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Sector 6

Note that this page describes the second visit to Sector 5 and 6. If this is your first time visiting this area check out the Sector 5 Slums page for more information (towards the bottom).

The story resumes in the Sector 6 maze area. Travel south just far enough to cause Tifa and Barret to come running out behind Cloud. Tifa and Barret will join your party.

Traveling a short ways through Sector 6

You should then turn around and return to the Sector 6 Park to pick up the yellow Sense Materia lying on the ground.

Returning to the Sector 6 Park for the Sense Materia

Go south through the Sector 6 maze area and back to the Sector 5 Slums. Backtrack all the way to Aeris’s House and go inside of it to continue the story. Head up to the second floor of Aeris’ House before you leave and speak to Marlene…

Aeris’s House

As instructed by Tifa, you should now return to the Wall Market area to try to find a way to get to the Shinra Building.

Tifa at Aeris’s House suggesting a return to Wall Market

Travel back through the Sector 5 Slums and through the Sector 6 maze. Go through the Sector 6 Park and take a right to return to Wall Market.

Wall Market

The Materia Store in Wall Market is now open for business. You can buy the following Materia from the shop owner:

Travel up to the Weapon Store which, as you might recall from your previous visit to Wall Market, is the building with the “Machine Gun” wording in pink on the sign outside. Use the screenshot below if you need help locating it.

Speak to the man on the left side of the shop behind the cage and he will tell you that you will need a Battery in order to climb to the top of the plate. Offer to buy them off of him for 100 gil each and you will receive the key item “Batteries”.

Buying Batteries at the Wall Market Weapon Shop

Continue north from the Weapon Store and some kids will lead you off to the right side of the screen. Speak to the young child standing in front of the pillar to begin your ascent.

Ascending the Plate Section

Plate Section

Follow the wire all the way to the top of the first section and then Cloud will automatically jump down off on to the left side of the screen. Take the pathway across to the right side of the screen and touch the glowing yellow outlet at the bottom right side.

Cloud on the left

Cloud will use a Battery in the outlet which will cause the propeller to rotate and create another pathway. Go north and cross the path.

Cloud using a battery

As soon as you cross the propeller you will see the slot for the next Battery glowing at the end of the railway track. Climb the track/ladder and place the next Battery in the slot. This will cause the black and yellow arm to raise north slightly creating another path that you can cross.

Cloud climbing the arm

Climb all the way to the top of the wire and Cloud will say “Looks like the only way is to jump onto that bar.” Continue climbing north from this area though and you will find another Battery slot at the top.

Placing a Battery in this slot opens a small box that contains an Ether.

Receiving the Ether using the last battery

Go back down to try and attempt the jump on to the swinging wire. This jump can be very frustrating.

The trick is to jump once you hear the sound effect - press the jump button at the exact second that the sound effect ends and Cloud will time his jump perfectly to grab on to the wire. Use the video below to help you with the timing:

Climb up a little bit further to reach the Shinra Headquarters.