Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe (Part 2)
This section of the guide continues the optional content that you can complete once your team reaches the Archylte Steppe area in Chapter 11. All this content can be skipped if your preference is to just move the story forward.
This section of the guide has us coming from the Yaschas Massif area, but we won’t be headed to the Archylte Steppe just yet, as we have one mission to do in Vallis Media.
Vallis Media - Base Camp
Your next destination is the base camp where the team first landed when they arrived on Gran Pulse. Check out the mission section below for details:
Mission 08: The Eleventh Hour
Cie’th Stone Missions

Rakshasa located in the Atzilut’s Tears area of Vallis Media.
Collector’s Catalog
Helpful Hint
The reward for completing Mission 08 is a Collector Catalog which increases the drop rate of spoils at the end of battles. This is just for common items but equipping this item is still valuable.

Most of your characters should be able to equip up to three accessories at this point so try to find a way to swap out one of their current items for the Collector Catalog.
Travel back through the Base Camp, through the Earthen Bosom back out into the Southern Funnelway of the Archylte Steppe.
The Archylte Steppe
The next Cie’th Mission Stone is very close to where you are along the pathway that leads between the Archylte Steppe and Vallis Media near the cliffs to the left as you come out (west). The next few stones can be done one after the other. Check out the two mission pages for their exact locations:
Mission 09: Heave-ho
Cie’th Stone Missions

Kaiser Behemoth located in the Central Expanse of the Archylte Steppe.
Helpful Hint
The Cie’th Stone for Mission 09, which sits in the southwest corner of the Archylte Steppe, serves as your next Waypoint which you can use to move around from area to area much more quickly.
Mission 10: Hollow Hope
Cie’th Stone Missions

Ambling Bellows located in the Northern Highplains of the Archylte Steppe.
Mission 11: Pride Before a Fall
Cie’th Stone Missions

Adroa located in the Central Expanse of the Archylte Steppe.
Mission 12: Geiseric, the Profane
Cie’th Stone Missions

Geiseric located in the Western Benchland of the Archylte Steppe.
Cie’th Palings
Helpful Hint
The Cie’th Stone for Mission 12 is your very first Cie’th Paling. The stone is directly in front of a large, red, blocked-off wall and, once you complete Mission 12, the paling will be removed allowing entry into the area behind.

Even though you removed the Cie’th Paling by completing Mission 12, the next mission does not require you to enter the newly accessible area yet. Complete Mission 13 and then move on to Mission 14.
Mission 13: Eternity Unpromised
Cie’th Stone Missions

Goblin Chieftain located in the Northern Highplain of the Archylte Steppe.
Mission 14: Defender of the Flock
Cie’th Stone Missions

Sahagin located located in the Font of Namva area of the Archylte Steppe.
Congratulations! Completing Mission 14 is an important achievement because it unlocks the ability for you to begin riding Chocobos around in the Archylte Steppe area.
Gysahl Wreath
You will automatically receive the Gysahl Wreath Achievement/Trophy after you defeat the mark for Mission 14.

With access to Chocobos, you can complete some additional side quests in Chapter 11 as well. Alternatively, they can also be completed later before you move on to the rest of the story.

The Chocobo side quest page will be listed below but you can also consider moving and finishing up the remaining Missions that are available. The next two Missions require jumping up to areas that are only reachable via a Chocobo:
Side Quests

How to obtain the ability to ride Chocobos and how to hunt for treasure.
Mission 15: Tribal Warfare
Cie’th Stone Missions

Goblin Chieftain located in the Northern Highplain of the Archylte Steppe.
Mission 16: Surrogate Slayer
Cie’th Stone Missions

Sahagin located in the Font of the Namva area of the Archylte Steppe.
The next Cie’th Stone Mission is the last one that you can do before you end up proceeding with at least some of the story. It also serves as your next Waypoint.
Helpful Hint
The Cie’th Stone for Mission 07 is in the northwestern section of the Archylte Steppe, and it serves as your next Waypoint. This last Waypoint you obtain before heading into the next area allows you to now quickly reach all the different corners of the map.
Helpful Hint
How much Chocobo treasure did you find digging out in the Archylte Steppe? One of the rewards you can obtain after you have found enough treasure is an important accessory called a Ribbon. Consider hopping back on a Chocobo and digging around more if you haven’t picked one up. Some tips and tricks for digging for treasure can be found on the Chocobo side quest page.

Mission 17: A Widow’s Wrath
Cie’th Stone Missions

Pulsework Champion located in the Northern Highplain of the Archylte Steppe.
This is the last Mission that you can complete out in the Archylte Steppes as the next one requires you to move the story forward. Now that you have completed some of the prerequisite requirements, you’ll be able to activate the next Cie’th Stones as soon as you see them, starting with Mission 18.
Travel to the far northwest section of the map near the new Waypoint you just opened and save your game at the Save Station on your way past.

(Click on the map to enlarge)
Behemoth King / Megistotherian
Helpful Hint
While it’s certainly not a requirement, you should be powerful enough to defeat the two battling enemies as you run past them. Make sure you get a preemptive strike by attacking one of them from behind and then try to take out the Behemoth King as quickly as possible while it’s Staggered to prevent it from standing on two legs and recovering all of its HP. Focus your attacks on the Megistotherian second. The fight is worth 6,600 Crystogen Points (CP)!

Northern Antrepass
A very short cutscene will take place involving Snow when you first enter the area. Travel to the end of the Antrepass to reach the next area and move the story along.