
Shiva is Snow’s Eidolon. Snow obtains Shiva at the end of Chapter 3 - Lake Bresha (Part 2) after they join him to save him from an onslaught attack of soldiers while he protects Serah’s stasis crystal.

Shiva is the only Eidolon that is technically made up of two different ‘Eidolons’, Nix and Stiria. Both of them are capable of performing their own actions in “Normal Mode”, but they combine to form the single entity known as “Shiva” when Gestalt Mode is activated.

Summoning sequence for Shiva Summoning sequence for Shiva

Normal Mode

Each of the two Eidolons, Nix and Stiria, will perform different actions when they are initially summoned into battle. Just like in the Eidolon battle against Snow, Stiria will stand back and perform support abilities and she cannot be attacked directly. From time to time she may deal damage if all party members are healed up, but her primary abilities include:

Ability ATB Cost Description
Blizzard 1 Deal Ice damage to targets.
Blizzara 2 Deal Ice damage to targets in range.
Blizzaga 3 Deal Ice damage to targets within a wide radius.
Curaga 1 Restore a large amount of target’s HP.
Esuna 1 Remove target’s most recently inflicted status ailment.

Nix, on the other hand, acts as the more offensive of the two sisters. Its primary attacks include:

Ability ATB Cost Description
Wheel Rap 1 Deal physical damage to target.
Flip Kick 1 Deal physical damage to target, launching it into the air if Staggered.
Wheel Grind 1 Strike target repeatedly for physical damage.
Wheel Toss 1 Attack distant target for physical damage.
Pirouette 2 Attack surrounding targets repeatedly for physical damage.
Blizzara 2 Deal Ice damage to targets in range.
ATB Charge Auto Store power to accelerate ATB Gauge recharge.
Penetration Auto Bypass target’s Fire, Ice, Lightning and Water resistances.

Gestalt Mode

Once Nix and Stiria swap into Gestalt Mode, they will have access to the following attacks:

Ability ATB Cost Controls Description
Wheelie 3 L Stick and X Button Charge forward and deal non-elemental damage to target.
Spinfreeze 3 L Stick and X Button Deal Ice damage to surrounding targets and launch Staggered ones into the air.
Icicle Drift 3 L Stick or and X Button Deal non-elemental damage by sliding into target.
Ice Ramp 3 Circle Jump off conjured ramp and deal Ice damage.
Diamond Dust All Triangle Button Repeatedly deal Ice damage to all targets.
Summoning sequence for Shiva