Gold Saucer
Welcome to Gold Saucer!

You’ll arrive at the main entrance to a new location called Gold Saucer which is like a big theme park mixed with a casino. Time to have some fun!

The main currency of Gold Saucer is called “GP” and you will need GP for pretty much everything. You even require it in order to use the Save Point at the entrance to Gold Saucer so, unfortunately, you will not be able to save your game for now.

Speak to the woman standing near the welcome sign to buy your ticket to enter Gold Saucer. You have two options: you can purchase a lifetime pass for 30,000 gil or a single entry ticket for 3,000 gil. You won’t have the gil to purchase the lifetime pass just yet so select the “single pass” option.

There is another short cutscene in the next area as the team decides what to do. Cloud has the option of taking any of the remaining characters with him as he travels around Gold Saucer. The selection you make will have an impact on the Gold Saucer date as outlined below:
Best Bromance
Actions in this section of the game will influence the Gold Saucer Date side quest and obtaining the Best Bromance Achievement/Trophy.
When you enter Gold Saucer you will have the option of talking to various members of your party and asking them to accompany you.
Choosing to take Aeris:
Go together | + 3 to Aeris - 2 to Tifa - 2 to Yuffie |
Choosing to take Tifa:
Go together | + 3 to Tifa - 2 to Aeris - 2 to Yuffie |
Choosing to take Yuffie:
Go together | + 3 to Yuffie - 2 to Aeris - 2 to Tifa |
Talking to Red XIII:
Go together | No Change (all) |
Choosing Red XIII will have no effect. Your best option, if you intend to obtain the Best Bromance trophy, is to have Yuffie join you and score negative points against Aeris and Tifa.

Travel to Ghost Square and enter the creepy looking Hotel.

Read the sign in front of the shop to find and read “Turtle’s Paradise No. 3”, part of the Turtles Paradise side quest.

The next destination is Wonder Square where you will run into Cait Sith, the next character to join your team, though he doesn’t provide you with an option or a choice.

Next travel to the Battle Square area which will have been recently massacred, by the looks of things. Cloud, Cait Sith and the ‘buddy’ you chose will run into Battle Square to find all of the Shinra Soldiers slain, but not with a sword as Sephiroth would typically use.

The team will be thrown into the Corel Prison at the end of the cutscene.