Chimera Brain
Fiend Listing - Monster Arena

Monster Arena > Calm Lands > Chimera Brain

HP: 9,800

There’s nothing too particularily difficult about battling a Chimera Brain. Each of the heads will use a different type of magic-based attack, either Thundara or Aqua Breath. You can use a Silencing ability on Chimera Brain to make the battle even easier but this fight shouldn’t require much in the way of in depth strategy.

Kimahri can use Lancet on a Chimera Brain to learn Aqua Breath for his Ronso Rage Overdrive.

Descriptions (In-Game)

Ability Description
Sensor “Darkness and silence work well. Vulnerable to Threaten.”
Scan “The snake casts Thundara, the bull Assaults, the hawk uses Aqua Breath, and the lion uses Megiddo Flame, in that order. Vulnerable to Threaten, darkness, and silence. Kimahri can learn Aqua Breath.”

Ice Gem (common)
Lightning Gem (x2) (rare)

Ability Spheres


Can be found anywhere in the Calm Lands.