
Brynhildr is Sazh’s Eidolon and she is the third Eidolon you gain access to. Sazh and Vanille will battle Brynhildr at the end of Chapter 8 - Nautilus.

Brynhildr has an elemental affinity of Fire and, just like the other Eidolons, if the enemies you are facing are resistant or immune to fire damage, Brynhildr’s attacks will still work just fine.

Summoning sequence for Brynhildr

Normal Mode

Brynhildr’s role in battle is similar to that of a Ravager. Her attacks can be used to help build up a Chain Gauge quickly and she will focus her attacks on the same enemy that Sazh is targeting. In order to use her most effectively, Sazh should be in either his Commando role or his Sentinel role, neither of which are ideal.

Ability ATB Cost Description
Slash 1 Deal physical damage to targets in range.
Valkyrian Scythe 1 Repeatedly deal physical damage to targets in range.
Gunshot 1 Deal physical damage to target.
Pyroshot 1 Deal Fire damage to targets in range.
Cryoshot 1 Deal Ice damage to targets in range. Requires Enfrost status.
Electroshot 1 Deal Lightning damage to targets in range. Requires Enthunder status.
Hydroshot 1 Deal Water damage to targets in range. Requires Enwater status.
Pyroburst 1 Attack targets within a wide radius for Fire damage.
Cryoburst 1 Attacks targets within a wide radius for Ice damage. Requires Enfrost status.
Electroburst 1 Attacks targets within a wide radius for Lightning damage. Requires Enthunder status.
Hydroburst 1 Attacks targets within a wide radius for Water damage. Requires Enwater status.
Curaga 1 Restore a large amount of target’s HP.
Arise Auto Revive from KO with full HP and no status ailments.
ATB Boost Auto Temporarily extend ATB Gauge to deliver a powerful attack.
Penetration Auto Bypass target’s Fire, Ice, Lightning and Water resistances.

Gestalt Mode

Hunting Dive has a chance to miss anytime it is used on enemies that are on the ground (i.e. most enemies). Pulsar Burst is also fairly effective for quickly building a Chain Gauge on one enemy or groups of enemies.

Ability ATB Cost Controls Description
Chopper Spin 2 L Stick and X Button Strike target while spinning wildly. Jets deal additional damage.
Caltrop Bomb 2 L Stick and X Button Scatter bombs that deal Fire damage upon detonation; jets deal additional damage.
Centrifugal Sweep 3/1 L Stick or and X Button Damage surrounding targets; jets deal additional damage; chainable by repeating input (hence second cost).
Spark Shower 3/1 Circle Deal Fire damage to target; jets deal additional damage; chainable by repeating input (hence second cost).
Múspell Flame All Triangle Button Engulf all enemies in soarding flames.
Summoning sequence for Brynhildr