Role Bonuses

While spending Crystogen Points (CP) in each of your team member’s Crystariums, you may notice or come across nodes or crystals called “Role Level”, and you may have been wondering what these do.

Activating Sazh’s Role Level crystal node in his Commando Crystarium

Each “Role Level” that your characters gain provides a “Role Bonus” that is applied to that character and their party members whenever they are in that role. So for example, if you activate the a Role Level crystal node in Lightning’s Commando Crystarium, whenever she is in the Commando Role she will gain a bonus and provide a bonus to her party members as well.

The “Role Bonus” that Commandos provide when they gain a “Role Level” is to increase the damage dealt by both the Commando and their party members. This bonus is deactivated though if you switch to a Paradigm that swaps Lightning into another role.

And the best part? This effect can stack! Having three Commando with “Role Level” crystals activated will cause each of them to increase one another’s damage exponentially. As a result, for late game content, the strongest approach is often to use Paradigms that have all three characters in the same role, such as:

So what are the role bonuses that you can obtain? You can obtain up to five Role Level crystals in all six Crystariums for all six of your characters and their effects are outlined below:

Role Level Effect on Self Effect on Allies
Commando 1 x2.0 x1.05
2 x2.1 x1.05
3 x2.2 x1.10
4 x2.3 x1.10
5 x2.5 x1.15
Role Level Effect on Self Effect on Allies
Ravager 1 +1.0% +0.1%
2 +1.5% +0.1%
3 +2.0% +0.2%
4 +2.5% +0.2%
5 +3.0% +0.3%
Role Level Effect on Self Effect on Allies
Sentinel 1 x0.65 x0.92
2 x0.63 x0.92
3 x0.60 x0.89
4 x0.56 x0.89
5 x0.50 x0.86
Role Level Effect on Self Effect on Allies
Medic 1 x1.20 x1.03
2 x1.23 x1.03
3 x1.26 x1.06
4 x1.29 x1.06
5 x1.32 x1.10
Role Level Effect on Self Effect on Allies
Saboteur 1 x1.20 x1.05
2 x1.35 x1.05
3 x1.50 x1.10
4 x1.65 x1.10
5 x1.80 x1.15
Role Level Effect on Self Effect on Allies
Synergist 1 x1.20 x1.04
2 x1.24 x1.04
3 x1.28 x1.08
4 x1.33 x1.08
5 x1.40 x1.12