Hope Estheim

Hope joins the game in the first chapter with his friend Vanille as Snow and his crew help to break him and his family out of the trains carrying those impacted by the Purge. His mother is killed fairly on in the first Chapter of the game and his character arc involves him grappling with trying to restitution and seek revenge on her behalf.

Close-up of Hope in the first chapter of the game

Hope is always partnered with another team member and, while he can fill a few different roles, he excels in non-physical roles, either as a magic user or providing supportive spells.

Strengths and Roles

As noted above, Hope excels in magic-based roles and this should come as no surprise given his small stature and young age. He’s the tiniest of the group, so it would be pretty funny if he were to function as a Commando or a Sentinel.

Lightning and Fang in her first battles against a Corps Tranquifex in Palumpolum

Hope’s strongest roles include Ravager, Medic and Synergist. You will need him in his Ravager role for the most part to help build up a Chain Bonus towards a Stagger, but he also does well as a Medic and Synergist in the harder battles when called for.

He and Vanille are both capable of filling these roles under different circumstances, but Hope tends to be the stronger of the two, and it is recommended to include him in the party for the long haul. Check out the “Best Party” section for more information:

Character Stats

The table below outlines the maximum level for Hope’s stats for each chapter of the game. A comparison of these stats to the other characters in the game can be found in the “Best Party” section using the link above.

HP Strength Magic
Chapter 1 170 26 32
Chapter 2
(Pulse Vestige)
270 41 47
Chapter 4
(Vile Peaks)
338 52 55
Chapter 6
(Sunleth Waterscape)
423 83 92
Chapter 7
540 98 134
Chapter 9
701 131 175
Chapter 10
(Fifth Ark)
893 170 228
Chapter 11
(Archylte Steppe)
1,119 218 295
Chapter 12
3,067 621 1,072
Chapter 13
3,843 806 1,429
Maxed 5,439 1,128 2,033
Hope’s Crystarium screen


Hope uses a boomerang to attack but he will be casting spells for the most part. Use the link below for a full list of his weapons or use the link below that for more information about his best weapons.

Unique Abilities

Each character’s “unique ability” is also sometimes referred to as their “Full ATB” ability because it requires all six ATB gauge segments to be filled in order to use it in battle.

Each character will gain access to different abilities and spells as they progress through their crystariums, but each character has one “ultimate ability” which serves as their unique ability. Three characters can learn their ultimate ability in their Ravager crystarium with Hope being one of them (Sazh and Lightning being the other two).

Hope’s unique ability is called Last Resort and, like both Lightning and Sazh’s unique ability, using it on an enemy will quickly boost the Chain Bonus on a Staggered enemy allowing the party to deal massive amounts of damage.