
Bahamut is Fang’s Eidolon and he is the fourth Eidolon you gain access to. Fang, Vanille and Lightning will battle Bahamut towards the end of Chapter 10 - The Fifth Ark (Part 2).

Bahamut does not have an elemental affinity in the same way that Shiva, Odin or Brynhildr do. He is capable of attacking with physical attacks as well as magical attacks.

Summoning sequence for Bahamut

Normal Mode

Bahamut also doesn’t play a specific role in battle in the same way that other Eidolons do. He starts with a fairly low SP Gauge, which means it’s very important to make use of her Sentinel role to charge it up as much as possible. The higher the Gestalt Gauge is when going into Gestalt Mode, the more damage Bahamut’s final attack will do.

Ability ATB Cost Description
Dragon Claws 1 Deal physical damage to targets in range.
Whirlwind 1 Deal physical damage to surrounding targets and launch them into the air.
Umbral Vise 1 Deal heavy physical damage to target.
Inferno 1 Deal heavy magic damage to target.
Ignis 3 Deal magic damage to targets within a wide radius.
Curaga 1 Restore a large amount of target’s HP.
Arise Auto Revive from KO with full HP and no status ailments.

Gestalt Mode

Hunting Dive has a chance to miss anytime it is used on enemies that are on the ground (i.e. most enemies). Pulsar Burst is also fairly effective for quickly building a Chain Gauge on one enemy or groups of enemies.

Ability ATB Cost Controls Description
Hunting Dive 2 L Stick and X Button Swoop down and strike target, launching it into the air if Staggered.
Aerial Loop 2 L Stick and X Button Strike target with a somersault spin, catapulting upward.
Obliterating Breath 3 L Stick or and X Button Charge forward and blast target repeatedly.
Pulsar Burst 5 Circle Soar upward, blasting targets within a wide radius with intense light.
Megaflare All Triangle Button Deal massive damage to all enemies.
Summoning sequence for Bahamut