Fang (Oerba Yun Fang)

Fang is the last party to join your team, and that’s really a shame, because she is undoubtedly the strongest Commando in the game. She appears in a few cutscenes early in the game, but doesn’t officially join your party until Chapter 07 - Palumpolum (Part 1).

Fang cinematic as she's standing in the Font of Namva after rescuing a Chocobo

Fang and Vanille go way back, and as you learn more about the two of them, you will learn that their stories are much more intertwined with everything that goes on in the flashbacks than it first appears.

Her and Snow are the two strongest character.

Strengths and Roles

As noted above, Fang is one of the stronger characters, and she excels in roles that don’t use magic. More specifically, she is strong as a Commando, Sentinel and a Saboteur.

It could be argued that Lightning is a better Commando in certain circumstances, but because Lightning is a strong Ravager as well, it tends to make sense to utilize Fang as a Commando for most of the game.

Lightning and Fang in her first battles against a Corps Tranquifex in Palumpolum

Her other two ‘back up’ roles that she can utilize include Sentinel and Saboteur, and they can both prove useful during the more difficult battles. You can start her off in the Saboteur role in order to get some strong debuffs on the enemy, and you can swap to the Sentinel role when a powerful enemy needs to have their attacks redirected away from weaker party members.

Fang is one of the strongest characters in the game and it makes sense to use her in your party. Check out the “Best Party” link below for more information:

Character Stats

The table below outlines the maximum level for Fang’s stats for each chapter of the game. A comparison of these stats to the other characters in the game can be found in the “Best Party” section using the link above.

HP Strength Magic
Chapter 1 - - -
Chapter 2
(Pulse Vestige)
- - -
Chapter 4
(Vile Peaks)
- - -
Chapter 6
(Sunleth Waterscape)
- - -
Chapter 7
750 140 90
Chapter 9
940 183 118
Chapter 10
(Fifth Ark)
1,119 239 255
Chapter 11
(Archylte Steppe)
1,557 318 206
Chapter 12
4,341 1,048 671
Chapter 13
5,439 1,420 885
Maxed 7,697 2,036 1,251
Fang’s Crystarium screen


Fang uses a spear to attack but she will be casting spells for the most part. Use the link below for a full list of her weapons or use the link below that for more information about his best weapons.

Unique Abilities

Each character’s “unique ability” is also sometimes referred to as their “Full ATB” ability because it requires all six ATB gauge segments to be filled in order to use it in battle.

Each character will gain access to different abilities and spells as they progress through their crystariums, but each character has one “ultimate ability” which serves as their unique ability. Two characters can learn their ultimate ability in their Commando crystarium with Fang being one of them (and Snow being the other).

Fang’s unique ability is called Highwind and, like Snow’s unique ability, this attack will hit multiple enemies and, when used against a Staggered enemy, will gain a large bump in its damage multiplier. The best time to use this attack is when an enemy’s Stagger gauge is about to run out.