Datalog: Analects

These pieces of writing are obtained as rewards after completing certain Missions that provide additional information about the creation of Cocoon, Gran Pulse and the world of Final Fantasy XIII. They aren’t important from a game play perspective.

Screenshot of the Datalog for Analect I

Luminous lamented,
for creation spiraled unto doom.
Stout fashioned earth,
that future might take root.
Sage turned mind’s eye inward,
seeking truth profound.
Fool desired naught,
and soon was made one with it.
Maker forged fal’Cie,
from fragments Maker’s own.
Maker forged Man,
from traces once Devine.
In time the gods departed,
leaving all by their hands wrought.
Fal’Cie were as Man forsaken,
orphans of Maker absconded.

- Author unknown

This Analect is obtained after you have completed Mission 03 - Massif Contamination (Ugallu).

Screenshot of the Datalog for Analect II

And lo, the viper Lindzei bore fangs into the pristine soil of our Gran Pulse; despoiled the land and from it crafted a cocoon both ghastly and unclean.

Lies spilled forth from the serpent’s tongue: ‘Within this shell lies paradise.’ Men heard these lies and were seduced and led away.

O cursed are the fools who trust a snake and turn their backs upon the bounty of Pulse’s hallowed land! For those who dwell in that cocoon are not Men, but slaves of the demon Lindzei.

Ye who honor Pulse: rise unto the heavens, and cast down the viper’s nest!

- Author unknown

This Analect is obtained after you have completed Mission 10 - Hollow Hope (Ambling Bellows).

Screenshot of the Datalog for Analect III

Two l’Cie are they, the Chosen, and from the North they hail. Endowed are they with fal’Cie Focus, to bear the burden of the Beast.

My brothers and sisters of Gran Pulse: Honor the Chosen in your prayers! Let the blade forged of their will be tempered by your faith, that it might sunder that devilish cocoon’s facade!

- A Call to Arms

This Analect is obtained after you have completed Mission 33 - A Parent’s Pledge (Adamanchelid).

Screenshot of the Datalog for Analect IV

Ragnarok took wing; made to smite Cocoon, and thereby deliver us our everlasting peace. But Her Providence would not let it be.

The Goddess pitied the fools who so blindly bowed to Lindzei’s will, and so She robed Ragnarok of power, putting the l’Cie to an early crystal sleep, Focus yet incomplete

- Sermons of the seeress Paddra Nsu-Yeul

This Analect is obtained after you have completed Mission 28 - Faded Glory (Ceratosaur).

Screenshot of the Datalog for Analect V

How long now, since the demons of Cocoon violated this land? Where once the peoples of Gran Pulse stood as one, united against a common foe, today we stand divided, at war amongst ourselves.

We walk on the edge of a knife, teetering, ever but one step from our demise. How tired a species, that we must rob our own of the necessities for the life lest we succumb to the fate to which we so willingly subject others!

Even Haeri, at the height of its glory, laid to ruin by a menace greater still! Surely the vipers within that floating nest look down upon us with self-righteous scorn, to see this decline of our once-great civilization.

- Criticisms of a Pulsian People

This Analect is obtained after you have completed Mission 06 - No Place Like Home (Munchkin Maestro).

Screenshot of the Datalog for Analect VI

The fal’Cie of Hallowed Pulse offer us no salvation. Populations dwindle, and still they but make more of us l’Cie, dealing out one incomprehensible Focus after the next as they drive us toward our end.

Men take up arms against their brothers now. We, who should be joining hands to survive in the face of nature’s trials, turn on one another to secure what few of her blessings remain.

I suspect that even the city of Paddra, this last bastion of civilization, will not long stand against the evils we now perpetrate. Human life on Gran Pulse has passed the point of no return.

- Criticisms of a Pulsian People

This Analect is obtained after you have completed Mission 57 - What’s Yours is Brine (Sahagin).

Screenshot of the Datalog for Analect VII

It was the Great and Hallowed Pulse who, seeking to expand divine domain, parted the chaos and fashioned realm within; made fal’Cie and charged them with this world’s completion.

The fal’Cie, anxious to please the hand that shaped them, labored devotedly at the task they had been given. They made l’Cie of men so that they, too, might be able to aid the greater cause. Men, in turn, offered praise and prayer to Hallowed Pulse, naming their great land in honor of its architect.

Yet still the architect departed.

- On the Nature of Fal’Cie

This Analect is obtained after you have completed Mission 18 - So Close, Yet So Far (Ambling Bellows).

Screenshot of the Datalog for Analect VIII

As our fal’Cie are the children of Hallowed Pulse, so are the fal’Cie who lurk within Cocoon the brood of Lindzei.

But all gods are not alike.

Lindzei is cunning and false; sovereign to snakes and fiends; an anathema to be abhorred.

Cocoon fal’Cie are of Fell Lindzei’s line, yet that did not spare them. They were betrayed all the same; left orphans when their Succubus fled this early realm.

- A Call to Arms

This Analect is obtained after you have completed Mission 55 - Can’t We All Just Get Along? (Neochu).

Screenshot of the Datalog for Analect IX

Her Providence sought nothing.
Her Providence made nothing.
She but looked on, silent in Her sorrow.

The Goddess pities mortals, destined as they were to die, and so She deigned to intervene in the hour of their greatest peril. She averted cataclysm that was to be, and put to rest the ones who would have robbed so many of what time fate had ordained.

Her compassion did not end at this.

The Goddess pitied also those subjected to that fate of Focus, crueler still than death. To them She sent Her messengers, to deliver hope when all was lost.

- Sermons of the seeress Paddra Nsu-Yuel

This Analect is obtained after you have completed Mission 58 - The Culler of Many (Humbaba).

Screenshot of the Datalog for Analect X

They say the fal’Cie made the Arks in preparation for battle against the menace that lurks beyond. Where is this ‘beyond’ of which they speak? Do they mean Cocoon, and the demons that dwell within? If so, they are mistaken. The legends of the Arks date far before that sphere was even crafted; whispers even hint at Arks displaced around the time of Cocoon’s creation, spirited away to be hidden in its shell.

What, then is the ‘menace’? What distant threat confronts us, and to what purpose? The gods vanished from this place. Are they now residence of the ‘beyond’?

- On the Nature of Fal’Cie

This Analect is obtained after you have completed Mission 56 - A Toothy Grin (Ugallu).

Screenshot of the Datalog for Analect XI

We’ve long held the goal of the fal’Cie’s endless excavations to be the expansion of our world’s inhabitable space—the creation of new lands with which to honor the gods. But I contend this to be false. Their methods lack the order one would expect if that were their purpose, and what’s more, the gods they would honor have long since departed this world.

I propose a different explanation: the fal’Cie are hunting. Whether they seek a way to recall the gods or to journey to their side I cannot say, but I do believe the fal’Cie seek their lost deities. They search the earth, the skies, the waters, and even the deep places, seeking a gateway to the Divine.

- On the Nature of Fal’Cie

This Analect is obtained after you have completed Mission 63 - Crushed by Doubt (Adamantortoise).

Screenshot of the Datalog for Analect XII

When our earthly vessels meet their end, the souls they housed must leave this world. Would the path of their migration not be the same one taken by our departed gods? Must they not pass through the same doorway the Divine employed to reach that place that lies beyond?

If this is the case, it stands to reason that, should a great many lives at once be cut short, a flood of souls would surge through the aforementioned portal. The Door would be thrown wide, and perhaps we might even glimpse the gleaming light of Divinity beyond.

- On the Nature of Fal’Cie

This Analect is obtained after you have defeated Barthandelus in Oerba.

Screenshot of the Datalog for Analect XIII

Children of Hallowed Pulse scour earth, searching substance for the Door. Those of Fell Lindzei harvest souls, combing ether for the same. So have I seen.

The Door, once shut, was locked away, with despair its secret key; sacrifice, the one hope of seeing it unsealed.

When the twilight of the gods at last descends upon this world, what emerges from the unseeable expanse beyond that Door will be but music, and that devoid of words: the lamentations of the Goddess Etro, as She sobs Her song of grief.

- Author Unknown

This Analect is obtained after you have completed the last Mission which is Mission 64 - The Doomherald (Vercingetorix).