Mission 55: Can’t We All Just Get Along?
Neochu (Class A)
This Mission can be completed the normal way, as outlined below, or you can utilize the Death spamming strategy to try and complete this Mission earlier in the game to obtain a
Growth Egg. Check out the Early Growth Egg page for more information.

- Complete Mission 14 - Defender of the Flock
- Reach the end of Chapter 11
Cie’th Stone Location
The Cie’th Stone for this Mission is located at the top of the Deserted Schoolhouse near the Village Proper of Oerba. You can use a Waypoint to warp to Oerba but then you will have to run through the entire village to reach the Cie’th Stone.

(Click on the map to enlarge)
Mark Location
The mark for this Mission can be found in Aggra’s Pasture near where the Ochu can be found. Check out the Aggra’s Pasture page for more information or use the map below:
Aggra’s Pasture
Side Quests

How to reach Aggra’s Pasture and a short overview of the tasks you can complete there.

(Click on the map to enlarge)
Battle Tactics
Mark Battle
Class: A
HP: 2,625,000

Neochu has a number of attacks which do a high amount of damage. It has a regular attack that it will use which involves it pushing its vines into the ground and having them come up through the ground to launch one of your party members into the air. In addition to doing a fairly high amount of damage, this attack will also launch that party member which temporarily prevents them from taking actions (or interrupts actions if they are already in progress).
Its other moves include the following:
- Screech: Deals a heavy amount of damage to all party members and removes status buffs. It also has the effect of buffing up any of the Picochus that are engaged in the battle.
- Seed Dispersal: Summons more Picochus to join the battle (which it will use if you defeat all of the Picochus)
- Pollen: Heals Picochus, adds status buffs to them and removes any negative status effects.
Because Neochu will just summon more Picochus to join the battle if you kill them first, and because it will be continuously buffing and healing them throughout the fight, your best bet is to focus your attacks on the Neochu first.
More importantly than that though is that your party members need to be able to survive the hit from Screech which means they will need to have well over 10,000 HP each. If they don’t, either consider leveling your party or utilizing the Death spamming strategy (outlined on the Early Growth Egg page).

Aegisol and
Fortisol will be very helpful for this fight and now is a good time to use them as this is one of the more challenging enemies you will face. You should also equip your party members with accessories that reduce damage and prevent negative status effects such as
Royal Armlet,
Ribbon and
Super Ribbon. Due to the high amount of damage, there’s also value in equipping your party members with
Gaian Ring.
The goal from there is to keep a Sentinel active and healed for recovery periods and then work towards slowly building up Neochu’s Chain Gauge for a Stagger. Having debuffs applied by a Saboteur such as
Deprotect and
Deshell will make this task much easier. And don’t forget that you will have to defeat each of the Picochus after Neochu has been defeated.
- First Attempt:
Growth Egg, Datalog Entry: Analect VIII
- Repeat Attempts:
Moonblossom Seed (x2)
Next Steps Following Completion
The Cie’th Stone for the next Mission is back in the Eastern Tors section of the Archylte Steppe unless you completed Mission 56, 57, 58, 60 and 61 earlier. Depending on where you are, use the links below to navigate to the next mission: