
Alexander is Hope’s Eidolon and he is the fifth Eidolon you can access to. Hope will be joined by Fang and Lightning for this battle which takes place in Chapter 11 - Vallis Media after the team reaches Gran Pulse.

Alexander does not have an elemental affinity as all of his attacks are physical in nature.

Summoning sequence for Alexander

Normal Mode

Similar to Odin, Alexander is a fairly offensive Eidolon who will act as a Commando and Sentinel. This allows him to synergize with Hope who functions best in magic-focused and support roles, such as Ravager, Medic and Synergist.

Ability ATB Cost Description
Steelcrusher 1 Deal physical damage to target.
Obliterator 1 Deal heavy physical damage to target.
Soaring Uppercut 1 Deal physical damage to target and launch it into the air.
Blast Punch 1 Deal physical damage to distinct target.
Explosive Fist 3 Deal physical damage to targets within a wide radius.
Lofty Challenge 1 Force enemies in range to attack Eidolon.
Curaga 1 Restore a large amount of target’s HP.
Arise Auto Revive from KO with full HP and no status ailments.

Gestalt Mode

Alexander can chain together moves in Gestalt Mode which allows him to reuse the same move but for a significantly reduced cost. The two moves that can be chained include “Earthquake” and “Brutal Sanction” which both drop from a cost of 4 to 2 when chained.

Ability ATB Cost Controls Description
Purification 4 L Stick and X Button Deal physical damage to targets in front of Eidolon and inflict Deshell.
Earthquake 4/2 L Stick and X Button Deal proximity-based damage, launching Staggered enemies, chainable by repeating input (hence second cost).
Brutal Sanction 4/2 L Stick or and X Button Deal magic damage to nearby and falling enemies; chainable by repeating input (hence second cost).
Retributive Blast 5 Circle Damage enemies in a wide area, launching Staggered foes and inflicting Deprotect.
Divine Judgment All Triangle Button Deal weakness-specific damage to all enemies.
Summoning sequence for Alexander