Welcome to the walkthrough and strategy guide for Final Fantasy XIII! Before we dive in, as with any strategy guide or walkthrough, please be aware that this guide contains spoilers. If this is your first playthrough and you wish to avoid story spoilers, proceed with caution, and don’t read too far ahead. Now, let’s begin!

The first thing to start with is some important walkthrough notes. Quite a few of the first chapters are very linear and it’s straightforward to progress through them without missing anything. You can use the maps and references to make sure you are on the right track.
This guide will include a picture of the map to start each section as well as a list of all the enemies in the area. The primary purpose of listing out all the enemies is to ensure that you can fully complete Final Fantasy XIII’s Datalog. This Datalog is used to record all kinds of entries as you progress through the game and includes the following subcategories:
- Events
- People
- The Thirteen Days
- History and Myth
- Locales
- Cocoon Society
- The Fal’Cie
- Analects
- Primers: Gameplay Basics
- Primers: Battle
- Primers: Exploration
- Primers: The Main Menu
- Enemy Intel
You can use the strategy guide to find most of this information but the walkthrough section is written specifically to ensure that you successfully unlock all the available entries.
Consider reviewing each page and the checklists at the bottom of each walkthrough section to make sure you have picked up everything before you move forward in each of the chapters. Time to delve in!
Treasure Hunter Achievement/Trophy
Are you planning to obtain all the achievements or trophies that are available during your playthrough of Final Fantasy XIII? If so, there is one particularly challenging trophy to obtain called Treasure Hunter. It requires that you obtain every weapon and every accessory in the game.
This will require you to upgrade many of the weapons and accessories that you obtain during your travels through each chapter of the game, and many of these items are not replaceable if you sell or dismantle them.
Do not sell or dismantle weapons or accessories for Gil until later in the game when you can be 100% sure that they are not unique and/or required for this Achievement/Trophy.
Final Fantasy XIII Maps
Helpful Hint
Each of these strategy guide pages has an accompanying map. The maps have been oriented with the starting area being at the bottom and the area where the zone ends being oriented toward the top. This is so that the maps in this guide will mimic the way they will appear in your mini-map.
It’s important to note though that there are no compass/cardinal directions (North, West, East, South) available within the game. This may require you to reorient the map when viewing it in your menu screen to align it with those shown in this strategy guide.