HP) on your character when their HP reaches as a critical level.
- Customization:
Healing Spring (x12)

- Description:
- “Automatically casts Shell on the user.”
- Effect:
- The character will start off the battle with the Shell status (increased resistance to magic attacks) as soon as the battle begins. The status will also not wear off.
- Customization:
Lunar Curtain (x80)

- Description:
- “Automatically casts Protect on the user.”
- Effect:
- The character will start off the battle with the Protect status (increased resistance to physical attacks) as soon as the battle begins. The status will also not wear off.
- Customization:
Light Curtain (x70)

- Description:
- “Automatically casts Reflect on the user.”
- Effect:
- The character will start off the battle with the Reflect status (rebounds spells cast back at the user) as soon as the battle begins. The status will also not wear off.
- Customization:
Star Curtain (x40)

- Description:
- “Automatically casts Haste on the user.”
- Effect:
- The character will start off the battle with the Haste status (increased action speeds) as soon as the battle begins. The status will also not wear off. This is an incredibly helpful ability to add to your character’s armor.
- Customization:
Chocobo Wing (x80)

- Description:
- “Automatically casts Regen on the user.”
- Effect:
- The character will start off the battle with the Regen status (slowly regenerate HP) as soon as the battle begins. The status will also not wear off. This is an incredibly helpful ability to add to your character’s armor.
- Customization:
Healing Spring (x80)

Defense +3%, +5%, +10% and +20%
- Description:
- “Reduces damage from physical attacks by X%.”
- Effect:
- Reduces the damage from physical attacks by the amount of percentage stated.
- Customization:
Power Sphere (x3)
5%:Stamina Spring (x2)
10%:Special Sphere (x1)
20%:Blessed Gem (x4)

Magic Def +3%, +5%, +10% and +20%
- Description:
- “Reduces damage from magical attacks by X%.”
- Effect:
- Reduces the damage from magic attacks by the amount of percentage stated.
- Customization:
Mana Sphere (x3)
5%:Mana Spring (x2)
10%:Wht Magic Sphere (x1)
20%:Blessed Gem (x4)

HP +5%, +10%, +20% and +30%
- Description:
- “Raises max HP by X%.”
- Effect:
- Increases a characters HP by the percent stated. Note that HP is capped at 9,999 HP unless the character is wearing armor that is also equipped with the Break HP Limit Ability.
- Customization:
X-Potion (x1)
10%:Soul Spring (x3)
20%:Elixir (x5)
30%:Stamina Tonic (x1)

MP +5%, +10%, +20% and +30%
- Description:
- “Raises max MP by X%.”
- Effect:
- Increases a characters MP by the percent stated. Note that MP is capped at 999 HP unless the character is wearing armor that is also equipped with the Break MP Limit Ability.
- Customization:
Ether (x1)
10%:Soul Spring (x3)
20%:Elixir (x5)
30%:Mana Tonic (x1)

- Description:
- “Automatically use items to recover HP when damaged.”
- Effect:
- The character will automatically use the most powerful potion available in your inventory when their HP drops below 50%.
- Customization:
Stamina Tablet (x4)

- Description:
- “Automatically use items to cure status ailments.”
- Effect:
- The character will automatically use a healing item to remove and status effects, using cheaper items first.
- Customization:
Remedy (x20)

- Description:
- “Automatically use Phoenix Down on KO’d character.”
- Effect:
If an ally is KO’d they will automatically be revived using a
Phoenix Down in your inventory.
- Customization:
Mega Phoenix (x20)

- Description:
- “Improves odds of stealing rare items.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood that a character will steal higher value items when using the Steal or Mug command.
- Customization:
Amulet (x30)

Master Thief
- Description:
- “Steal only rare items.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood that a character will steal higher value items when using the Steal or Mug command to 100% (more effective than Pickpocket).
- Customization:
Pendulum (x30)

HP Stroll
- Description:
- “Automatically recover HP while walking.”
- Effect:
- The character will gradually regain HP as they walk around.
- Customization:
Stamina Tablet (x2)

MP Stroll
- Description:
- “Automatically recover MP while walking.”
- Effect:
- The character will gradually regain MP as they walk around.
- Customization:
Mana Tablet (x2)

No Encounters
- Description:
- “No random enemy encounters.”
- Effect:
- Prevents your characters from being thrown in to random battles as they travel through Spira.
- Customization:
Purifying Salt (x30)

Break MP Limit
- Description:
- “Allows max MP to exceed 999.”
- Effect:
- Allows a characters maximum MP to increase from a maximum of 999 up to a maximum of 9,999.
- Customization:
Three Stars (x30)

Break HP Limit
- Description:
- “Allows max HP to exceed 9999.”
- Effect:
- Allows a characters maximum HP to increase from a maximum of 9,999 up to a maximum of 99,999.
- Customization:
Wings to Discovery (x30)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against all status ailments.”
- Effect:
- Protects the character against all negative status effects.
- Customization:
Dark Matter (x99)

- Description:
- “Automatically casts Haste on the user.”
- Effect:
- The character will start off the battle with the Haste status (increased action speeds) as soon as the battle begins. The status will also not wear off. This is an incredibly helpful ability to add to your character’s armor.
- Customization:
Chocobo Wing (x80)

- Description:
- “Automatically use items to cure status ailments.”
- Effect:
- The character will automatically use a healing item to remove and status effects, using cheaper items first.
- Customization:
Remedy (x20)

- Description:
- “Automatically use Phoenix Down on KO’d character.”
- Effect:
If an ally is KO’d they will automatically be revived using a
Phoenix Down in your inventory.
- Customization:
Mega Phoenix (x20)

- Description:
- “Automatically use items to recover HP when damaged.”
- Effect:
- The character will automatically use the most powerful potion available in your inventory when their HP drops below 50%.
- Customization:
Stamina Tablet (x4)

- Description:
- “Automatically casts Protect on the user.”
- Effect:
- The character will start off the battle with the Protect status (increased resistance to physical attacks) as soon as the battle begins. The status will also not wear off.
- Customization:
Light Curtain (x70)

- Description:
- “Automatically casts Reflect on the user.”
- Effect:
- The character will start off the battle with the Reflect status (rebounds spells cast back at the user) as soon as the battle begins. The status will also not wear off.
- Customization:
Star Curtain (x40)

- Description:
- “Automatically casts Regen on the user.”
- Effect:
- The character will start off the battle with the Regen status (slowly regenerate HP) as soon as the battle begins. The status will also not wear off. This is an incredibly helpful ability to add to your character’s armor.
- Customization:
Healing Spring (x80)

- Description:
- “Automatically casts Shell on the user.”
- Effect:
- The character will start off the battle with the Shell status (increased resistance to magic attacks) as soon as the battle begins. The status will also not wear off.
- Customization:
Lunar Curtain (x80)

Berserk Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against berserk.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Berserk status effect.
- Customization:
Hypello Potion (x8)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against berserk.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Berserk status effect.
- Customization:
Hypello Potion (x32)

Break HP Limit
- Description:
- “Allows max HP to exceed 9999.”
- Effect:
- Allows a characters maximum HP to increase from a maximum of 9,999 up to a maximum of 99,999.
- Customization:
Wings to Discovery (x30)

Break MP Limit
- Description:
- “Allows max MP to exceed 999.”
- Effect:
- Allows a characters maximum MP to increase from a maximum of 999 up to a maximum of 9,999.
- Customization:
Three Stars (x30)

Confuse Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against confusion.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Confuse status effect.
- Customization:
Musk (x16)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against confusion.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Confusion status effect.
- Customization:
Musk (x48)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against curse.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Curse status effect.
- Customization:
Tetra Elemental (x12)

Dark Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against darkness.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Darkness (Blind) status effect.
- Customization:
Eye Drops (x40)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against darkness.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Darkness (Blind) status effect.
- Customization:
Smoke Bomb (x10)

Death Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against death.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Instant Death status effect.
- Customization:
Farplane Shadow (x15)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against death.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Instant Death status effect.
- Customization:
Farplane Wind (x60)

Defense +3%, +5%, +10% and +20%
- Description:
- “Reduces damage from physical attacks by X%.”
- Effect:
- Reduces the damage from physical attacks by the amount of percentage stated.
- Customization:
Power Sphere (x3)
5%:Stamina Spring (x2)
10%:Special Sphere (x1)
20%:Blessed Gem (x4)

Fire Eater
- Description:
- “Converts fire damage to HP.”
- Effect:
- Causes any damage done by Fire-based elemental magic attacks to heal your character’s HP.
- Customization:
Fire Gem (x20)

Fire Ward
- Description:
- “Reduces fire damage by half.”
- Effect:
- Reduces damage from Fire-based elemental magic attacks.
- Customization:
Bomb Fragment (x4)

- Description:
- “Grants immunity to fire attacks.”
- Effect:
- Completely reduces any damage done by Fire-based elemental magic attacks.
- Customization:
Bomb Core (x8)

HP +5%, +10%, +20% and +30%
- Description:
- “Raises max HP by X%.”
- Effect:
- Increases a characters HP by the percent stated. Note that HP is capped at 9,999 HP unless the character is wearing armor that is also equipped with the Break HP Limit Ability.
- Customization:
X-Potion (x1)
10%:Soul Spring (x3)
20%:Elixir (x5)
30%:Stamina Tonic (x1)

HP Stroll
- Description:
- “Automatically recover HP while walking.”
- Effect:
- The character will gradually regain HP as they walk around.
- Customization:
Stamina Tablet (x2)

Ice Eater
- Description:
- “Converts ice damage to HP.”
- Effect:
- Causes any damage done by Ice-based elemental magic attacks to heal your character’s HP.
- Customization:
Ice Gem (x20)

Ice Ward
- Description:
- “Reduces ice damage by half.”
- Effect:
- Reduces damage from Ice-based elemental magic attacks.
- Customization:
Antarctic Wind (x4)

- Description:
- “Grants immunity to ice attacks.”
- Effect:
- Completely reduces any damage done by Ice-based elemental magic attacks.
- Customization:
Arctic Wind (x8)

Lightning Eater
- Description:
- “Converts lightning damage to HP.”
- Effect:
- Causes any damage done by Lightning-based elemental magic attacks to heal your character’s HP.
- Customization:
Lightning Gem (x20)

Lightning Ward
- Description:
- “Reduces lightning damage by half.”
- Effect:
- Reduces damage from Lightning-based elemental magic attacks.
- Customization:
Electro Marble (x4)

- Description:
- “Grants immunity to lightning attacks.”
- Effect:
- Completely reduces any damage done by Lightning-based elemental magic attacks.
- Customization:
- Lightning Marble (x8)

Magic Def +3%, +5%, +10% and +20%
- Description:
- “Reduces damage from magical attacks by X%.”
- Effect:
- Reduces the damage from magic attacks by the amount of percentage stated.
- Customization:
Mana Sphere (x3)
5%:Mana Spring (x2)
10%:Wht Magic Sphere (x1)
20%:Blessed Gem (x4)

Master Thief
- Description:
- “Steal only rare items.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood that a character will steal higher value items when using the Steal or Mug command to 100% (more effective than Pickpocket).
- Customization:
Pendulum (x30)

MP +5%, +10%, +20% and +30%
- Description:
- “Raises max MP by X%.”
- Effect:
- Increases a characters MP by the percent stated. Note that MP is capped at 999 HP unless the character is wearing armor that is also equipped with the Break MP Limit Ability.
- Customization:
Ether (x1)
10%:Soul Spring (x3)
20%:Elixir (x5)
30%:Mana Tonic (x1)

MP Stroll
- Description:
- “Automatically recover MP while walking.”
- Effect:
- The character will gradually regain MP as they walk around.
- Customization:
Mana Tablet (x2)

No Encounters
- Description:
- “No random enemy encounters.”
- Effect:
- Prevents your characters from being thrown in to random battles as they travel through Spira.
- Customization:
Purifying Salt (x30)

- Description:
- “Improves odds of stealing rare items.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood that a character will steal higher value items when using the Steal or Mug command.
- Customization:
Amulet (x30)

Poison Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against poison.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Poison status effect.
- Customization:
Antidote (x40)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against poison.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Poison status effect.
- Customization:
Poison Fang (x12)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against all status ailments.”
- Effect:
- Protects the character against all negative status effects.
- Customization:
Dark Matter (x99)

Silence Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against silence.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Silence status effect.
- Customization:
Echo Screen (x30)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against silence.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Silence status effect.
- Customization:
Silence Grenade (x10)

Sleep Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against sleep.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Sleep status effect.
- Customization:
Sleeping Powder (x6)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against sleep.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Sleep status effect.
- Customization:
Dream Powder (x8)

Slow Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against slow.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Slow status effect.
- Customization:
Silver Hourglass (x10)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against slow.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Slow status effect.
- Customization:
Gold Hourglass (x20)

SOS Haste
- Description:
- “Casts Haste when HP is low.”
- Effect:
- Automatically casts Haste (increased attack speed) on your character when their HP reaches as a critical level.
- Customization:
Chocobo Feather (x20)

SOS NulBlaze
- Description:
- “Casts NulBlaze when HP is low.”
- Effect:
- Automatically casts NulBlaze on your character when their HP reaches as a critical level.
- Customization:
Bomb Core (x1)

SOS NulFrost
- Description:
- “Casts NulFrost when HP is low.”
- Effect:
- Automatically casts NulFrost on your character when their HP reaches as a critical level.
- Customization:
Arctic Wind (x1)

SOS NulShock
- Description:
- “Casts NulShock when HP is low.”
- Effect:
- Automatically casts NulShock on your character when their HP reaches as a critical level.
- Customization:
- Lightning Marble (x1)

SOS NulTide
- Description:
- “Casts NulTide when HP is low.”
- Effect:
- Automatically casts NulTide on your character when their HP reaches as a critical level.
- Customization:
Dragon Scale (x1)

SOS Protect
- Description:
- “Casts Protect when HP is low.”
- Effect:
- Automatically casts Protect (protection against physical attacks) on your character when their HP reaches as a critical level.
- Customization:
Light Curtain (x8)

SOS Reflect
- Description:
- “Casts Reflect when HP is low.”
- Effect:
- Automatically casts Reflect (bounces magic-based attacks back at the caster) on your character when their HP reaches as a critical level.
- Customization:
Star Curtain (x8)

SOS Regen
- Description:
- “Casts Regen when HP is low.”
- Effect:
- Automatically casts Regen (slowly regenerate HP) on your character when their HP reaches as a critical level.
- Customization:
Healing Spring (x12)

SOS Shell
- Description:
- “Casts Shell when HP is low.”
- Effect:
- Automatically casts Shell (protection against magic attacks) on your character when their HP reaches as a critical level.
- Customization:
Lunar Curtain (x8)

Stone Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against petrification.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Petrification status effect.
- Customization:
Soft (x30)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against petrification.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Petrification status effect.
- Customization:
Petrify Grenade (x20)

Water Eater
- Description:
- “Converts water damage to HP.”
- Effect:
- Causes any damage done by Water-based elemental magic attacks to heal your character’s HP.
- Customization:
Water Gem (x20)

Water Ward
- Description:
- “Reduces water damage by half.”
- Effect:
- Reduces damage from Water-based elemental magic attacks.
- Customization:
Fish Scale (x4)

- Description:
- “Grants immunity to water attacks.”
- Effect:
- Completely reduces any damage done by Water-based elemental magic attacks.
- Customization:
Dragon Scale (x8)

Zombie Ward
- Description:
- “Sometimes protects against zombie.”
- Effect:
- Increases the likelihood of resisting the Zombie status effect.
- Customization:
Holy Water (x30)

- Description:
- “Almost completely protects against zombie.”
- Effect:
- Prevents the character from being able to be hit by the Zombie status effect.
- Customization:
Candle of Life (x10)